Chapter 10. Introduction to Scripting

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. The <script> Tag
2.1. JavaScript Gotchas
3. XML Characters in Script
3.1. Using < and & in Script
3.2. XML and Javascript Comments
4. Functions
5. Methods
5.1. Using Script to Manipulate Attributes
6. Addressing
7. Methods and Arguments

1. Introduction

LZX applications can include procedural code, (see Chapter 2, Language Preliminaries) as well as declarative XML tags.

Within an LZX program, script can appear

  • between <script> tags

  • between <method> tags

  • between <handler> tags

  • between quotation marks as an assigned value for an attribute

2. The <script> Tag

The quickest way to get a script running is to put it in <script> tags. Code in script tags is executed immediately. <script> tags are only embeddable in the <canvas>.

<canvas width="100%" height="50">
  <text id="sometext"/>
    sometext.setAttribute("text", "hello world");

We can now use our knowledge of JavaScript to build on this foundation:

<canvas width="100%" height="100">
  <simplelayout axis="y" spacing="5"/>
  <text id="sometext"/>
  <text id="moretext"/>
    var somestring = "Hello, World!";
    var first = 4;
    var second = 3;
    var result = first + second;

2.1. JavaScript Gotchas

If you've never worked with JavaScript before, you may be surprised by some subtle features of the language. For example, consider this slight expansion of the preceding program:

<canvas width="100%" height="100">
  <simplelayout axis="y" spacing="5"/>
  <text id="sometext"/>
  <text id="badtext"/>
  <text id="goodtext"/>
  <text id="bettertext"/>
    var first = 4;
    var second = 3;
    var result = first + second;
    sometext.setAttribute("text", result);
    badtext.setAttribute("text", first + " plus " + second + " is " + first + second);
    goodtext.setAttribute("text", first + " plus " + second + " is " + (first + second));
    bettertext.format("%s plus %s is %s", first, second, first + second);

Everything there is fine, except the "badtext.setAttribute( … );" line. Four plus three should be 7, as in the line immediately above it, right? What happened is that we concatenated numbers to strings ((..." is " + first + second)). The next line shows one way to fix this problem. The line after that shows a better way.

3. XML Characters in Script

LZX programs are well-formed XML files. That means that all portions of the program, including embedded JavaScript, must conform to XML rules. Therefore where JavaScript uses characters that are meaningful to XML, such as the left angle bracket <, you must make sure that those characters don't confuse the XML parser.

3.1. Using < and & in Script

XML has two reserved characters < and & which introduce, respectively, tags and entities. When you need to use either of these characters as data, rather than their reserved program usage, you must escape them by writing them as the entities &lt; and &amp;. (Some syntax-directed editors will work better if you also escape > by writing &gt;, but that is not required by XML.)

The bodies of, for example <method>, <setter>, <handler> and the values of tag properties (for example, <attribute>'s name, type, value properties, etc.), are interpreted as Javascript by the compiler, but they must still be valid XML text. The most common error is to say something like:

 <method name="...">
            if (a < b && ok) { ... }

This is invalid XML, but it is easy to do because < and & are so common in Javascript expressions. If there are only a few occurrences in your method body, you can escape them individually:

<method name="...">
            if (a &lt; b &amp;&amp; ok) { ... }

but that sure makes your Javascript hard to read. Fortunately, has another method for specifying long stretches of text data that should not be parsed as XML: the CDATA directive. The alternative way to write your method is:

<method name="..."><![CDATA[
            if (a < b && ok) { ... }

This clearly demarcates your Javascript and you don't have to escape individual characters. As a rule of thumb, though, most programmers avoid using CDATA unless it is necessary.

OpenLaszlo documentation is not intended to provide a complete reference for JavaScript. Later chapters do explain some advanced topics in scripting, but we recommend that you have a JavaScript reference handy while writing LZX.

3.2. XML and Javascript Comments

Because XML and Javascript have two different comment syntaxes, you must take care to use the correct syntax in each situation:

 <!-- You can use XML syntax comment here -->
         /* You usually can use Javascript comment syntax here, but it is HIGHLY discouraged */
         <method name="...">
            <!-- You can use XML syntax comment here -->
            /* You can also use Javascript comment syntax here */
     // You MUST use Javascript comment syntax here, an XML comment would look
     // like a funky Javascript expression "lessthan, not, predecrement"
     if (a < b && ok) { ... }

There is one exception to the above, and the reason for highly discouraging using Javascript comment syntax outside of method bodies: If you declare a class to have an attribute named `text` of type `text`, this tells the compiler you want the body of instances of your class to be the initial value of the `text` attribute. For example, the button class does this so you can say:

<button>Click Me!</button>

And "Click Me!" becomes the text of the button. The compiler treats this as if you had said:

<button text="Click Me!"/>

The compiler will warn you if you say:

<button text="One thing">Another</button>

because it doesn't know which you mean to be the value of the text attribute.

