APPLICATION_XML_JSP - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.ApplicationI18NController
The JSP containing the localized strings for LZProject.
ApplicationI18NController - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest
ApplicationI18NController() - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.ApplicationI18NController
authorize(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Compare the MD5 hash passed to this method with the user's password hash.


BASE_NAME - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
The base name for the resource bundle
BaseRestController - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest
BaseRestController is the base class for all REST controllers.
BaseRestController() - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.BaseRestController
bundle - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
The resource bundle for testing which resource bundle is available
bundle - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.PersistenceBaseClass
The resource bundle used for localized messages.


Common - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject
Common is a singleton for global constants
Common() - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.Common
conn - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.PersistenceBaseClass
JDBC connection for SQL queries.
create(RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Create a new project in the database.
create(RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Create a new task in the database.
create(RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Create a new user in the database.
created - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Creation date.


daysRunning - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
The number of days that this project has been running
dbConnect() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.PersistenceBaseClass
Connect to Derby database.
dbDisconnect() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.PersistenceBaseClass
Disconnect from the Derby DB.
dbName - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.PersistenceBaseClass
The name of the Derby database.
deadline - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Deadline for this task.
defaultLocale - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
The default locale we are using
DELETE_BY_ID_SQL - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
SQL query for deleting a task.
deleteById(RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Delete a project based on it's ID in the database.
deleteById(RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Delete a task based on the id in the database.
deleteByLogin(RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Delete a user by login name.
DERBYROOT - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.Common
description - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
A description of the project
description - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
The descriptive text.
destroy() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
Destroy servlet filter.
destroy() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.security.SecurityFilter
Stopping filter operation.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
Filter all request to one of the web services.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.security.SecurityFilter
Security filter for the LZProject web services.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.ApplicationI18NController
Pass the request to the localization file to the ApplicationXML.jsp
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.ProjectRestController
Handle a HTTP GET request to the project REST service.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.TaskRestController
Handle a HTTP GET request to the task REST service.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.UserRestController
Handle a HTTP GET request to the task REST service.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.ProjectRestController
Handle a HTTP POST request to the project REST service.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.TaskRestController
Handle a HTTP POST request to the task REST service.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.UserRestController
Handle a HTTP POST request to the user REST service.


email - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
The email.


findBundle() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
Locates and prepares a ResourceBundle for use within LZProject.
finished - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Marker to show if this task is finished.


getBundle() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.PersistenceBaseClass
Getter for the resource bundle
getCreated() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Getter for creation date.
getDaysRunning() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Calculates the number of days that this project has been running.
getDeadline() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Getter for deadline.
getDescription() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Getter for project description.
getDescription() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Getter for task description.
getEmail() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Getter for email.
getFinished() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Getter for finished marker.
getId() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Getter for id field.
getId() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Getter for task id.
getId() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Getter for user id.
getLastLogin() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Getter for last login.
getList() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Projects
Getter for vector containing projects.
getList() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Tasks
Getter for task list.
getList() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Users
Getter for user list.
getLogin() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Getter for login.
getMessage() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.RestServiceResult
Getter for message.
getName() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Getter for name fied.
getPassword() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Getter for password (MD5 hashed)
getProjectId() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Getter for project id.
getProjectName() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Getter for project name.
getRealName() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Getter for real name.
getRestMethod(String, String, String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.BaseRestController
Extracts the name of the REST method from the URI of this request.
getRestMethod(String, String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.security.SecurityFilter
Extracts the REST command from the URL.
getSqlState() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.RestServiceResult
Getter for SQL state.
getStarted() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Getter for start date of this project.
getTitle() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Getter for task title.


handleSQLError(SQLException, RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.PersistenceBaseClass
Adds the localized error message and the SQL state to the RestServiceResult object.
httpRequest - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
The HTTP request, used to retrieve a session


I18NFilter - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n
Servlet filter for localization: iterates through all available locales in the HTTP request and tries to find the best matching one.
I18NFilter() - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
id - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
The project id, the primary key in the DB table
id - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
The task's id, primary key in the Derby DB table.
id - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
The user id, the primary key value in the DB table.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.security.SecurityFilter
Initialize the filter.
INSERT_TASK_SQL - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
SQL query for inserting a new task.
isError - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.RestServiceResult
Error marker, set to true if the request resulted in an error.
isError() - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.RestServiceResult
Getter for isError


lastLogin - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Last login date and time.
list - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Projects
List of projects.
list - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Tasks
The task list.
list - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Users
The user list.
load(RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Projects
Load the complete lists of projects from the database.
load(RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Tasks
Load the list of tasks.
load(RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Users
Load the users in the database.
loadResourceBundle(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.BaseRestController
Load a resource bundle based on the locale object in the HTTP session.
locale - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
Locale to be stored in the session
log - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
Log4j logger
log - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Log4j log
log - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Projects
Log4J logger
log - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Tasks
Log4J logger.
log - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Log4J logger.
log - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Users
Log4J logger.
log - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.ApplicationI18NController
Log4J logger.
log - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.BaseRestController
Log4J logger.
log - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.ProjectRestController
Log4J logger.
log - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.TaskRestController
Log4J logger
log - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.UserRestController
Log4J logger.
log - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.security.SecurityFilter
Log4J logger
logger - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.PersistenceBaseClass
Log4J logger
logger - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Log4J logger.
login - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
The login or user name.
login(HttpSession, RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Handle a user login request.
logout(HttpSession, RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Handle a logout request.
LZPROJECTROOT - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.Common
Location of lzproject html/jsp files relative to LPS_HOME


