A tabsbar
is a container that uses
a default x-axis <simplelayout> with a
spacing of -15 to lay out its tab children (which have
extra spacing on each side) so they overlap.
This it the default tab bar created by tabpane. This class is dependent on tabs (or any subclass of basetabs) and shouldn't be used by itself. The default layout for its subviews is "class: simplelayout; axis: x; spacing: -15". You can pass the name of this class in the 'barclass' attribute of tabpane, basetabpane, basetabs, and tabs. Tabs uses this class as its default 'barclass'.
" spacing
="class: simplelayout; axis: y; spacing: 5
" bgcolor
>basetabs barclass=basetabsbar
" tabclass
" barclass
="class: simplelayout; axis: y; spacing: 5
" bgcolor
>basetabs barclass=tabsbar
" tabclass
" barclass
Name (CSS property) | Type (tag) | Type (js) | Default | Category |
number | Number | 0 | read/write |
Spacing between tab items. |
dataoption, defaultselection, itemclassname, multiselect, toggleselected
changed, ignoreform, rollbackvalue, submit, submitname, value
doesenter, enabled, hasdefault, isdefault, style, styleable, text
aaactive, aadescription, aaname, aasilent, aatabindex, align, backgroundrepeat, bgcolor, cachebitmap, capabilities, clickable, clickregion, clip, colortransform, context, contextmenu, cornerradius, cursor, fgcolor, focusable, focustrap, font, fontsize, fontstyle, frame, framesloadratio, hasdirectionallayout, hassetheight, hassetwidth, height, layout, loadratio, mask, opacity, pixellock, playing, proxyurl, resource, resourceheight, resourcewidth, rotation, shadowangle, shadowblurradius, shadowcolor, shadowdistance, showhandcursor, source, stretches, subviews, tintcolor, totalframes, unstretchedheight, unstretchedwidth, usegetbounds, valign, visibility, visible, width, x, xoffset, xscale, y, yoffset, yscale
classroot, cloneManager, data, datapath, defaultplacement, id, ignoreplacement, immediateparent, inited, initstage, name, nodeLevel, options, parent, placement, styleclass, subnodes, transition
addItem, clearSelection, getItem, getItemAt, getNumItems, getSelection, getText, getValue, moveSelection, removeAllItems, removeItem, removeItemAt, select, selectItem, selectItemAt, selectNext, selectPrev, setHilite
commit, destroy, findForm, init, rollback, setChanged, setValue, toXML
acceptValue, doEnterDown, doEnterUp, doSpaceDown, doSpaceUp, presentValue, setStyle, setTint, updateDefault
bringToFront, containsPt, getAttributeRelative, getBounds, getColor, getColorTransform, getCurrentTime, getDepthList, getDisplayObject, getID3, getMouse, getNextSelection, getPan, getPrevSelection, getProxyURL, getTotalTime, getVolume, init, isBehind, isInFrontOf, isMouseOver, measureHeight, measureWidth, play, proxyurl, searchSubviews, seek, sendAAEvent, sendBehind, sendInFrontOf, sendToBack, setAccessible, setAttributeRelative, setColor, setColorTransform, setPan, setProxyPolicy, setSource, setVolume, shouldYieldFocus, stop, unload, updateResourceSize
animate, applyConstraintMethod, applyData, childOf, completeInstantiation, construct, createChildren, dataBindAttribute, destroy, determinePlacement, getOption, getUID, init, lookupSourceLocator, releaseConstraint, releaseConstraintMethod, searchImmediateSubnodes, searchSubnodes, setOption, setSelected, updateData
onaddsubview, onbackgroundrepeat, onblur, onclick, onclickable, onclip, oncontext, oncornerradius, ondblclick, onerror, onfocus, onframe, onframesloadratio, ongesture, onheight, onkeydown, onkeyup, onlastframe, onload, onloadratio, onmousedown, onmousedragin, onmousedragout, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmousetrackout, onmousetrackover, onmousetrackup, onmouseup, onmouseupoutside, onopacity, onplay, onplaying, onremovesubview, onshadowangle, onshadowblurradius, onshadowcolor, onshadowdistance, onstop, ontimeout, ontouch, onvisible, onwidth, onx, ony
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