Laszlo Components

Table of Contents

A simple alert.
base class for floatinglist
The button class provides a simple pushbutton.
The checkbox tag provides a simple toggle button.
combobox displays a dropdown list of selectable items.
combobox displays a data-driven dropdown list of selectable items.
A simple date picker
text input component with lz components look and feel
a floatinglist appears above other components
an abstract class for the focus indicator
web form with standard layout
Presents a grid backed by a datasource.
Declares a column in a grid.
Declares a text column in a grid.
Provides a horizontal scrollbar.
contains listitems and provides selection capabilities.
a listitem is an element of a list
A pull-down menu that can be used within a menubar, a menuitem or any other view.
A menubar that contains menus.
A horizontal separator for pull-down menus.
A modal dialog
a floatinglist with plain appearance that appears above other components
The radio tag provides a simple radio button.
Enables a one-of-many selection of its children.
Provides a standard scrollbar.
A simple input text field with basic borders.
A slider.
A slider.
The lz tab is used by tabs.
A tab element view that is opened and closed in conjunction with a tabslider.
A tabpane houses content to be shown within a tabs component when its correlated tab is selected.
The tabs class takes tabpanes, and provides a tab for each one.
The lz tabsbar class for laying out tab items.
The tabs content container for tabpanes.
A Container that animates and coordinates the sliding of Tabelements.
a textlistitem extends listitem and provides text display
A floating "tooltip" for a view.
A tree control.
Provides a vertical scrollbar.
A window.
A draggable panel that provides common behavior for various window classes.