
    @copyright Copyright 2001-2011 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
               Use is subject to license terms.

    @access public
    @topic LFC
    @subtopic Views
    <script when="immediate">
      /** @access private */
      class boxmodelSupport {
        static const CAPABILITY_BOX_DIMENSION_OFFSET = {capability: 'css2boxmodel', isdimension: true, affectsoffset: true};
        static const CAPABILITY_BOX = {capability: 'css2boxmodel'};

        static const SIDE_DIMENSION_MAP = {top: 0, right: 1, bottom: 2, left: 3};
        static const DIMENSION_SIDE_MAP = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'];
        static const SPACE = new RegExp('\\s+');
        static const DIMENSION_PATTERN = RegExp("^\\s*(\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)\\s*$");

        static function camelCase( {
          var str:String = parts[0];
          for (var i = 1, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) {
            var part:String = parts[i];
            str += part.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
            str += part.substring(1);
          return str;

        static function parseSideDimensions (value, node:LzNode, attribute:String) {
          var dimensionmap = boxmodelSupport.SIDE_DIMENSION_MAP
          // default dimensions per CSS.
          var dimensions = value.split(boxmodelSupport.SPACE);
          // Compute defaults
          var l = dimensions.length;
          // If right is omitted it is the same as top.
          if (l <= dimensionmap.right) dimensions[dimensionmap.right] = dimensions[];
          // If bottom is omitted it is the same as top.
          if (l <= dimensionmap.bottom) dimensions[dimensionmap.bottom] = dimensions[];
          // If left is omitted it is the same as right.
          if (l <= dimensionmap.left) dimensions[dimensionmap.left] = dimensions[dimensionmap.right];
          for (var i = 0, l = dimensions.length; i < l; i++) {
            // TODO:  accept a CSS dimension
            dimensions[i] = parseFloat(dimensions[i]);
          return dimensions;

        static function unparseSideDimensions(value, node:LzNode, attribute:String) {
          var dimensionmap = boxmodelSupport.SIDE_DIMENSION_MAP;
          var str = '' + value[];
          var needright = (value[dimensionmap.right] != value[]);
          var needbottom = (value[dimensionmap.bottom] != value[]);
          var needleft = (value[dimensionmap.left] != value[dimensionmap.right]);
          if (needright || needbottom || needleft) {
            str += ' ' + value[dimensionmap.right];
          if (needbottom || needleft) {
            str += ' ' + value[dimensionmap.bottom];
          if (needleft) {
            str += ' ' + value[dimensionmap.left];
          return str;

    <type name="boxsidedimensions">
        <accept args="value, node:LzNode, attribute:String">
          return boxmodelSupport.parseSideDimensions(value, node, attribute);

        <present args="value, node:LzNode, attribute:String">
          return boxmodelSupport.unparseSideDimensions(value, node, attribute);

<mixin name="boxmodel">
      <tag name="shortdesc"><text>A mixin that adds CSS2 box model support to view.</text></tag>
        <p>The <tagname>boxmodel</tagname> mixin adds CSS2 box model support to <sgmltag class="element" role="LzView"><view></sgmltag></p>

        <p><tagname>boxmodel</tagname> implements a subset of the CSS2 box model spec
        <a href=""></a>
        <example title="Simple view with boxmodel" query-parameters="lzr=swf10"><programlisting>
<canvas height="200" bgcolor="antiquewhite">
    #thebox {
      padding: 1 3 5 7;
      border-width: 2 4 6 8;
      border-color: cornflowerblue;
      margin: 3 7 11 15;
    text { color: navy; }
    .margin { background-color: aliceblue; }
    .borderwidth { color: white; background-color: cornflowerblue; }
    .padding { background-color: skyblue; }
    .content { background-color: white; }
    colortext { border-width: 1; }
    colortext.margin, colortext.borderwidth { border-bottom-width: 0 }

  <class name="colorview" extends="view">
    <attribute name="bgcolor" style="background-color" value="transparent" />
    <attribute name="fgcolor" style="color" value="black" />
  <class name="colortext" extends="text" with="boxmodel" width="100%" multiline="true">
    <attribute name="bgcolor" style="background-color" value="transparent" />
    <attribute name="fgcolor" style="color" value="black" />

