
    <include href="base/baseformitem.lzx"/>

    <class name="_internalinputtext" extends="inputtext">
        <method name="construct" args="parent, args">
            // args from parent
            if ( parent['textwidth'] != null ) args.textwidth = parent.textwidth;
            if ( parent['_initialtext'] != null ) args.text = parent._initialtext;
            if ( parent['password'] != null ) args.password = parent.password;
            if ( parent['multiline'] != null ) args.multiline = parent.multiline;
            super.construct(  parent, args );
          <text>Class for use in edittext, takes its parent's arguments
                when it constructs.</text>
          <tag name="access"><text>private</text></tag>

    <!--- This component provides the look and feel for user editable text, data
          binding, and focus events. -->
    <class name="edittext" extends="baseformitem" focusable="false" defaultplacement="content">
        <!--- The text that appears in the component. -->
        <attribute name="text" type="text"/>

        <!--- Set to true for multiple lines.
              @keywords final -->
        <attribute name="multiline" value="false"/>

        <!--- Set to true for a password field. Text will appear as ****.
              @keywords final -->
        <attribute name="password" value="false"/>

        <!--- Set to true if you plan to change the width or height of the
              component at run-time.
              @keywords final -->
        <attribute name="resizable" value="false"/>

        <!--- The height of the edit text box. -->
        <attribute name="height" value="26"/>
        <!--- The width of the edit text box. -->
        <attribute name="width" value="106"/>

        <!--- the y position of the text. default: centered, unless it is mutltiline -->
        <attribute name="text_y" value="${multiline ? 2 : Math.round(((this.height - this.field.getTextHeight())/2))}}" type="number"/>

        <!--- The maximum number of chars that can be entered. -->
        <attribute name="maxlength" value="null" type="number"/>

        <!--- A regular expression describing set of characters allowed in
              this field. Restrict the characters that can be entered to a
              pattern specified by a regular expression. Currently only the
              expression [ ]* enclosing a set of characters or character
              ranges, preceded by an optional "^", is supported. 
              examples: [0-9]* , [a-zA-Z0-9]*, [^0-9]* -->
        <attribute name="pattern" type="string" value=""/>

        <!--- @keywords private
        setting the fgcolor of text has the unfortunate effect of setting
        the hilite color as well, so it is disabled here-->
        <attribute name="fgcolor" setter="" value="#000000"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_fgcolor" value="0"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_initialtext" value="" type="string"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="init">
            if (!this.hassetwidth) {
                if (typeof(this.textwidth) == "undefined") {
                    this.textwidth = 100;
                setAttribute('width', this.textwidth + 6);
            if ( this._initialtext != null ){
                this.setAttribute('text', this._initialtext );

            field.setAttribute('maxlength', this.maxlength);
            field.setAttribute('pattern', this.pattern);


        <!--- @deprecated Use setAttribute('text', ...) instead.
              @keywords private -->
        <method name="setText" args="t">
            if ($debug) Debug.warn("edittext.setText is deprecated. Use setAttribute instead");
            this.setAttribute('text', t);

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <setter name="text" args="t">
            // text value and event sent by this.field.ontext handler
            if (this._initcomplete) {
                this.setValue(t, true);
                this.field.setAttribute('text', t);
            } else {
                this.text = t;
                this._initialtext = t;

        <!--- Clears the text field. -->
        <method name="clearText">
            this.setAttribute('text', "");
        <!--- @deprecated Use setAttribute('maxlength', ...) instead.
              @keywords private -->
        <method name="setMaxlength" args="n">
          if ($debug) Debug.warn("edittext.setMaxlength is deprecated. Use setAttribute instead");
          this.setAttribute('maxlength', n);

        <!--- @deprecated Use setAttribute('pattern', ...) instead.
              @keywords private -->
        <method name="setPattern" args="r">
          if ($debug) Debug.warn("edittext.setPattern is deprecated. Use setAttribute instead");
          this.setAttribute('pattern', r);

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <setter name="maxlength" args="n">
            if (this['maxlength'] === n) return;
            this.maxlength = n;
            if (this.isinited) field.setAttribute('maxlength', n);
            if (this['onmaxlength']) this.onmaxlength.sendEvent(n);

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <setter name="pattern" args="n">
            if (this['pattern'] === n) return;
            this.pattern = n;
            if (this.isinited) field.setAttribute('pattern', n);
            if (this['onpattern']) this.onpattern.sendEvent(n);

        <!--- Positions the text selection within the text field.
              @param Number start: The beginning of the text selection, or 
              the position for the text cursor if no end is given. 
              The index is 0 based.
              @param Number end: The end of the text selection. Optional. 
              If not given, then the text cursor is positioned at the start
              point, but no text is selected.-->
        <method name="setSelection" args="start,end=null">
            field.setSelection(start, end);

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="getFocusRect">
           var fx = this.getAttributeRelative('x',canvas);
           var fy = this.getAttributeRelative('y',canvas);
           var fw = this.getAttributeRelative('width',canvas);
           var fh = this.getAttributeRelative('height',canvas);
           return [fx,fy,fw,fh];

