
    <include href="base/basegrid.lzx"/>   
    <include href="gridtext.lzx"/>   
    <include href="scrollbar.lzx"/>   
    <!-- simplelayout must be included since the includer doesn't recognzize 
         use of the layout attribute below -->
    <include href="utils/layouts/simplelayout.lzx"/>   

    <!-- A row-based data display and editing component.-->
    <class name="grid" extends="basegrid">

        <!--- If false, the grid will never show a horizontal scrollbar,
              even if the rows are wider than the grid.-->
        <attribute name="showhscroll" value="true"/>
        <!--- If false, the grid will never show a vertical scrollbar,
            even if the rows are wider than the grid.-->
        <attribute name="showvscroll" value="true"/>
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="needshscroll" value="${ header.width < header.hcontent.width }"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_showHeaderFill" value="${!sizetoheader}"/>

        <!--- The layout of attribute of the grid is set up to control
              the way that the header columns are situated. Changing this 
              property changes the header column layout.-->
        <attribute name="layout" value="placement : 'hcontent';axis:'x' ; spacing:-1"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_columnclass" value="lz.gridtext"/>
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <scrollbar placement="content" name="_scrx" visible="${parent.showvscroll}"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <scrollbar name="_scry" axis="x" scrolltarget="classroot.header.hcontent" visible="${ parent.showhscroll &&             parent.needshscroll &&             parent.sizetoheader == false}"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <state applied="${ parent._showHeaderFill }">
            <button clickable="false" placement="header" x="${ immediateparent.hcontent.width }" width="${classroot['_scrx'] ?                         Math.max(classroot['_scrx'].width, parent.width - this.x) :                         parent.width - this.x}" focusable="false"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="init">
            //need to cheat up the content because the button size is too big
            //b/c of its highlight state
            mainlayout.setAttribute( 'spacing' , -1);

          <tag name="shortdesc"><text>
              Presents a grid backed by a datasource.
            <p>A <classname>grid</classname> is used to present data in a
              dataset. Although it can be configured using
              <tagname>gridcolumn</tagname> and <tagname>gridtext</tagname>, by
              default it will present one editable field for each attribute in
              the first data node in the grid. If no attributes are found, a column
              will be presented for the each of the <code>name()</code> and
              <code>text()</code> fields of the nodes using
              <classname>gridtext</classname> columns.</p>

              <canvas height="250">
              <dataset name="weatherdata" request="true"

              <grid datapath="weatherdata:/weather" contentdatapath="forecast/day"/>

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* Copyright 2001-2008 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
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Cross References