  <colorview styleclass="margin" x="5" y="5" >
    <colorview id="thebox" with="boxmodel" styleclass="padding" width="250">
      <colorview styleclass="content" layout="axis: y; spacing:0" width="100%">
        <text>Click me to demonstrate updating:</text>
        <text name="op" />
        <colortext styleclass="margin">
          <handler name="onmargin" reference="thebox" method="display" />
          <handler name="oninit" method="display" />
          <method name="display" args="ignore">
            this.format("margin: %s", thebox.presentAttribute('margin'));
        <colortext styleclass="borderwidth">
          <handler name="onborderwidth" reference="thebox" method="display" />
          <handler name="oninit" method="display" />
          <method name="display" args="ignore">
            this.format("borderwidth: %s", thebox.presentAttribute('borderwidth'));
        <colortext styleclass="padding">
          <handler name="onpadding" reference="thebox" method="display" />
          <handler name="oninit" method="display" />
          <method name="display" args="ignore">
            this.format("padding: %s", thebox.presentAttribute('padding'));
        <attribute name="attribute" type="string" />
        <attribute name="amount" type="number" />
        <handler name="onclick" method="doit" />
        <handler name="oninit" method="doit" />
        <method name="doit" args="ignore">
          if (this.attribute) {
            thebox.setAttribute(this.attribute, thebox[this.attribute] + amount);
          var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*3);
          var prefix = ['margin', 'border', 'padding'][r];
          var suffix = ['','width',''][r];
          this.attribute = prefix+['top','right','bottom','left'][Math.floor(Math.random()*4)]+suffix;
          this.amount = Math.round(Math.random()*10);
          op.format("%s += %w", attribute, amount);

        <p><classname>boxmodel</classname> is a mixin intended for use with <sgmltag class="element" role="LzView"><view></sgmltag> and its subclasses.

    <!--- @access private -->
    <method name="construct" args="p, a">

      // set these lz.view.setCSS() knows how to process these attributes
      var style = this.__styleinfo;
      style.marginTop = style.marginRight = style.marginBottom = style.marginLeft =
      style.paddingTop = style.paddingRight = style.paddingBottom = style.paddingLeft =
      style.borderTopWidth = style.borderRightWidth = style.borderBottomWidth = style.borderLeftWidth =
      style.borderColor = boxmodelSupport.CAPABILITY_BOX;
      // initialize default values
      // @devnote [2010-12-30 ptw] Because the style bindings and
      // initializations can happen in any order, we set the default
      // values here, then set the fallback values for each styled
      // attribute to `null`, which tells us the attribute was not
      // styled so we should do nothing.  If the attribute _is_
      // styled, the setter will be called and the value will
      // propagate to both the array (abbreviated value) and the
      // individual value
      this.margin = [0,0,0,0];
      this.margintop = 0;
      this.marginright = 0;
      this.marginbottom = 0;
      this.marginleft = 0;
      this.borderwidth = [0,0,0,0];
      this.bordertopwidth = 0;
      this.borderrightwidth = 0;
      this.borderbottomwidth = 0;
      this.borderleftwidth = 0;
      this.padding = [0,0,0,0];
      this.paddingtop = 0;
      this.paddingright = 0;
      this.paddingbottom = 0;
      this.paddingleft = 0;

    <!--- @access private -->
    <method name="_expandBoxSideDimensionProperty" args="property, value:String">
      var parts = property.split('-');
      var prefix = parts[0];
      var suffix = (parts.length == 2 ? parts[1] : '');
      var attr = prefix + suffix;
      var dimensions = lz.Type.acceptTypeValue('boxsidedimensions', value, this, attr);
      var dsm = boxmodelSupport.DIMENSION_SIDE_MAP;
      var result = {};
      for (var index = 0, l = dsm.length; index < l; index++) {
        var side = dsm[index];
        var attr = prefix + side + suffix;
        var prop = prefix + '-' + side;
        if (suffix) { prop += '-' + suffix; }
        result[prop] = lz.Type.presentTypeValue('number', dimensions[index], this, attr);
      return result;

    <!--- @access private -->
    <method name="_setAttributeDimensionArray" args="prefix:String, suffix:String, value:Array">
      if (value == null) { return false; }
      var attr = prefix + suffix;
      var current = this[attr];
      var changed = false;
      var dsm = boxmodelSupport.DIMENSION_SIDE_MAP;
      for (var index = 0, l = dsm.length; index < l; index++) {
        var side = dsm[index];
        if (current[index] != value[index]) {
          changed |= this._setAttributeDimensionInternal(prefix, suffix, side, value[index]);
      if (! changed) { return false; }
      var event = 'on' + attr;
      if (this[event] && this[event].ready) { this[event].sendEvent(value); }
      return true;

