Datepicker is a simple component that makes it easy for users to select dates.
="new Date()
" earliestdate
="new Date( 2007, 1, 1)
" latestdate
="new Date( 2008, 11, 31)
" selecteddate
="new Date()
if( this.selecteddate != null ) {
display.year.setAttribute('text', this.selecteddate.getFullYear() );
"datepicker_strings_en:/months/month[@index='" +
this.selecteddate.getMonth() + "']/@full" );'text', this.selecteddate.getDate() );
" resize
" datapath
" resize
" resize
" spacing
" spacing
Name (CSS property) | Type (tag) | Type (js) | Default | Category |
boolean | boolean | true | read/write |
boolean | boolean | true | read/write |
Set to true to initially show the datepicker as an icon, otherwise set to false. |
dayclass, earliestdate, latestdate, selecteddate, selecteddatepickerday, showingdate, showingmonth, showingyear, weekclass, xinset, yinset
doesenter, enabled, hasdefault, isdefault, style, styleable, text
aaactive, aadescription, aaname, aasilent, aatabindex, align, backgroundrepeat, bgcolor, cachebitmap, capabilities, clickable, clickregion, clip, colortransform, context, contextmenu, cornerradius, cursor, fgcolor, focusable, focustrap, font, fontsize, fontstyle, frame, framesloadratio, hasdirectionallayout, hassetheight, hassetwidth, height, layout, loadratio, mask, opacity, pixellock, playing, proxyurl, resource, resourceheight, resourcewidth, rotation, shadowangle, shadowblurradius, shadowcolor, shadowdistance, showhandcursor, source, stretches, subviews, tintcolor, totalframes, unstretchedheight, unstretchedwidth, usegetbounds, valign, visibility, visible, width, x, xoffset, xscale, y, yoffset, yscale
classroot, cloneManager, data, datapath, defaultplacement, id, ignoreplacement, immediateparent, inited, initstage, name, nodeLevel, options, parent, placement, styleclass, subnodes, transition
focusOnDay, focusOnFirstDayInMonth, focusOnLastDayInMonth, getNumberOfDaysInMonth, handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp, init, isDayDisabled, isLastWeekInMonth, removeFocusFromDay, selectFocusDay, setMonthToShow, setSelecteddatepickerday, setStartingDay, showNextMonth, showPreviousMonth
acceptValue, doEnterDown, doEnterUp, doSpaceDown, doSpaceUp, presentValue, setStyle, setTint, updateDefault
bringToFront, containsPt, getAttributeRelative, getBounds, getColor, getColorTransform, getCurrentTime, getDepthList, getDisplayObject, getID3, getMouse, getNextSelection, getPan, getPrevSelection, getProxyURL, getTotalTime, getVolume, init, isBehind, isInFrontOf, isMouseOver, measureHeight, measureWidth, play, proxyurl, searchSubviews, seek, sendAAEvent, sendBehind, sendInFrontOf, sendToBack, setAccessible, setAttributeRelative, setColor, setColorTransform, setPan, setProxyPolicy, setSource, setVolume, shouldYieldFocus, stop, unload, updateResourceSize
animate, applyConstraintMethod, applyData, childOf, completeInstantiation, construct, createChildren, dataBindAttribute, destroy, determinePlacement, getOption, getUID, init, lookupSourceLocator, releaseConstraint, releaseConstraintMethod, searchImmediateSubnodes, searchSubnodes, setOption, setSelected, updateData
onaddsubview, onbackgroundrepeat, onblur, onclick, onclickable, onclip, oncontext, oncornerradius, ondblclick, onerror, onfocus, onframe, onframesloadratio, ongesture, onheight, onkeydown, onkeyup, onlastframe, onload, onloadratio, onmousedown, onmousedragin, onmousedragout, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmousetrackout, onmousetrackover, onmousetrackup, onmouseup, onmouseupoutside, onopacity, onplay, onplaying, onremovesubview, onshadowangle, onshadowblurradius, onshadowcolor, onshadowdistance, onstop, ontimeout, ontouch, onvisible, onwidth, onx, ony
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