The gotcha is when you define the <button> class. If you say:

<class name="button">
               <attribute name="text" type="text" value="Unnamed Button"/>
               // Javascript comment
               <method name="...">

The compiler sees the '// Javascript comment' as the body of the <class> and will issue a warning. It can't tell if you want the button text to be 'Unnamed Button' or '// Javascript comment'. It is for this reason that you are discouraged from using Javascript comments outside of <method>, <setter> and <handler> bodies.

4. Functions

You can write functions in <script> tags.

<canvas height="100" width="100%">
  <text id="sometext"/>
    function writeAWord(someword) {
      sometext.setAttribute("text", someword);

Functions are global to the LZX document, and they follow the same scope rules as JavaScript.

5. Methods

Methods are in some ways similar to functions. They contain blocks of code between <method> tags, and are associated with particular classes.

Let's explore methods with a simple example of a window. The <window> element is actually a view, as we saw before. There are a few methods that apply to it. The window class extends the lz.view class. This means that windows inherit all the attributes and methods of views.

<canvas height="200" width="100%">
  <window x="20" y="20" width="150" title="Simple Window" resizable="true">
    <button text="My button" onclick="this.parent.setAttribute('title', 'You clicked it');"/>

Let's break this statement apart:

    onclick="this.parent.setAttribute('title', 'You clicked it');"

First, there's the


Like all of the on[event] attributes, this one takes JavaScript that will be run in the context of the object when the event is received.

The next part:


is a reference to an object. In JavaScript, the scope is generally global unless you say otherwise. That means that any class or instance methods or variables must be preceded by the keyword this. As for the 'parent' part: Let's start by saying that the lzx viewsystem always assigns each view a variable 'parent' which points to that view's hierarchical parent. View hierarchies are discussed in detail in Chapter 26, Views

Now we're going to call a method. With very few exceptions, tags in an lzx file correspond to run-time objects of the view system. Using xml, we can configure those objects with attributes and child nodes. Using script, we can call their APIs. From the documentation, we know that the <window> has a setAttribute() method that will change the window title to whatever string you give it.

The last thing to note is the use of single quotes inside the function call.

5.1. Using Script to Manipulate Attributes

Remember that window extends the lz.view class. That means that each window has all the attributes of a <view>. Here's an example of how to use script to manipulate some of those assets.

<canvas width="100%" height="200">
  <window x="100" y="30" title="Window 2" name="windowTwo">
    <text>This is the second window.</text>
  <window x="20" y="20" width="150" title="Simple Window">
    <button text="My button" onclick="this.parent.parent.windowTwo.setAttribute('x', 200)"/>

We're just building on the previous example here. Instead of addressing the parent view of the button, we are going two up, then one down. this.parent.parent refers to the canvas, and we point to Window 2 by using its name (windowTwo).

We are also using the setAttribute() method, which takes two arguments: the attribute to set, and what to set it to.

Next, let's find a way to move Window 2 over so that we can see what's behind it, without dragging it. Clicking the button twice doesn't help, because all that does is reset the x attribute to a constant amount (150px).

Instead, we need to figure out where the second window is, and then add an increment to it each time the button is clicked. To do that, use the . operator to get the x attribute: this.parent.parent.windowTwo.x.

So we could say:

<canvas width="100%" height="200">
  <window x="100" y="30" title="Window 2" name="windowTwo">
    <text>This is the second window.</text>
  <window x="20" y="20" width="150" title="Simple Window">
    <button text="My button" onclick="this.parent.parent.windowTwo.setAttribute('x', this.parent.parent.windowTwo.x + 20)"/>

That works, but the code is getting pretty messy. It would be more elegant to encase all the code in a block and call it whenever the button is clicked…. To do what, we could write a function:

<canvas width="100%" height="200">
    // Moves the second window twenty pixels to the right
    function moveWindow() {
      var increment = 20;
      var originalX = canvas.windowTwo.x;
      var newX = originalX + increment;
      canvas.windowTwo.setAttribute('x', newX);
  <window x="100" y="30" title="Window 2" name="windowTwo">
    <text>This is the second window.</text>
  <window x="20" y="20" width="150" title="Simple Window">
    <button text="My button" onclick="moveWindow();"/>

Notice how we use the "canvas." syntax for pointing to the second window. We have to address the view absolutely. The code is a lot easier to understand, because we can break it up over several lines, comment it and assign appropriately-named variables.

However, the function is pretty detached from the button. A more elegant way of achieving the same result would be to write a method of the button.

