<include href="utils/layouts/layout.lzx"/>
<class name="simplelayout" extends="layout">
<attribute name="axis" value="y
" setter="this.setAxis( axis )" type="string"/>
<attribute name="inset" value="0
" setter="this.inset = inset; if( this.subviews && this.subviews.length ) this.update(); if (this['oninset']) this.oninset.sendEvent(this.inset)"/>
<attribute name="spacing" value="0
" setter="this.spacing = spacing; if(this.subviews && this.subviews.length ) this.update(); if (this['onspacing']) this.onspacing.sendEvent(this.spacing)"/>
<method name="setAxis" args="a">
if (this['axis'] == null || this.axis != a) {
this.axis = a;
this.sizeAxis = a == "x" ? "width" : "height"
if( this.subviews.length ) this.update();
if (this['onaxis']) this.onaxis.sendEvent(this.axis);
<method name="addSubview" args="newsub">
this.updateDelegate.register( newsub, "on" + this.sizeAxis);
this.updateDelegate.register( newsub, "onvisible" );
//this is an optimization to avoid calling update in the simple case
//where a single subview was just added
if (!this.locked) {
var rv = null;
var sv = this.subviews;
for (var i = sv.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (sv[i].visible) {
rv = sv[i];
if (rv) {
var p = rv[ this.axis ] + rv[ this.sizeAxis ] + this.spacing;
} else {
var p = this.inset;
newsub.setAttribute(this.axis, p);
super.addSubview( newsub );
<method name="update" args="v=null">
if ( this.locked ) return;
var l = this.subviews.length;
var c = this.inset;
for(var i=0; i < l; i++) {
var s = this.subviews[i];
if ( !s.visible ) continue;
if ( s[ this.axis ] != c ){
s.setAttribute( this.axis , c );
// use computed bounds when necessary
if (s.usegetbounds){
s = s.getBounds();
c += this.spacing + s[ this.sizeAxis ];
<tag name="shortdesc"><text>A quick layout for arranging siblings vertically or horizontally.</text></tag>
<text> <p>
<literal>simplelayout</literal> extends <sgmltag class="element" role="LzLayout"><LzLayout></sgmltag>. <literal>simplelayout</literal> arranges sibling views along the <literal>x</literal> and <literal>y</literal> axis, or both. <literal>simplelayout</literal> places each sibling view based on the width
(or height) of the previous subview, depending on whether the x-axis or the y-axis was specified.</p>
<p>The following example illustrates the use of
<literal>simplelayout</literal>. The first instance of <literal>simplelayout</literal> lays out the sibling views 'across' and 'down' along the y-axis. Then the 'across' and 'down' views apply their own <literal>simplelayout</literal>: three blue views are simply laid out on the x-axis within the 'across' view, and three red views are simply laid out on the y-axis within the 'down' view. </p>
<example title="Using simplelayout">
<canvas height="160">
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="10"/>
<view id="across">
<simplelayout axis="x" spacing="10"/>
<view bgcolor="blue" height="30" width="50"/>
<view bgcolor="blue" height="30" width="50"/>
<view bgcolor="blue" height="30" width="50"/>
<view id="down">
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="10"/>
<view bgcolor="red" height="30" width="50"/>
<view bgcolor="red" height="30" width="50"/>
<view bgcolor="red" height="30" width="50"/>
<p>More than one layout can be applied to a view as long as the attributes are controlled by only one layout. This next example demonstrates this feature.</p>
<example title="Using more than one layout">
<canvas height="120">
<view >
<view bgcolor="blue" height="30" width="50"/>
<view bgcolor="blue" height="30" width="50"/>
<view bgcolor="blue" height="30" width="50"/>
<simplelayout axis="x" spacing="0"/>
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="0"/>
</view >
<p>Finally, like all layouts, when an attribute of a subview changes its value and that new value effects the overall layout, then the layout object will update automatically. This is shown in the next example.</p>
<example title="Using attributes with layouts">
<canvas height="65">
<view bgcolor="blue" height="30" width="50"/>
<view bgcolor="red" height="30" width="50"
onclick="this.animate('width', 100, 500, true)"/>
<view bgcolor="blue" height="30" width="50"/>
<simplelayout axis="x" spacing="10"/>
<view >
<text>Click on the red rectangle. Layout is conserved as its size changes.</text>
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="15"/>
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