

     @lzxname debug
     @keywords private_constructor
     @access public
     @topic LZX
     @subtopic Debugging
     @devnote NOTE [2008-11-25 ptw] Dummy class to hold documentation for debug tag
     @devnote TODO [2008-11-26 ptw] Make this the real class!
  <class name="debug">
      <tag name="shortdesc"><text>Controlling the Laszlo debugger console window</text></tag>
      <tag name="lzxname"><text>debug</text></tag>
       <p>For runtimes that use a view on the application canvas as the debugger console window,
       the optional <code><debug /></code> tag controls the appearance
       of window.
       The <code><debug /></code> tag does <em>not</em>
       cause the application to be compiled with debugging mode enabled.</p>
       When applicable, by default, the debug console will appear as a <code>view</code>
       sized to fit the lower 1/2 of the canvas.
       The usual <code>view</code> attributes can be used to override these defaults to size and
       position the debug console window.  If you need to programmatically
       control the debugger console window, use the <code>name</code>

       <example class="program" id="debug-1" title="Controlling the Debug console window">

<canvas debug="true" height="150" width="100%">
 <debug name="debugwindow" y="${canvas.height - this.height}" height="80%" />
 <button name="button">
   <attribute name="visible" value="${canvas['debugwindow'] != null}" />
   <attribute name="text"
     value="${canvas['debugwindow']?((canvas.debugwindow.visible?'hide':'show') + ' debugger'):null}" />
   <handler name="onclick">
     canvas.debugwindow.setAttribute('visible', (! canvas.debugwindow.visible));


       <p>Note the test to verify that the window exists before we try to manipulate it.
       The <code><debug /></code> tag will <em>not</em> create
       a window in the application canvas for runtimes or IDE's that have an external debugger console,
       or if remote or developer console debugging
       is enabled.</p>
       <p>When the debugger is active, there is a menu item in the
       default contextual (right-click) menu that can be used to show or hide
       the debugger window.  The debugger will add a number of useful actions
       to the contextual menu when the debugger window is visible.  If an
       error occurred in the program, there will be actions to examine the
       error in detail or to generate a bug report.</p>

  <!-- the debug eval loader; it's platform-specific -->
    <when runtime="swf8">
      <include href="platform/swf8/eval.lzs"/>
    <when property="$as3">
      <include href="platform/swf9/eval.lzs"/>

  <include href="debugger.lzx"/>

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Named Instances