
    <include href="base/baseslider.lzx"/>

    <!-- a slider component allowing for easy selection of a value within a range -->
    <class name="slider" extends="baseslider">


        <state applied="${this.classroot.showrange}">
            <text y="${classroot.track.y + classroot.track.height + 2}" text="${classroot.presentAttribute('minvalue', classroot.type)}" fgcolor="${ ? : this.fgcolor}"/>
            <text y="${this.classroot.track.y + this.classroot.track.height + 2}" resize="true" x="${classroot.track.x+classroot.track.width-width}" text="${classroot.presentAttribute('maxvalue', classroot.type)}" fgcolor="${ ? : this.fgcolor}"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="_applystyle" args="s">
            track.setAttribute('bgcolor', s.bordercolor);
            track.background.setAttribute('bgcolor', s.basecolor);
            track.filled.setAttribute('bgcolor', s.selectedcolor);
            <tag name="shortdesc"><text>
                A slider.
                    The <tagname>slider</tagname> tag creates a slider which allows 
                    for easy selection of a single value between a provided range. 
                    Options exist for setting the range, showing the range values, 
                    showing the selected value while dragged, and showing a fill bar. 
<canvas height="60">
  <slider x="20" y="20" width="300" value="50"/>

    <!--- the inner track on which the sliderthumb rides -->
    <class name="slidertrack" extends="baseslidertrack">
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="showfill" value="${parent.showfill}" type="number"/>

        <view name="background" bgcolor="red" height="${parent.height-(2*parent.classroot.bordersize)}" width="${parent.width-(2*parent.classroot.bordersize)}" x="${ parent.classroot.bordersize }" y="${ (parent.height-height)/2 }"/>
        <!-- the filled area -->
        <view name="filled" bgcolor="0xff9933" opacity=".8" visible="${classroot.showfill}" height="${parent.height-(2*parent.classroot.bordersize)}" width="${Math.max(0,Math.min(classroot.thumb.x+classroot.thumb.width,parent.width)-(2*parent.classroot.bordersize))}" y="${ (parent.height-height)/2 }" x="${ parent.classroot.bordersize }"/>

        <sliderthumb name="thumb"/>

    <!--- the visual thumb the user drags to select a value -->
    <class name="sliderthumb" extends="basesliderthumb">
        <tag name="shortdesc"><text>
            A slider.

          <p>The <tagname>slider</tagname> tag creates a slider which allows for
            easy selection of a single value between a provided range.  Options
            exist for setting the range, showing the range values, showing the
            selected value while dragged, and showing a fill bar.

            <canvas height="60">
            <slider x="20" y="20" width="300" value="50"/>


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* Copyright 2001-2008 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
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Cross References

