
    <include href="utils/states/dragstate.lzx"/>
    <include href="label.lzx"/>
    <include href="legend.lzx"/>
    <include href="chartzoomer.lzx"/>
    <include href="basechart.lzx"/>
    <include href="dataseries.lzx"/>

    <!--- The base class for non-pie charts.  Contains most of the
        shared attributes and elements.  (Of beta quality.) -->
    <class name="basechart">
        <!--- Public attributes. -->
        <!--- The direction in which the data will be drawn.
            Accepts values x and y.  (x - vertical bars drawn
            from left to right.  y - horizontal bars drawn
            top to bottom.)  Only applicable to barchart, but
            necessary for certain shared elements. -->
        <attribute name="drawaxis" type="string" value="x"/>
        <!--- Width of plotting area. -->
        <attribute name="plotwidth" type="number" value="${this.width - 1}"/>
        <!--- Height of plotting area. -->
        <attribute name="plotheight" type="number" value="${this.height - 1}"/>
        <!--- Plot area's x position, relative to chart as a whole. -->
        <attribute name="plotx" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- Plot area's y position, relative to chart as a whole. -->
        <attribute name="ploty" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- Whether there's a border around the plot area, and if so,
            what color. -->
        <attribute name="border" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Width of the plot area's border. -->
        <attribute name="borderwidth" type="number" value="1"/>
        <!--- Whether to draw a line along the vertical axis, and if so,
            what color.  (If no color is specified, axis is not drawn.)
            Note: In barchart, vertical axis is considered the axis
            that runs parallel to the bars in the chart. -->
        <attribute name="vaxis" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Width of drawn vertical axis. Note: In barchart, vertical
            axis is considered the axis that runs parallel to the
            bars in the chart. -->
        <attribute name="vaxiswidth" type="number" value="3"/>
        <!--- Whether to draw the horizontal axis, and what color.
            (If no color is specified, axis is not drawn.) -->
        <attribute name="haxis" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Width of drawn horizontal axis. -->
        <attribute name="haxiswidth" type="number" value="3"/>
        <!--- Whether to draw vertical tick marks, and if so,
            what color.  If no color is specified, ticks are not drawn.
            These are the tick marks that are drawn vertically, along the
            bottom axis.  Note: In barchart, setting drawaxis to y changes
            overall chart orientation, with the "bottom" on the left. -->
        <attribute name="vtick" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Width of drawn vertical tick marks. -->
        <attribute name="vtickwidth" type="number" value="1"/>
        <!--- Length of drawn vertical tick marks. -->
        <attribute name="vticklength" type="number" value="5"/>
        <!--- Whether to draw horizontal tick marks, and if so,
            what color.  If no color is specified, ticks are not
            drawn.  These are the tick marks that are drawn horizontally,
            along the side axis.  Note: In barchart, setting drawaxis to y
            changes overall chart orientation, with the "bottom" on the
            left. -->
        <attribute name="htick" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Width of drawn horizontal tick marks. -->
        <attribute name="htickwidth" type="number" value="1"/>
        <!--- Length of drawn horizontal tick marks. -->
        <attribute name="hticklength" type="number" value="5"/>
        <!--- Color of vertical tick labels.  If not specified, no
            labels are drawn. -->
        <attribute name="vticklabel" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Text size of vertical tick labels. -->
        <attribute name="vticklabelsize" type="number" value="10"/>
        <!--- Color of horizontal tick labels.  If not specified, no
            labels are drawn. -->
        <attribute name="hticklabel" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Text size of horizontal tick labels. -->
        <attribute name="hticklabelsize" type="number" value="10"/>
        <!--- Whether to have ticks for individual bars, and if so,
            what color. -->
        <attribute name="barticks" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Whether to label the individual bar ticks, and if so,
            what color. -->
        <attribute name="baselabels" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Whether to draw a line at zero, and what color.  If
            no color is specified, line is not drawn. -->
        <attribute name="drawzero" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Width of the line drawn at zero. -->
        <attribute name="zerowidth" type="number" value="2"/>
        <!--- Whether to fill the area below zero, and what color.
            (Will not be drawn if no color specified.) -->
        <attribute name="belowzero" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Opacity for area below zero.  Defaults to a low number
            for a hazy, translucent effect. -->
        <attribute name="belowzeroopacity" type="number" value=".2"/>
        <!--- The color of the zoom selector. -->
        <attribute name="zoomcolor" type="color" value="#DDDDDD"/>
        <!--- If desired, a resource can be used in the background.
            If specified, this view will appear behind the chart,
            with everything drawn on top of it. -->
        <attribute name="bgresource" type="string" value=""/>
        <!--- These four take color values, and if no color is
            specified, they are not drawn. -->
        <!--- Horizontal grid bands. -->
        <attribute name="hgridbands" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Vertical grid bands. Note: In barchart, vertical axis is
            considered the axis that runs parallel to the orientation of
            the chart. -->
        <attribute name="vgridbands" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Horizontal grid band opacity. -->
        <attribute name="hbopacity" type="number" value="1"/>
        <!--- Vertical grid band opacity.  Note: In barchart, vertical
            axis is considered the axis that runs parallel to the
            orientation of the chart. -->
        <attribute name="vbopacity" type="number" value=".5"/>
        <!--- Color of the horizontal grid lines. -->
        <attribute name="hgridlines" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Color of the vertical grid lines.  Note: In barchart,
            vertical axis is considered the axis that runs parallel to the
            orientation of the chart. -->
        <attribute name="vgridlines" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Horizontal grid line spacing.  (Units, not pixels.) -->
        <attribute name="hgridspacing" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- Vertical grid line spacing.  (Units, not pixels.  In
            barchart, the space between one bar and the next is
            considered one unit.) -->
        <attribute name="vgridspacing" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- Horizontal grid line thickness. -->
        <attribute name="hgridwidth" type="number" value="1"/>
        <!--- Vertical grid line thickness. -->
        <attribute name="vgridwidth" type="number" value="1"/>
        <!--- Whether to adjust the graph to data. -->
        <attribute name="adjusttodata" type="boolean" value="false"/>
        <!--- Grid's maximum displayed value. -->
        <attribute name="maximum" type="number" value="100"/>
        <!--- Grid's minimum displayed value. -->
        <attribute name="minimum" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- The position of the view in which the data is drawn in
            relation to its parent clipping frame.  Allows data to be
            dragged or slid around. -->
        <attribute name="paneslider" type="number" value="0"/>