<canvas width="100%" height="200">
  <window x="100" y="30" title="Window 2" name="windowTwo">
    <text>This is the second window.</text>
  <window x="20" y="20" width="200" title="Simple Window">
    <button text="My button" onclick="this.moveWindow()">
      <!-- Moves the second window twenty pixels 
           to the right -->
      <method name="moveWindow">
        var increment = 20;
        var originalX = this.parent.parent.windowTwo.x;
        var newX = originalX + increment;
        this.parent.parent.windowTwo.setAttribute('x', newX);

Since methods are not not global, we have to call them relatively. In the case of the button, we use this.moveWindow(). In theory we could have a second button that, when clicked, would call a method of the first button. The only difference would be the addressing. Before we go any further with methods, let's take a proper look at addressing:

6. Addressing

In LZX, objects can have names or ids or both by which they can be addressed. A name needs to be referred to locally, so there can be more than one view with the same name in a file (they just can't be siblings). An id is global, so there can't be two views with the same id in a LZX file.

Going back to the idea of having one button call the second button's method:

<canvas width="100%" height="200">
  <window x="100" y="60" title="Window 2" name="windowTwo">
    <text>This is the second window.</text>
  <window x="20" y="20" width="210" title="Simple Window">
    <simplelayout axis="x" spacing="4"/>
    <button text="My button" name="button1" onclick="this.moveWindow()">
      <!-- Moves the second window twenty pixels 
           to the right -->
      <method name="moveWindow">
        var increment = 20;
        var originalX = this.parent.parent.windowTwo.x;
        var newX = originalX + increment;
        this.parent.parent.windowTwo.setAttribute('x', newX);
    <button text="Bigger Button" onclick="this.parent.button1.moveWindow()"/>

Both buttons now cause the window to move. However, it's confusing that one button points to a method in another button. Since windowTwo is doing the moving, why not make the method part of the window, and have both buttons point to that? Instead of addressing it with the whole this.parent… dot syntax, we can give it an id, and access it globally:

<canvas width="100%" height="200">
  <window x="100" y="60" title="Window 2" name="windowTwo" id="windowTwoId">
    <!-- Moves the second window twenty pixels 
         to the right -->
    <method name="moveWindow">
      var increment = 20;
      var originalX = this.x;
      var newX = originalX + increment;
      this.setAttribute('x', newX);
    <text>This is the second window.</text>
  <window x="20" y="20" width="210" title="Simple Window">
    <simplelayout axis="x" spacing="4"/>
    <button text="My button" name="button1" onclick="windowTwoId.moveWindow()"/>
    <button text="Bigger Button" onclick="this.parent.parent.windowTwo.moveWindow()"/>

Just to illustrate ids and names, one button is addressing the window relatively using its name, and the other globally, using its id. Note that the id and name could have been the same; they were intentionally different in this example.

7. Methods and Arguments

In the previous example we have two buttons that do the same thing. Why not make them do different things? Move the box left and right, perhaps? We might write another method to move the box to the left, but it would be more elegant to use the same method for both directions. Just as with functions, we can pass arguments to methods.

Here's one possible solution:

<canvas width="100%" height="200">
  <window x="100" y="60" title="Window 2" name="windowTwo" id="windowTwoId">
    <!-- Moves the second window twenty pixels 
         in specified direction -->
    <method name="moveWindow" args="direction">
      // decide which direction to go
      if (direction == "left") {
       var increment = -20;
      } else if (direction == "right") {
        var increment = 20;
      var originalX = this.x;
      var newX = originalX + increment;
      this.setAttribute('x', newX);
    <text>This is the second window.</text>
  <window x="20" y="20" width="210" title="Simple Window">
    <simplelayout axis="x" spacing="4"/>
    <button text="Move Left" name="button1" onclick="windowTwoId.moveWindow('left')"/>
    <button text="Move Right" onclick="windowTwoId.moveWindow('right')"/>

We can pass more than one argument to a method, just as with a function:

<canvas width="100%" height="200">
  <window x="100" y="60" title="Window 2" name="windowTwo" id="windowTwoId">
    <!-- Moves the second window twenty pixels 
         in specified direction -->
    <method name="moveWindow" args="direction, distance">
      // decide which direction to go
      if (direction == "left") {
        var increment = -1 * distance;
      } else if (direction == "right") {
        var increment = distance;
      var originalX = this.x;
      var newX = originalX + increment;
      this.setAttribute('x', newX);
    <text>This is the second window.</text>
  <window x="20" y="20" width="300" title="Simple Window">
      <simplelayout axis="x" spacing="4"/>
      <button text="Left 2" name="button1" onclick="windowTwoId.moveWindow('left', 2)"/>
      <button text="Left 20" name="button2" onclick="windowTwoId.moveWindow('left', 20)"/>
      <button text="Right 20" onclick="windowTwoId.moveWindow('right', 20)"/>
      <button text="Right 2" onclick="windowTwoId.moveWindow('right', 2)"/>