
        A horizontal container for a right-aligned label and text field.
                <labeledinputtext label="Title" datapath="details/@title" fieldwidth="50"/>

        datapath should be set to resolve to a text value
    <class name="labeledinputtext" extends="view" width="100%" visible="true">

        <!--- the right-aligned label -->
        <attribute name="label" type="string"/>

        <!--- font face -->
        <attribute name="fontname" type="string" value="Verdana, Arial, sans"/>

        <!--- column for right-aligned label -->
        <attribute name="labelwidth" type="number" value="68"/>

        <!--- label font -->
        <attribute name="labelfont" type="string" value="${detailslabel_style.font}"/>

        <!--- color of label -->
        <attribute name="labelcolor" type="number" value="${detailslabel_style.textcolor}"/>

        <!--- label font size -->
        <attribute name="labelsize" type="string" value="${detailslabel_style.fontsize}"/>

       <!--- color of text -->
        <attribute name="textcolor" type="string" value="0x000000"/>

        <!--- width of editable text field -->
        <attribute name="fieldwidth" type="number" value="128"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="inset" type="number" value="3"/>

        <!--- set this to larger if multiline is true -->
        <attribute name="fieldheight" type="number" value="18"/>

        <!--- set to true for multiline -->
        <attribute name="multiline" type="boolean" value="false"/>

        <!--- Maximum length for the editable text field. Default is null
              (no limit) -->
        <attribute name="maxlength" value="null"/>

        <lzedittext name="editabletext" submitname="${}" fontsize="10" x="$once{classroot.labelwidth}" width="$once{classroot.fieldwidth}" styleable="false" height="$once{classroot.fieldheight}" bgcolor="white" font="$once{classroot.fontname}" multiline="$once{classroot.multiline}" maxlength="$once{classroot.maxlength}"/>

        <text y="2" x="$once{parent.editabletext.x-this.getTextWidth()}" fgcolor="$once{parent.labelcolor}" font="$once{classroot.labelfont}" fontsize="$once{classroot.labelsize}" text="$once{classroot.label + ':'}"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="applyData" args="txt">

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="updateData" args="txt">
            return this.editabletext.updateData();

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Cross References
