Part III. Components Reference

Table of Contents

XVII. Base Components
Abstract class for making buttons with up-over-down states.
a basebutton that sends an event if the mouse is held down.
baseclass for a combobox
an abstract class which all components subclass
baseclass for a datacombobox
An abstract date picker.
An abstract class representing a day for use with basedatepicker
An abstract class representing a week for use with basedatepicker
an base class for the focus indicator
web form
an abstract class for components which are used in a form
An abstract row-based container for data elements.
An abstract column in a grid.
An abstract class which all list components should subclass.
a group of these are managed by a baselist
Provides non-visual aspects of scrollbar's arrow.
Provides non-visual aspects of scrollbar.
Provides non-visual aspects of a scrollbar thumb.
Provides non-visual aspects of a scrollbar track.
A non-visual base class for implementing sliders.
The base tab class.
Base class for the contents of a basetabslider.
A non-visual tabpane for the basetabs component.
A non-visual container for basetabpanes.
A non-visual container for basetab components.
The non-visual container for basetabpanes.
A non-visual container that animates and coordinates the sliding of basetabelements
used for grouping a set of views responding to mousetrack events.
An abstract base class to build tree controls.
an abstract class for components which represent data
base window class
A horizontal box
A way to import images
a button with multiple states, such as a toggle button
Text component that uses the default component font and fontsize.
specifies colors used by components
associates a form with a dataset
A simple space-filling colored view.
A vertical box for grouping subviews
XVIII. Laszlo Components
A simple alert.
base class for floatinglist
The button class provides a simple pushbutton.
The checkbox tag provides a simple toggle button.
combobox displays a dropdown list of selectable items.
combobox displays a data-driven dropdown list of selectable items.
A simple date picker
text input component with lz components look and feel
a floatinglist appears above other components
an abstract class for the focus indicator
web form with standard layout
Presents a grid backed by a datasource.
Declares a column in a grid.
Declares a text column in a grid.
Provides a horizontal scrollbar.
contains listitems and provides selection capabilities.
a listitem is an element of a list
A pull-down menu that can be used within a menubar, a menuitem or any other view.
A menubar that contains menus.
A horizontal separator for pull-down menus.
A modal dialog
a floatinglist with plain appearance that appears above other components
The radio tag provides a simple radio button.
Enables a one-of-many selection of its children.
Provides a standard scrollbar.
A simple input text field with basic borders.
A slider.
A slider.
The lz tab is used by tabs.
A tab element view that is opened and closed in conjunction with a tabslider.
A tabpane houses content to be shown within a tabs component when its correlated tab is selected.
The tabs class takes tabpanes, and provides a tab for each one.
The lz tabsbar class for laying out tab items.
The tabs content container for tabpanes.
A Container that animates and coordinates the sliding of Tabelements.
a textlistitem extends listitem and provides text display
A floating "tooltip" for a view.
A tree control.
Provides a vertical scrollbar.
A window.
A draggable panel that provides common behavior for various window classes.
XIX. Layouts
Arranges a set of views to a constant 'x' or 'y' value with a bounding rect
Arranges a set of views to a constant 'x' or 'y' value.
A layout with fixed and stretchable views.
A layout for arranging siblings vertically or horizontally in reverse order.
Arranges a set of views along an 'x' or 'y' axis with respect to the bounding rect of the views
A quick layout for arranging siblings vertically or horizontally.
Keeps the width of two outer sibling views constant, while stretching the innermost one.
A layout for arranging siblings in multiple lines.
XX. Replicators
java remote procedure call
param tag for remotecall
A class to use rpc methods declaratively
remote procedure call
SessionRPC object
SOAP (Simple Object Access Prototcol)
WebappRPC object
An implementation of XMLHttpRequest (also called "AJAX") for compatibility in SWF runtimes
XML-RPC implementation
XXII. States
A standard dragging behavior.
A standard resize behavior.
Standard resizing behavior with a minimum width and height.