The button
tag provides a simple button. The
button is rectangular and typically displays a text label describing
its action. The button adjusts to fit the label.
Example 51. Simple button
="animate('x', 100, 1000, true)
Move me
If you need to format the text using additional tags such as
, add the text inside the button tags instead of
using the text
Example 52. XHTML button
="animate('x', 100, 1000, true)
A <button>
may contain both XHTML markup, and
object tags such as <attribute>
Example 53. XHTML button
" args
this.setAttribute("x", this.x+moveAmount);
Name (CSS property) | Type (tag) | Type (js) | Default | Category |
expression | any | true | read/write |
if true, the enter key will activate this button (call its onclick handler) if it is enclosed in a form. It will also have a visually distinct look to indicate to the user | ||||
number | Number | 11 | read/write |
the amount of space to add horizontally when sizing button to its text. | ||||
number | Number | 4 | read/write |
the amount of space to add vertically when sizing button to its text. | ||||
number | Number | this.width/2 - this._title.width/2 | read/write |
the x position of the button text. default: centered | ||||
number | Number | this.height/2 - this._title.height/2 | read/write |
the y position of the button text. default: centered |
disabledResourceNumber, downResourceNumber, focusable, maxframes, normalResourceNumber, overResourceNumber, reference, resourceviewcount, respondtomouseout
doesenter, enabled, hasdefault, isdefault, style, styleable, text
aaactive, aadescription, aaname, aasilent, aatabindex, align, backgroundrepeat, bgcolor, cachebitmap, capabilities, clickable, clickregion, clip, colortransform, context, contextmenu, cornerradius, cursor, fgcolor, focusable, focustrap, font, fontsize, fontstyle, frame, framesloadratio, hasdirectionallayout, hassetheight, hassetwidth, height, layout, loadratio, mask, opacity, pixellock, playing, proxyurl, resource, resourceheight, resourcewidth, rotation, shadowangle, shadowblurradius, shadowcolor, shadowdistance, showhandcursor, source, stretches, subviews, tintcolor, totalframes, unstretchedheight, unstretchedwidth, usegetbounds, valign, visibility, visible, width, x, xoffset, xscale, y, yoffset, yscale
classroot, cloneManager, data, datapath, defaultplacement, id, ignoreplacement, immediateparent, inited, initstage, name, nodeLevel, options, parent, placement, styleclass, subnodes, transition
doEnterDown, doEnterUp, doSpaceDown, doSpaceUp, setResourceViewCount, showDown, showOver, showUp
acceptValue, doEnterDown, doEnterUp, doSpaceDown, doSpaceUp, presentValue, setStyle, setTint, updateDefault
bringToFront, containsPt, getAttributeRelative, getBounds, getColor, getColorTransform, getCurrentTime, getDepthList, getDisplayObject, getID3, getMouse, getNextSelection, getPan, getPrevSelection, getProxyURL, getTotalTime, getVolume, init, isBehind, isInFrontOf, isMouseOver, measureHeight, measureWidth, play, proxyurl, searchSubviews, seek, sendAAEvent, sendBehind, sendInFrontOf, sendToBack, setAccessible, setAttributeRelative, setColor, setColorTransform, setPan, setProxyPolicy, setSource, setVolume, shouldYieldFocus, stop, unload, updateResourceSize
animate, applyConstraintMethod, applyData, childOf, completeInstantiation, construct, createChildren, dataBindAttribute, destroy, determinePlacement, getOption, getUID, init, lookupSourceLocator, releaseConstraint, releaseConstraintMethod, searchImmediateSubnodes, searchSubnodes, setOption, setSelected, updateData
onaddsubview, onbackgroundrepeat, onblur, onclick, onclickable, onclip, oncontext, oncornerradius, ondblclick, onerror, onfocus, onframe, onframesloadratio, ongesture, onheight, onkeydown, onkeyup, onlastframe, onload, onloadratio, onmousedown, onmousedragin, onmousedragout, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmousetrackout, onmousetrackover, onmousetrackup, onmouseup, onmouseupoutside, onopacity, onplay, onplaying, onremovesubview, onshadowangle, onshadowblurradius, onshadowcolor, onshadowdistance, onstop, ontimeout, ontouch, onvisible, onwidth, onx, ony
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