<class name="taglink" width="100" clickable="true">
<view resource="../assets/details/taglink_icon.gif"/>
<text name="txt" x="15" y="-4" text="tag title" width="100" fgcolor="0x5c5c5c" fontsize="10"/>
<handler name="ondata" args="t">
if ( t == null || t == undefined ) t = "";
this.txt.setAttribute('text', t);
<class name="buddyicon" width="24" height="24" stretches="both">
<handler name="ondata" args="d">
if (!d) return;
var dp = this.datapath;
var iconserver = dp.xpathQuery('@iconserver');
var userid = dp.xpathQuery('@id');
this.setSource(this.getBuddyIconUrl(userid, iconserver));
<method name="getBuddyIconUrl" args="userid,iconserver">
var s="" + iconserver + "/buddyicons/" + userid + ".jpg";
return s;
<class name="naturalimgview" bgcolor="0x5b5b5b" opacity="0">
<attribute name="fadein" value="500
<animator name="anm_opacity" attribute="opacity" to="1" duration="$once{parent.fadein}"/>
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<handler name="onload" reference="interior">
this.setAttribute('visible', true );
<method name="setDimensions">
//Debug.write(, "setDimensions");
var i = this.interior;
if (i['resourceheight'] == null) { return; }
var rh = i.resourceheight;
var rw = i.resourcewidth;
if (rw == 0) { return; }
var rar = rh / rw;
var h = this.parent.height;
var w = this.parent.width;
if (w == 0) { return; }
var par = h / w;
if (par < rar) {
this.setAttribute('height', h);
this.setAttribute('width', Math.round(h / rar) );
} else if (par > rar) {
this.setAttribute('height', Math.round(w * rar) );
this.setAttribute('width', w);
} else {
this.setAttribute('height', h);
this.setAttribute('width', w);
<class name="detailsview" visible="false" width="300">
<attribute name="_monthmap" value="$once{[ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']}"/>
<datapointer name="user_dp" xpath="userds:/person"/>
<datapointer name="photo_dp" xpath="infods:/rsp/photo/owner"/>
<attribute name="photosource_t" type="string" value="
<attribute name="photosource_m" type="string" value="
<method name="setImage" args="t, m">
this.setAttribute('photosource_t', t);
this.setAttribute('photosource_m', m);;;
<method name="toDateString" args="d">
// Flickr gives us dates in seconds-since-1970, but Javascript
// wants milliseconds-since-1970, so we multiply by 1000.
var secondsSinceEpoch = 1000 * d;
var mydate = new Date(secondsSinceEpoch);
var day = mydate.getDate();
var month = _monthmap[ mydate.getMonth() ];
var year = mydate.getFullYear();
var str = month + " " + day + ", " + year;
// Debug.write("built date string: ", str);
return str;
<method name="loadDetails" args="photo_id">
var argobj = [
argvalue: photo_id}
gDataMan.doFlickrRequest(canvas.infods, argobj);
<method name="loadUserInfo" args="user_id">
var argobj = [
argvalue: user_id}
gDataMan.doFlickrRequest(canvas.userds, argobj);
<method name="loadSizeInfo" args="photo_id">
// Debug.write("loadSizeInfo");
var argobj = [
argvalue: photo_id}
// gDataMan.doFlickrRequest(canvas.sizeds, argobj);
<text name="title" datapath="infods:/rsp/photo/title/text()" x="-300" y="101" fontsize="14" width="500" fontstyle="bold" fgcolor="0x191c43"/>
<view name="ph">
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<naturalimgview name="intparent" id="gPhV">
<handler name="onstart" reference="anm_opacity">
var m = classroot.photosource_m;
if (m) this.parent.intparent2.interior.setSource(m);
<naturalimgview name="intparent2" fadein="250"/>
<view name="notescontainer">
<method name="reset">
this.setAttribute('visible', true );
<handler name="onheight">
<view name="info" height="345" width="230" x="600" y="131" clip="true">
<view name="userinfo" datapath="infods:/rsp/photo/">
<view bgcolor="0x5b5b5b" width="26" height="26"/>
<buddyicon id="gBud" x="1" y="1" datapath="userds:/rsp/person"/>
<handler name="ondata" args="d">
// change text to reflect the correct formatting of the date and time
if ( !d ) return;
var str = classroot.toDateString( datapath.xpathQuery( "dates/@posted" ) );
inner.formattedDate.setAttribute('text', str);
inner.userlabel.setAttribute('text', datapath.xpathQuery( "owner/@username" ) );
<view name="inner" x="30" y="-3" visible="true">
<text fgcolor="0x5c5c5c">Updated on </text>
<text name="formattedDate" x="70" width="175">
<text y="14" fgcolor="0x5c5c5c">by </text>
<text name="userlabel" x="20" y="14"/>
<view y="40" width="230">
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="1"/>
<text fgcolor="0x5c5c5c" visible="${parent.txt.text != ''}" fontstyle="bold" fontsize="12" height="23">Description</text>
<text name="txt" datapath="infods:/rsp/photo/description/text()" fgcolor="0x5c5c5c" multiline="true" width="${parent.width}"/>
<view height="4"/>
<view datapath="infods:/rsp/photo">
<handler name="onclick">
var s = this.datapath.xpathQuery("urls/url/text()");
lz.Browser.loadURL( s, "_blank", "toolbar=yes");
<text fgcolor="#324FDB">view on flickr</text>
<view height="7"/>
<text fgcolor="0x5c5c5c" fontstyle="bold" fontsize="12" height="23">Tags</text>
<view x="5" width="${parent.width}">
<handler name="ondata" reference="infods">'datapath', 'infods:/rsp/photo/tags/tag[1-19]/text()');
<wrappinglayout spacing="3"/>
<taglink name="tl" clickable="true">
<handler name="onclick">
var t = this.txt.text;
canvas.srch.setAttribute('text', t );
Cross References
Named Instances
- <buddyicon id="gBud">
- <naturalimgview id="gPhV">