
 * scrollingtext.lzx
 <!-- Fixed-height font text scrolling. 

       Operates on text view, contentView

     operations are:

     addText(): breaks text into newlines, and stores lines in array

     setLine(n): sets display view so that line n is at top of screen

     computeNLines: computes number of visible lines based on content view height and font size.
     Call this when content view changes height. 

     redisplay(): selects n lines, sets contentView''s text content to the visible lines

 <resource src="images/buttons/upbtn.swf" name="upBtn_rsc"/>
 <resource src="images/buttons/downbtn.swf" name="downBtn_rsc"/>

 <resource src="images/buttons/leftbtn.swf" name="leftbtn_rsc"/>
 <resource src="images/buttons/rightbtn.swf" name="rightbtn_rsc"/>

 <resource src="images/scrollcorner.swf" name="scrollcorner_rsc"/>
 <resource src="images/scrolldraghorz.swf" name="scrolldraghorz_rsc"/>
 <resource src="images/scrolldragright.swf" name="scrolldragright_rsc"/>
 <resource src="images/scrolldragleft.swf" name="scrolldragleft_rsc"/>
 <resource src="images/scrolldragdimpleshorz.swf" name="scrolldragdimpleshorz_rsc"/>
 <resource src="images/scrollstretchhorz.swf" name="scrollstretchhorz_rsc"/>

 <resource name="scrollDragDimples_rsc">
   <frame src="images/scrolldragdimples.swf"/>
   <frame src="images/scrolldragoverdimples.swf"/>

 <resource name="scrollDragTop_rsc">
    <frame src="images/scrolldragtop.swf"/>
    <frame src="images/scrolldragovertop.swf"/>

 <resource name="scrollDrag_rsc">
   <frame src="images/scrolldrag.swf"/>
   <frame src="images/scrolldragover.swf"/>

 <resource name="scrollDragBottom_rsc">
   <frame src="images/scrolldragbottom.swf"/>
   <frame src="images/scrolldragoverbottom.swf"/>

 <resource src="images/scrollstretch.swf" name="scrollStretch_rsc"/>
 <resource src="images/scrolltop.swf" name="scrollTop_rsc"/>

 <!-- ////////////////// Horizontal Scrollbar /////////////////////////////// -->

<!-- horizontal drag state, used for horizontal scrollbar thumb -->
 <class name="_dbg_lzhdrag" extends="state">
        <attribute name="xdoffset" value="this.getMouse( 'x' )" when="once"/>
        <attribute name="x" value="${this.immediateparent.getMouse( 'x' ) - this.xdoffset}"/>

<!-- The horizontal scrollbar for the debugger window -->
 <class name="_dbg_horiz_scrollbar" onmousedown="this.clickInThumbTrackX(this.getMouse( 'x' ))">
     <!-- These constants ought to be derived automatically from the resources -->
     <attribute name="arrowbuttonwidth" value="12"/>
     <attribute name="thumbwidth" value="24"/>

     <attribute name="autoscroll" type="expression" value="true"/>

     <!-- User clicked in the track that the thumb slides in, we need to decide
               whether to page left (they clicked left of the thumb) or right (they clicked
               right of  the thumb) -->
     <method name="clickInThumbTrackX" args="x"> 
              if (x > (this.dragger.x + this.dragger.width)) {
              } else {

     <method name="scrollLeft" args="n">

     <method name="scrollRight" args="n">

    <stableborderlayout axis="x"/>

    <basebutton resource="leftbtn_rsc" x="-1" onclick="parent.scrollLeft(32)"/>
    <view resource="scrollstretchhorz_rsc" height="13" options="releasetolayout" stretches="both"/>
    <basebutton resource="rightbtn_rsc" onclick="parent.scrollRight(32)"/>

    <view name="dragger" width="${parent.thumbwidth}" x="12" onmousedown="this.hdrag.setAttribute('applied', true)" onmouseup="this.hdrag.setAttribute('applied', false)">

            <_dbg_lzhdrag name="hdrag"/>
            <stableborderlayout axis="x"/>
            <view name="left" resource="scrolldragleft_rsc" pixellock="true"/>
            <view name="stretch" resource="scrolldraghorz_rsc" stretches="width"/>
            <view name="right" resource="scrolldragright_rsc"/>
            <view name="dimples" resource="scrolldragdimpleshorz_rsc" options="ignorelayout" x="6" y="4"/>

           <setter name="x" args="x"> 
              super.setAttribute('x', Math.max(parent.arrowbuttonwidth-1 , Math.min( x, parent.width - parent.arrowbuttonwidth))); 

          <!-- this gets called every time the x value changes -->
          <handler name="onx" reference="this"> 
              if (parent.autoscroll) {