MARK_AS_FINISHED_SQL - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
SQL query for marking a tasked as finished.
markAsFinished(RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Mark a task as finished.
md5(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Generate an MD5 hash for the string passed to the method.
message - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.RestServiceResult
Default reponse message, should be overwritten.


name - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
The name for this project


org.openlaszlo.lzproject - package org.openlaszlo.lzproject
org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n - package org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n
org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model - package org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model
org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest - package org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest
org.openlaszlo.lzproject.security - package org.openlaszlo.lzproject.security


password - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
MD5 hash of the user's password.
PersistenceBaseClass - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model
Base class for managing the connection to the Apache Derby database.
PersistenceBaseClass() - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.PersistenceBaseClass
Default constructor for PersistenceBaseClass.
PersistenceBaseClass(String) - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.PersistenceBaseClass
Constructor for PersistenceBaseClass.
Project - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model
The class representing a project in our model.
Project(String) - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Constructor for the Project class.
PROJECT_LIST_ALL - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.ProjectRestController
JSP page for the generation of the project list.
PROJECT_RESPONSE_JSP - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.ProjectRestController
JSP page used for all successful REST service calls.
projectId - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
The id of the project that this tasks belongs to.
projectName - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
The name of the project that this task belongs to.
ProjectRestController - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest
Rest controller for all REST web service calls around projects in LZTRack, using /lzproject/rest/project/* for the servlet mapping.
ProjectRestController() - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.ProjectRestController
Projects - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model
Projects class is used to read out all the projects from Derby.
Projects(String) - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Projects
Constructor for class Projects.


realName - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
User's real name.
realPath - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.PersistenceBaseClass
The real path is used in the process of loading the Derby database.
realPath - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.BaseRestController
The real path, used to access the resource bundle for localization.
RESOURCE_BASE_NAME - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.BaseRestController
The base name for the resource bundle.
RestServiceResult - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest
The classs RestServiceResult represents the result of a REST service call.
RestServiceResult() - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.RestServiceResult


SecurityFilter - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.security
SecurityFilter() - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.security.SecurityFilter
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
serialVersionUID used for serialization.
session - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
The HTTP session.
setBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.PersistenceBaseClass
Setter for the resource bundle
setCreated(Date) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Setter for creation date.
setDeadline(Date) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Setter for the deadline.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Setter for the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Setter for task description.
setEmail(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Setter for email.
setError(boolean) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.RestServiceResult
Setter for isError.
setFinished(int) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Setter for finshed marker.
setId(int) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Setter for id field.
setId(int) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Setter for task id.
setId(int) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Setter for user id.
setLastLogin(Date) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Setter for last login.
setList(Vector) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Projects
Setter for project list.
setList(Vector) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Tasks
Setter for task list.
setList(Vector) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Users
Setter for user list.
setLogin(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Setter for login.
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.RestServiceResult
Setter for reponse message.
setName(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Setter for name field.
setNewLocale(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.i18n.I18NFilter
Set a new locale based on a String containing the language code for the new locale.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Setter for password.
setProjectId(int) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Setter for project id.
setProjectName(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Setter for project name.
setRealName(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Setter for real name.
setSqlState(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.RestServiceResult
Setter for SQL ste
setStarted(Date) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
Setter for the start date.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Setter for task title.
sqlState - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.RestServiceResult
The JDBC SQL state, used in case of SQL errors.
started - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Project
The start date for this project.


Task - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model
Class Task is the representation of a task in the model.
Task(String) - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
Constructor for the class Task.
TASK_LIST_ALL - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.TaskRestController
JSP page used for the task list.
TASK_RESPONSE_JSP - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.TaskRestController
JSP page used for all respones.
TaskRestController - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest
Rest controller for all REST web service calls around tasks in LZTRack, using /lzproject/rest/task/* for the servlet mapping.
TaskRestController() - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.TaskRestController
Tasks - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model
Tasks class is used to read out all the tasks from Derby.
Tasks(String) - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Tasks
Constructor for class Tasks.
title - Variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Task
The title of this task.
toHexString(byte) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Convert a byte into a hexadezimal string representation.


UNAUTHORIZED_JSP - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.security.SecurityFilter
The JSP page used in case of an unauthorized access.
update(RestServiceResult) - Method in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Update a users data.
User - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model
Class User is the representation of a user in the model.
User() - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Defaul constructor for User class.
User(String) - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.User
Constructor for User class.
USER_LIST_ALL - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.UserRestController
JSP page used for listing users.
USER_RESPONSE_JSP - Static variable in class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.UserRestController
JSP page used for all respones.
UserRestController - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest
Rest controller for all REST web service calls around users in LZTRack, using /lzproject/rest/user/* for the servlet mapping.
UserRestController() - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.rest.UserRestController
Users - Class in org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model
Users class is used to read out all the users from Derby.
Users(String) - Constructor for class org.openlaszlo.lzproject.model.Users
Constructor for Users class.