        <view name="_outerbezel" width="${parent.width}" height="${parent.height}">
            <state applied="${this.classroot.enabled}" pooling="true">
                <view bgcolor="0x989898" width="100%" height="1"/>
                <view bgcolor="0x989898" width="1" height="100%"/>
                <view bgcolor="0xe1e1e1" width="1" align="right" height="100%"/>
                <view bgcolor="0xe1e1e1" valign="bottom" width="100%" height="1"/>
        <view name="_innerbezel" x="1" y="1" width="${parent.width-2}" height="${parent.height-2}">
            <state applied="${this.classroot.enabled}" pooling="true">
                <view bgcolor="0x262626" width="${parent.width - 1}" height="1"/>
                <view bgcolor="0x262626" width="1" height="100%"/>
                <view bgcolor="0xefefef" valign="bottom" width="100%" height="1"/>
            <state applied="${! this.classroot.enabled}" pooling="true">
                <view bgcolor="0xa4a4a4" width="100%" height="100%"/>
                <view bgcolor="white" x="1" y="1" width="${parent.width - 2}" height="${parent.height - 2}"/>
        <view name="_face" x="2" y="2" width="${parent.width-3}" height="${parent.height-4}"/>

        <setter name="font" args="f">
            super.setAttribute('font', f);
            if (this['field']) field.setAttribute('font', f);
        <setter name="fontsize" args="f">
            super.setAttribute('fontsize', f);
            if (this['field']) field.setAttribute('fontsize', f);
        <setter name="fontstyle" args="f">
            super.setAttribute('fontstyle', f);
            if (this['field']) field.setAttribute('fontstyle', f);

        <view name="content" x="3" y="${this.classroot.text_y}" width="${parent.width - 4}" height="${parent.height - y - 2}"/> <!-- -2 to account for border of edittext -->

        <_internalinputtext name="field" password="$once{parent.password}" x="3" y="${this.classroot.text_y}" width="${parent.width - 4}" height="${parent.height - y - 2}"> <!-- -2 to account for border of edittext -->
            <handler name="onfocus" args="s">
                if (parent['onfocus']) parent.onfocus.sendEvent(s);
            <handler name="onblur" args="s">
                if (parent['onblur']) parent.onblur.sendEvent(s);
            <handler name="onkeyup" args="kc"> 
                if (parent['onkeyup']) parent.onkeyup.sendEvent(kc);
                if (kc == 13 && parent.doesenter) parent.doEnterUp();
            <handler name="onkeydown" args="kc"> 
                if (parent['onkeydown']) parent.onkeydown.sendEvent(kc);
                if (kc == 13 && parent.doesenter) parent.doEnterDown();

            <method name="getFocusRect">
                return parent.getFocusRect();
            <handler name="ontext">
                // Don't use parent.updateData() or parent.setAttribute('text') because they call the text setter - which will call this method or clobber _initialtext
                parent.text = this.text;
                if (parent['ontext'] && parent.ontext.ready) parent.ontext.sendEvent(parent.text);
                parent.setValue(parent.text, false);


        <!--- Returns the string displayed in this component, like getValue().
              @return String: the string displayed. -->
        <method name="getText">
            if (this._initcomplete) {
                 return this.field.text;
            } else {
                return this._initialtext;


           For backward compatibility, applyData uses the LFC
           interface, and acceptValue uses applyData.  TODO:
           [2008-11-17 ptw] Fixed in New Components

           @keywords private
        <method name="applyData" args="d">
            this.field.applyData( d );

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="acceptValue" args="d, type=null">
            this.applyData( d );

           For backward compatibility, updateData causes the text of
           the component to be updated, as opposed to presentValue,
           which will call getValue (and not update).

           @keywords private
        <method name="updateData">
            return this.text;

        <!--- Updates the text property of the component to the text that is
             entered in its input field. -->
        <method name="updateText">
            this.setAttribute('text', this.field.text );

        <!--- Returns string displayed in this component, like .text.
              @return String: the string displayed. -->
        <method name="getValue">
            return  this.field.text;
        <!--- TODO: [2008-11-14 ptw] There needs to be a simpler way
             to declare simple dependencies like this in LZX
             @access private
        <method name="$lzc$getValue_dependencies" args="who, self">
          // adapted from lztext:
          //$lzc$getText_dependencies ( who , self){
          //  return [ self , "text" ];
          return [this.field, "text" ];

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="_showEnabled">
            if (_enabled) {
                this.field.setAttribute('enabled', true);
                this.field.setAttribute('fgcolor', this.style != null ? this.style.textcolor : null);
                this._face.setAttribute( 'opacity', 1 );
                this._outerbezel.setAttribute('frame', 1 );
                this._innerbezel.setAttribute('frame', 1 );
            } else {
                this.field.setAttribute('enabled', false);
                this.field.setAttribute('width', this.width - 6);
                this.field.setAttribute('height', this.height - 6);
                this.field.setAttribute('fgcolor', this.style != null ? this.style.textdisabledcolor : null);
                this._face.setAttribute( 'opacity', .65 );
                this._outerbezel.setAttribute('frame', 2 );
                this._innerbezel.setAttribute('frame', 2 );

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="_applystyle" args="s">
            if (this.style != null) {
          <tag name="shortdesc">
              text input component with lz components look and feel
            <p>The <varname>edittext</varname> tag provides a text input field which has a
              look and feel to match the lz component set.  It can accept any
              <tagname>inputtext</tagname> attribute.</p>

            <example title="Simple edittext">
              <canvas bgcolor="blue" height="60" >
              <edittext width="200" x="20" y="20">default text goes here</edittext>

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* Copyright 2001-2011 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
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<!-- @LZX_VERSION@                                                         -->

Cross References