          <method name="handleThumbPosX" args="x"> 
              var real_scroll_width = (parent.width - (parent.arrowbuttonwidth * 2))  - parent.thumbwidth + 2;
              // scroll the text window horizontally
              parent.setAttribute('autoscroll', false);
              parent.parent.setAttribute('xscroll', -(((x - parent.arrowbuttonwidth)  / real_scroll_width) * (parent.parent.content.textpane.width)));

     <method name="adjustDraggerXpos">
       // disable the constraint between ypos of dragger and text window for a moment
       this.setAttribute('autoscroll', false);
       this.dragger.setAttribute('x', this.computeDraggerXPos());
       this.setAttribute('autoscroll', true);

     <method name="computeDraggerXPos">
       // subtract out height of left and right buttons
       var bw = this.arrowbuttonwidth;
       var real_scroll_width = (this.width - (bw * 2 + this.thumbwidth)) + 2;
       var xpos = Math.floor((Math.abs(parent.content.textpane.x) / (parent.content.textpane.width)) * real_scroll_width);
       return (bw -1)  + xpos;


<!-- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -->

<!-- Vertical drag state for controlling the vertical debugger scrollbar thumb -->
 <class name="_dbg_lzvdrag" extends="state">
        <attribute name="ydoffset" value="this.getMouse( 'y' )" when="once"/>
        <attribute name="y" value="${this.immediateparent.getMouse( 'y' ) - this.ydoffset}"/>

<!-- A vertical scrolling text window. This class stores text as an array of single lines,
     and displays a range of these lines in its text component. This allows arbitrarily long
     text content to be stored and displayed with a fixed time to scroll and display. 
 <class name="_dbg_lztextscroller">
     <!-- Store an array of text lines, to implement simple text scroll  -->
     <attribute name="textlines" value="[]" when="once"/>
     <attribute name="lineptr" value="0"/>

     <!-- how many lines of text are visible for a given content window height -->
     <attribute name="visiblelines" value="4"/>

     <!-- If this is true, then automatically adjust the thumb dragger ypos 
           when we set the text line offset (this.setLine()) -->
     <attribute name="autoscroll" type="expression" value="true"/>

     <view name="content" clip="true" width="${parent.width}" height="${parent.height-11}">
       <text name="textpane" multiline="false" selectable="true" width="4096" height="${parent.height}"/>
     <view name="scrollbar" x="${parent.width-12}" height="${parent.height-11}" bgcolor="#666666" onmousedown="this.clickInThumbTrack(this.getMouse( 'y' ))">

          <!-- These constants ought to be derived automatically from the resources -->
          <attribute name="arrowbuttonheight" value="12"/>
          <attribute name="thumbheight" value="24"/>

          <!-- User clicked in the track that the thumb slides in, we need to decide
               whether to page up (they clicked above the thumb) or down (they clicked
               below the thumb) -->
          <method name="clickInThumbTrack" args="y"> 
              if (y > (this.dragger.y + this.dragger.height)) {
              } else {

        <stableborderlayout axis="y"/>
        <basebutton resource="upBtn_rsc" y="-1" onclick="parent.parent.scrolly(-1)"/>
        <view resource="scrollStretch_rsc" options="releasetolayout" stretches="height"/>
       <basebutton resource="downBtn_rsc" onclick="parent.parent.scrolly(1)"/>

       <view name="dragger" height="${parent.thumbheight}" y="12" onmousedown="this.drag.setAttribute('applied', true)" onmouseup="this.drag.setAttribute('applied', false)" onmouseover="higlight_dragger(2)" onmouseout="higlight_dragger(1)">
            <_dbg_lzvdrag name="drag"/>
            <stableborderlayout axis="y"/>
            <view name="top" resource="scrollDragTop_rsc" pixellock="true"/>
            <view name="stretch" resource="scrollDrag_rsc" stretches="height"/>
            <view name="bottom" resource="scrollDragBottom_rsc" pixellock="true"/>
            <view name="dimples" pixellock="true" resource="scrollDragDimples_rsc" y="6" x="4"/>

           <method name="higlight_dragger" args="n">
              this.stretch.setAttribute('frame', n);
    'frame', n);
              this.bottom.setAttribute('frame', n);
              this.dimples.setAttribute('frame', n)

           <setter name="y" args="y"> 
              super.setAttribute('y', Math.max(parent.arrowbuttonheight-1 , Math.min( y , parent.height - (parent.thumbheight + parent.arrowbuttonheight)))); 

          <!-- this gets called every time the y value changes -->
          <handler name="ony" reference="this"> 
              if (parent.parent.autoscroll) {

          <method name="handleThumbPos" args="y"> 
               // scroll the text window
               var total_lines = parent.parent.textlines.length;
               var adjusted_visible_lines = total_lines - parent.parent.visiblelines;
               var bh = parent.arrowbuttonheight;
               var line = adjusted_visible_lines * ((this.y - bh)  / (parent.height - (bh + bh + parent.thumbheight)));
               line = Math.max(0, Math.floor(line));

