

    <!-- These colors are built in:
    black = 0x000000
    green = 0x008000
    silver = 0xC0C0C0
    lime = 0x00FF00
    gray = 0x808080
    olive = 0x808000
    white = 0xFFFFFF
    yellow = 0xFFFF00
    maroon = 0x800000
    navy = 0x000080
    red = 0xFF0000
    blue = 0x0000FF
    purple = 0x800080
    teal = 0x008080
    fuchsia = 0xFF00FF
    aqua = 0x00FFFF -->

  These colors appear to have names similar to the X11 color names,
  but the values do not always correspond.  They are just here as an
  example of how one might define custom named colors, over and above
  the W3C CSS3 standard colors that are built-in

<script when="immediate">
    lz.colors.offwhite = 0xf2f2f2;
    lz.colors.gray10 = 0x1a1a1a;
    lz.colors.gray20 = 0x333333;
    lz.colors.gray30 = 0x4d4d4d;
    lz.colors.gray40 = 0x666666;
    lz.colors.gray50 = 0x7f7f7f;
    lz.colors.gray60 = 0x999999;
    lz.colors.gray70 = 0xb3b3b3;
    lz.colors.gray80 = 0xcccccc;
    lz.colors.gray90 = 0xe5e5e5;
    lz.colors.iceblue1 = 0x325693;
    lz.colors.iceblue2 = 0x5381CE;
    lz.colors.iceblue3 = 0xBAC4D5;
    lz.colors.iceblue4 = 0xD5E4F3;
    lz.colors.iceblue5 = 0xEEF1F5;
    lz.colors.palegreen1 = 0x417641;
    lz.colors.palegreen2 = 0xB3D3B3;
    lz.colors.palegreen3 = 0xC0D49D;
    lz.colors.palegreen4 = 0xD3EAAA;
    lz.colors.palegreen5 = 0xEFF1E8;
    lz.colors.gold1 = 0x8E6409;
    lz.colors.gold2 = 0xCBB14B;
    lz.colors.gold3 = 0xE6CF74;
    lz.colors.gold4 = 0xF8E496;
    lz.colors.sand1 = 0xD4C6A1;
    lz.colors.sand2 = 0xD9D7C2;
    lz.colors.sand3 = 0xF2EEDB;
    lz.colors.sand4 = 0xF3EEE1;
    lz.colors.ltpurple1 = 0x645698;
    lz.colors.ltpurple2 = 0xB7B0D1;
    lz.colors.ltpurple3 = 0xCBC1ED;
    lz.colors.ltpurple4 = 0xE9E7F0;
    lz.colors.grayblue = 0xBEC2C8;
    lz.colors.graygreen = 0xC0CCC0;
    lz.colors.graypurple = 0x9F9DB1;
    lz.colors.ltblue = 0xDDDDFF;
    lz.colors.ltgreen = 0xDDFFDD;

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* Copyright 2001-2004, 2008 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
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