        <!--- The slider for the alternate direction to paneslider. -->
        <attribute name="altslider" type="number" value="0"/>

        <!--- Whether bars are able to be dragged or not. -->
        <attribute name="draggable" type="boolean" value="false"/>
        <!--- Whether bars are zoomable or not. -->
        <attribute name="zoomable" type="boolean" value="true"/>

        <!--- Grid's minimum for width.  (If lines are drawn
            vertically, this controls horizontal visible area.  If lines are drawn
            horizontally, this controls vertical visible area.  Changing these
            will allow the user to zoom in and out on a particular area, and
            will scale data accordingly.)  Note: Not settable in barchart. -->
        <attribute name="altmaximum" type="number" value="100"/>
        <!--- Grid's maximum for width.  (If lines are drawn
            vertically, this controls horizontal visible area.  If lines are drawn
            horizontally, this controls vertical visible area.  Changing these
            will allow the user to zoom in and out on a particular area, and
            will scale data accordingly.)  Note: Not settable in barchart. -->
        <attribute name="altminimum" type="number" value="0"/>

        <!--- Private attributes. -->
        <!--- @keywords private
            Number of dataseries instances. -->
        <attribute name="seriesnumber" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The distance between zero and the left edge of the chart. -->
        <attribute name="altzero" type="number" value="${this.scaledaltmin * -1}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            Number of points in the graph. -->
        <attribute name="numpoints" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The highest y value from data. -->
        <attribute name="highesty" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The lowest y value from data. -->
        <attribute name="lowesty" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The highest x value from data. -->
        <attribute name="highestx" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The lowest x value from data. -->
        <attribute name="lowestx" type="number" value="0"/>

        <!--- @keywords private
            Using the maximum and minimum values, this gives us the
            number we need to determine pixels per unit. -->
        <attribute name="scaler" type="number" value="${(this.plotheight / (this.maximum - this.minimum))}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            Using the data in the other axis, we can figure out the
            scale for bar units.  (One bar space is one unit.) -->
        <attribute name="altscaler" type="number" value="${(this.plotwidth / (this.altmaximum - this.altminimum))}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The scaled minimum.  (These values are numerical values, not
            pixel values, so they need to be converted to pixel sizes.  These values
            determine the size of the drawing area, and will be scaled by the
            chartscaler.) -->
        <attribute name="scaledmin" type="number" value="${minimum * scaler}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The scaled maximum.  (These values are numerical values, not
            pixel values, so they need to be converted to pixel sizes.  These values
            determine the size of the drawing area, and will be scaled by the
            chartscaler.) -->
        <attribute name="scaledmax" type="number" value="${maximum * scaler}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The scaled minimum in the other direction.  (These values are numerical
            values, not pixel values, so they need to be converted to pixel sizes.
            These values determine the size of the drawing area, and will be scaled by
            the chartscaler.) -->
        <attribute name="scaledaltmin" type="number" value="${altminimum * altscaler}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The scaled maximum in the other direction.  (These values are numerical
            values, not pixel values, so they need to be converted to pixel sizes.
            These values determine the size of the drawing area, and will be scaled by
            the chartscaler.) -->
        <attribute name="scaledaltmax" type="number" value="${altmaximum * altscaler}"/>