    <view name="lower_right_corner" bgcolor="#888888" width="11" height="11" x="${parent.width-11}" y="${parent.height-11}"/>

    <_dbg_horiz_scrollbar name="dhsb" y="${parent.content.height-2}" width="${parent.width - 11}" bgcolor="#666666" height="13"/>

    <setter name="height" args="h"> 
       super.setAttribute('height', h);

     <method name="setText" args="str">

    <method name="addText" args="str">
      // split into lines
      // and update the displayed text if needed
       var lastline = "";
       var lindex = this.textlines.length -1;
       // check and see if the last line we added ended in a newline,
       // if not, keep appending to current text line.
       if (lindex >= 0) {
           lastline = this.textlines[lindex];
           if (lastline.charAt(lastline.length-1) == "\n") {
               // if last line ends in newline, start a new line
       } else {
           lindex = 0;

       var start = 0;
       var end = 0;

       end = str.indexOf("\n");
       while (end != -1) {
          var line = str.substring(start, end+1);
          this.textlines[lindex] += string(line);
          start = end+1;
          end = str.indexOf("\n", start);
       if (start < str.length) {
         line = str.substring(start);
         this.textlines[lindex] += string(line);

     <method name="clear">
      this.textlines = [];

     <method name="updateDisplay">
       // disable the constraint between ypos of dragger and text window for a moment
       this.setAttribute('autoscroll', false);
       this.scrollbar.dragger.setAttribute('y', this.computeDraggerYPos());
       this.setAttribute('autoscroll', true);

        var str = "";
        var i;
        var l = this.lineptr;
        for (i = 0; i < this.visiblelines; i++) {
          str += this.textlines[i + l];
        this.content.textpane.setAttribute('text', str);

     <method name="setLine" args="n">
       this.lineptr = n;

     <method name="setLineNoScroll" args="n">
       this.lineptr = n;

     <!-- compute what the y pos of the thumb should be based on what text line offset we are
          displaying now -->
     <method name="computeDraggerYPos">
       // subtract out height of up and down buttons
       var bh = this.scrollbar.arrowbuttonheight;
       var real_scroll_height = (this.scrollbar.height - (bh * 2 + this.scrollbar.thumbheight)) + 2;
       var ypos = Math.floor( (this.lineptr / (this.textlines.length - this.visiblelines)) * real_scroll_height);
       return bh -1  + ypos;

     <method name="scrolly" args="n">
       this.setLine(Math.min(this.textlines.length, (Math.max(0, n+this.lineptr))));

     <!-- incrementally slide the text content area left or right -->
     <method name="scrollx" args="nx">
       this.content.textpane.setAttribute('x', Math.min(0, Math.max(-(this.content.textpane.width), this.content.textpane.x + nx)));

     <!-- set the x offset of the text output content area -->
     <method name="setXScroll" args="x">
       this.content.textpane.setAttribute('x', Math.max (-(this.content.textpane.width), Math.min( 0, x)));

     <method name="scrollToEnd">
       this.setLine(Math.max(0, this.textlines.length - this.visiblelines));

     <method name="fontheight">
        return this.content.textpane.font.height;

     <!-- Computes how many lines are visible in the text area -->
     <method name="computeVisibleRegion">
     // figure out how many lines we can display for the given content view height
         // this.visiblelines = Math.floor(this.content.textpane.height / (this.content.textpane.font.height-1));
        var txt = this.content.textpane;
        this.visiblelines = Math.floor(txt.height /
                                       (txt.font.leading + (txt.font.height * txt.fontsize/ txt.DEFAULT_SIZE)));

        return this.visiblelines;

<!-- * X_LZ_COPYRIGHT_BEGIN ***************************************************
* Copyright 2001-2004,2007-2010 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.    *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
* X_LZ_COPYRIGHT_END ****************************************************** -->
<!-- @LZX_VERSION@                                                         -->

Cross References


Name Source Image
upBtn_rsc images/buttons/upbtn.swf
downBtn_rsc images/buttons/downbtn.swf
leftbtn_rsc images/buttons/leftbtn.swf
rightbtn_rsc images/buttons/rightbtn.swf
scrollcorner_rsc images/scrollcorner.swf
scrolldraghorz_rsc images/scrolldraghorz.swf
scrolldragright_rsc images/scrolldragright.swf
scrolldragleft_rsc images/scrolldragleft.swf
scrolldragdimpleshorz_rsc images/scrolldragdimpleshorz.swf
scrollstretchhorz_rsc images/scrollstretchhorz.swf
scrollDragDimples_rsc images/scrolldragdimples.swf
scrollDragTop_rsc images/scrolldragtop.swf
scrollDrag_rsc images/scrolldrag.swf
scrollDragBottom_rsc images/scrolldragbottom.swf
scrollStretch_rsc images/scrollstretch.swf
scrollTop_rsc images/scrolltop.swf