    <!--- @access private -->
    <method name="_setAttributeDimensionInternal" args="prefix:String, suffix:String, side:String, value">
      var attr = prefix + side + suffix;
      if (this[attr] == value) { return false; }
      this[attr] = value;
      // Update dimension array
      var attrs = prefix + suffix;
      var dimensions = this[attrs];
      var sdm = boxmodelSupport.SIDE_DIMENSION_MAP;
      dimensions[sdm[side]] = value;
      // Update view dimensions before you make the call to setCSS
      this.__xoffset = this.marginleft + this.borderleftwidth + this.paddingleft;
      this.__widthoffset =  this.__xoffset + this.paddingright + this.borderrightwidth + this.marginright;
      this.__yoffset = this.margintop + this.bordertopwidth + this.paddingtop;
      this.__heightoffset = this.__yoffset + this.paddingbottom + this.borderbottomwidth + this.marginbottom;
      // Update CSS
      this.setCSS(boxmodelSupport.camelCase(prefix, side, suffix), this.presentAttribute(attr));
      var event = 'on' + attr;
      if (this[event] && this[event].ready) { this[event].sendEvent(value); }
      return true;

    <!--- @access private -->
    <method name="_setAttributeDimension" args="prefix:String, suffix:String, side:String, value">
      if (value == null) { return false; }
      var changed = this._setAttributeDimensionInternal(prefix, suffix, side, value);
      if (changed) {
        var attrs = prefix + suffix;
        // Send the array event
        var event = 'on' + attrs;
        if (this[event] && this[event].ready) { this[event].sendEvent(this[attrs]); }
      return changed;

    <!--- The margin of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="margin" type="boxsidedimensions" value="${null}" style="margin" expander="_expandBoxSideDimensionProperty"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onmargin"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="margin" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimensionArray('margin', '', value);
    <!--- The top margin of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="margintop" type="number" value="${null}" style="margin-top"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onmargintop"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="margintop" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimension('margin', '', 'top', value)
    <!--- The right margin of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="marginright" type="number" value="${null}" style="margin-right"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onmarginright"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="marginright" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimension('margin', '', 'right', value);
    <!--- The bottom margin of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="marginbottom" type="number" value="${null}" style="margin-bottom"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onmarginbottom"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="marginbottom" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimension('margin', '', 'bottom', value);
    <!--- The left margin of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="marginleft" type="number" value="${null}" style="margin-left"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onmarginleft"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="marginleft" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimension('margin', '', 'left', value);

    <!--- The border width of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="borderwidth" type="boxsidedimensions" value="${null}" style="border-width" expander="_expandBoxSideDimensionProperty"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onborderwidth"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="borderwidth" args="borderwidth">
      this._setAttributeDimensionArray('border', 'width', borderwidth);
    <!--- The top border width of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="bordertopwidth" type="number" value="${null}" style="border-top-width"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onbordertopwidth"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="bordertopwidth" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimension('border', 'width', 'top', value);
    <!--- The right border width of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="borderrightwidth" type="number" value="${null}" style="border-right-width"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onborderrightwidth"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="borderrightwidth" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimension('border', 'width', 'right', value);
    <!--- The bottom border width of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="borderbottomwidth" type="number" value="${null}" style="border-bottom-width"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onborderbottomwidth"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="borderbottomwidth" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimension('border', 'width', 'bottom', value);
    <!--- The left border width of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="borderleftwidth" type="number" value="${null}" style="border-left-width"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onborderleftwidth"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="borderleftwidth" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimension('border', 'width', 'left', value);

    <!--- The padding of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="padding" type="boxsidedimensions" value="${null}" style="padding" expander="_expandBoxSideDimensionProperty"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onpadding"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="padding" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimensionArray('padding', '', value);
    <!--- The top padding of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="paddingtop" type="number" value="${null}" style="padding-top"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onpaddingtop"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="paddingtop" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimension('padding', '', 'top', value);
    <!--- The right padding of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="paddingright" type="number" value="${null}" style="padding-right"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onpaddingright"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="paddingright" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimension('padding', '', 'right', value);
    <!--- The bottom padding of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="paddingbottom" type="number" value="${null}" style="padding-bottom"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onpaddingbottom"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="paddingbottom" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimension('padding', '', 'bottom', value);
    <!--- The left padding of the view, in pixels
        @lzxdefault 0 -->
    <attribute name="paddingleft" type="number" value="${null}" style="padding-left"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onpaddingleft"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="paddingleft" args="value">
      this._setAttributeDimension('padding', '', 'left', value);

    <!--- The bordercolor of the view -->
    <attribute name="bordercolor" type="color" value="black" style="border-color"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <event name="onbordercolor"/>
    <!--- @access private -->
    <setter name="bordercolor" args="bordercolor">
      if (this.bordercolor != bordercolor) {
        this.bordercolor = bordercolor;
        this.setCSS('borderColor', this.presentAttribute('bordercolor'));
      if (this.onbordercolor.ready) this.onbordercolor.sendEvent(bordercolor);

Cross References

Named Instances