
    <include href="base/basevaluecomponent.lzx"/>
    <include href="lz/button.lzx"/>
    <include href="utils/states/dragstate.lzx"/>
    <!--- The base class for implementing sliders representing a range of
              values. -->
    <class name="baseslider" extends="basevaluecomponent" width="200">

        <!--- The height of the track. -->
        <attribute name="trackheight" value="8" type="number"/>
        <!--- The width of the thumb. -->
        <attribute name="thumbwidth" value="10" type="number"/>
        <!--- The height of the thumb. -->
        <attribute name="thumbheight" value="18" type="number"/>
        <!--- The minimum value. -->
        <attribute name="minvalue" value="0" type="number"/>
        <!--- The maximum value. -->
        <attribute name="maxvalue" value="100" type="number"/>

        <!--- significant digits of precision -->
        <attribute name="precision" value="0" type="number"/>
        <!--- Turns on / off the slider's filled area. -->
        <attribute name="showfill" value="true"/>
        <!--- Turns on / off the floating value text when the user
              drags. -->
        <attribute name="showvalue" value="true" type="boolean"/>
        <!--- Turns on / off the bounding range text. -->
        <attribute name="showrange" value="true" type="boolean"/>
        <!--- How far to move when key navigating. -->
        <attribute name="keystep" value="2" type="number"/>
        <!--- The border width. This can be set with a style. -->
        <attribute name="bordersize" value="1" type="number"/>
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <handler name="oninit">
            //have to adjust thumb once at start because
            //neither setValue nor onvalue is getting triggered
            //when value is set.
        <!--- Get the minimum value of the slider.
                      @return Number: the minimum value. -->
        <method name="getMinValue">
            return minvalue;
        <!--- Get the maximum value of the slider.
                      @return Number: the maximum value. -->
        <method name="getMaxValue">
            return maxvalue;

        <!--- Set the minimum value.
                      @param Number v: the minimum value. -->
        <method name="setMinValue" args="v">
            if (this.minvalue == v) return;
            this.minvalue = v;
            if (onminvalue) onminvalue.sendEvent();
            //adjust value
            if (this.minvalue > this.value) this.setAttribute("value",v);

        <!--- Set the maximum value.
                      @param Number v: the maximum value. -->
        <method name="setMaxValue" args="v">
            if (this.maxvalue == v) return;
            this.maxvalue = v;
            if (onmaxvalue) onmaxvalue.sendEvent();
            //adjust value
            if (this.value > v) this.setAttribute("value",v);
        <!--- Sets the value for the slider that must be within min and
                      @param Number v: a number between the minimum and maximum
                      value for the slider. -->
        <method name="setValue" args="v">
            if (this.value == v) return;
            // ensure in bounds
            v = Math.max(v,this.minvalue);
            v = Math.min(v,this.maxvalue);
            this.value = v;
            if (onvalue) onvalue.sendEvent();
            if (!isinited) return;
        <!--- Set the value by percentage of range from min to max.
                      @param Number p: a percentage between the min and
                      the max. -->
        <method name="setPercentage" args="p">
            var diff = this.minvalue-this.maxvalue;
            setValue( diff*p + this.minvalue );
        <!--- Get the percentage of the range selected by the value.
                      @return Number: the percentage selected. -->
        <method name="getPercentage">
            return (this.value-this.minvalue) / (this.maxvalue-this.minvalue);
        <!--- adjusts the thumb location
              @keywords private -->
        <method name="_adjustThumb">
            var perc = getPercentage();
            var x = Math.round( (this.width-track.thumb.width)*perc );
            track.thumb.setAttribute('x', x);
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <handler name="onkeydown" args="k">
            //left arrow
            if (k==37) this.track.thumb.setAttribute('x', this.track.thumb.x-keystep);
            //right arrow
            if (k==39) this.track.thumb.setAttribute('x', this.track.thumb.x+keystep);
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="getFocusRect">
            var fx = this.getAttributeRelative('x',canvas);
            var fy = this.getAttributeRelative('y',canvas) - 4;
            var fw = this.getAttributeRelative('width',canvas) + 2;
            var fh = this.getAttributeRelative('height',canvas) + 6;
            return [fx,fy,fw,fh];
    </class><!-- end baseslider class -->
    <!--- Baseslidertrack expects to be within a baseslider (or its
          subclass). In other words, its "classroot" should be a slider. -->
    <class name="baseslidertrack" width="100%" height="${classroot.trackheight}" bgcolor="0x333333">
        <handler name="oninit">
            classroot.track = this;
    <!--- Basesliderthumb expects to be within a baseslidertrack (or its
          subclass). In other words, its "classroot" should be a slidertrack. -->
    <class name="basesliderthumb" extends="button" width="${parent.classroot.thumbwidth}" height="${parent.classroot.thumbheight}" onmousedown="thedragstate.setAttribute('applied', true);" onmouseup="thedragstate.setAttribute('applied', false);" focusable="false" y="${(parent.height-height)/2}">
        <!--- Toggles the floating value text when dragging thumb. -->
        <attribute name="showvalue" value="${parent.parent.showvalue}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <dragstate name="thedragstate" drag_axis="x">
            <text name="t" resize="true" x="${classroot.width/2-width/2}" y="-14" text="${parent.parent.parent.value}" visible="${classroot.showvalue}"/>

        <!--- constrain to parents bounds, and adjust slider value when dragged
              @keywords private -->
        <setter name="x" args="x">
            var boundedx = x;
            if ( x > parent.width-width ) {
              var constrainX = parent.width-width;
              boundedx = constrainX;
            } else
            if (parent.x > x) {
              boundedx =  parent.x;
            super.setAttribute('x', boundedx);
            //update slider value
            var perc = ( (x) / (parent.parent.width-width) );
            var val = Math.round( (((perc)*(parent.parent.maxvalue-parent.parent.minvalue))+parseFloat(parent.parent.minvalue)) 
                                           * Math.pow(10,parent.parent.precision) ) / Math.pow(10,parent.parent.precision) ;
            //only adjust value if user is dragging or left or right key is pressed
            if (thedragstate.applied || lz.Keys.isKeyDown("leftarrow") || lz.Keys.isKeyDown("rightarrow") ) {
    </class><!-- end basesliderthumb class -->
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* Copyright 2005, 2008 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.                   *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
* X_LZ_COPYRIGHT_END ****************************************************** -->
<!-- @LZX_VERSION@                                                         -->

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