        <!--- @keywords private
            Prevents things from being drawn over each other in succession. -->
        <attribute name="rendercomplete" type="boolean" value="false"/>

        <!--- @keywords private
            A dirty flag to ensure that value changes to maximums and
            minimums only result in redrawing ticks when the values
            are manually changed, not changed by the zoomer. -->
        <attribute name="zooming" type="boolean" value="false"/>
        <handler name="oninit" method="valueCheck"/>
        <!-- Public methods. -->

        <!--- Mostly just checks to make sure values are in order. -->
        <method name="valueCheck" args="ignore">
            if(this.draggable && this.zoomable){
                this.setAttribute('draggable', false);
                this.setAttribute('zoomable', false);
                Debug.warn("Chart can only be draggable OR zoomable.");
            if(this.minimum >= this.maximum){
                this.setAttribute('minimum', 0);
                this.setAttribute('maximum', 100);
                Debug.warn("Attribute 'minimum' must be smaller than attribute 'maximum'.");
            if(this.altminimum >= this.altmaximum){
                this.setAttribute('minimum', 0);
                this.setAttribute('maximum', 10);
                Debug.warn("Attribute 'altminimum' must be smaller than attribute 'altmaximum'.");
        <!--- Locates a subnode of type "chartdata", wherein all the data
            for the chart can be found. -->
        <method name="findData">
            for(var i = 0; i <= this.subnodes.length; i++){
                if(subnodes[i] instanceof lz.chartdata){
                    return i;
        <!--- Locates a subnode of type "legend". -->
        <method name="findLegend">
            for(var i = 0; i <= this.subnodes.length; i++){
                if(subnodes[i] instanceof lz.chartlegend){
                    return i;
            return null;
        <!--- Invoked automatically if attribute 'adjusttodata' is true.  Can
            be invoked manually at runtime.  Adjusts the chart to fill the
            graph, using the maximum and minimum values found in data. -->
        <method name="adjustToData">
            var snum = this.seriesnumber;
            var dnode = this.findData();
            for(var j = 0; j < snum; j++){
                if(subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].ydata != null){
                    var ylength = subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].ydata.length;
                    this.setAttribute('highesty', subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].ydata[0] * 1);
                    this.setAttribute('lowesty', subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].ydata[0] * 1);
                    for(var i = 0; i < ylength; i++){
                        if(subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].ydata[i] > this.highesty){
                                subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].ydata[i] * 1);
                        if(subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].ydata[i] < this.lowesty){
                                subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].ydata[i] * 1);
                if(subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].xdata != null){
                    var xlength = subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].xdata.length;
                    this.setAttribute('highestx', subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].xdata[0] * 1);
                    this.setAttribute('lowestx', subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].xdata[0] * 1);
                    for(var i = 0; i < xlength; i++){
                        if(subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].xdata[i] > this.highestx){
                                subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].xdata[i] * 1);
                        if(subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].xdata[i] < this.lowestx){
                                subnodes[dnode].subviews[j].xdata[i] * 1)
            this.setAttribute('maximum', this.highesty);
            this.setAttribute('minimum', this.lowesty);
            this.datazoom.setAttribute('origmaximum', this.highesty);
            this.datazoom.setAttribute('origminimum', this.lowesty);
            if(typeof linechart != 'undefined' && this instanceof lz.linechart){
                this.setAttribute('altmaximum', this.highestx);
                this.setAttribute('altminimum', this.lowestx);
                this.datazoom.setAttribute('origaltmaximum', this.highestx);
                this.datazoom.setAttribute('origaltminimum', this.lowestx);
            <tag name="shortdesc">
                    (See barchart or linechart for an example.)

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* Copyright 2001-2008 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
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<!-- @LZX_VERSION@                                                         -->

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