

    <include href="base/baseformitem.lzx"/>

    <!--- A private inputtext class used by baseedittext that basically passes
          its events (onfocus, onblur, onkeyup, onkeydown, ontext) up. Instances
          of _internalinputtext should only exist in a baseedittext class. Note
          that _internalinputtext assumes that its parent is a baseedittext.

          Baseedittext controls _internalinputtexts y position and multiline
          setting. Subclasses and instances should not override these

          @keywords private -->
    <class name="_newinternalinputtext" extends="inputtext">

        <!--- True means that doSetValue called internal inputtext and inputtext
              should not call doSetValue back. -->
        <attribute name="ignorecallup" value="false"/>

        <!--- Values like password and textwidth, which can't be changed at
              runtime, must be passed in early to inputtext .
              @keywords private -->
        <method name="construct" args="parent, args">
            // args from parent
            if ( parent['password'] != null )  args.password = parent.password;
            parent._field = this;
            super.construct(  parent, args );

        <!--- Sent if whenever the focus moves into _internalinputtext. -->
        <handler name="onfocus" args="s">
            if (parent['onfocus']) parent.onfocus.sendEvent(s);
        <!--- Sent if whenever the focus moves out of _internalinputtext. -->
        <handler name="onblur" args="s">
             if (parent['onblur']) parent.onblur.sendEvent(s);
        <!--- Sent whenever a user keys up. -->
        <handler name="onkeyup" args="kc"> 
              if (parent['onkeyup']) parent.onkeyup.sendEvent(kc);
        <!--- Sent whenever a user keys down. -->
        <handler name="onkeydown" args="kc"> 
              if (parent['onkeydown']) parent.onkeydown.sendEvent(kc);
        <!--- Sent whenever a user enters a valid new character. -->
        <handler name="ontext" method="doOnText"/>
        <method name="doOnText" args="ignore">
            if (! this.ignorecallup) {
            this.ignorecallup = false;
        <!--- Get focus bracket for _internalinputtext to be the dimensions of
              @keywords private -->
        <method name="getFocusRect">
           var fx = parent.getAttributeRelative('x',canvas);
           var fy = parent.getAttributeRelative('y',canvas);
           var fw = parent.getAttributeRelative('width',canvas);
           var fh = parent.getAttributeRelative('height',canvas);
           return [fx,fy,fw,fh];
        <!-- Used so that we can put a getPrevSelection method on an instance of
             this class. -->
        <method name="getPrevSelection">
            if ( parent['getPrevSelection'] )  return parent.getPrevSelection()
            return null; // default tab order occurs
        <!-- Used so that we can put a getNextSelection method on an instance of
             this class. -->
        <method name="getNextSelection">
            if ( parent['getNextSelection'] )  return parent.getNextSelection()
            return null; // default tab order occurs

    <!--- This component provides the look and feel for user editable text, data
          binding, and focus events. -->
    <class name="baseedittext" extends="baseformitem" focusable="false">
        <!--- The text that appears in the component. Text and value are the
              same. -->
        <attribute name="text" type="html" setter="this.doSetValue(text, false, false)"/>

        <!--- The text that appears in the component. Text and value are the
              same. -->
        <attribute name="value" value="null" setter="this.doSetValue(value, false, false)"/>

        <!--- Set to true for multiple lines. -->
        <attribute name="multiline" value="false"/>

        <!--- Set to true for a password field. Text will appear as ****. 
              This attribute cannot be changed at runtime.
              @keywords final -->
        <attribute name="password" value="false"/>

        <!--- The maximum number of chars that can be entered. Default is
              unlimited. -->
        <attribute name="maxlength" value="null" type="number"/>

        <!--- An expression to restrict the set of characters that are allowed
              to be entered. For example, [0-9]*, [012]*, [a-zA-Z]*,
              [0-9A-Z]*. You can restrict the number of characters using
              maxlength. Default is any character. -->
        <attribute name="pattern" value="$once{null}" type="string"/>

        <!--- The height of the edit text box. -->
        <attribute name="height" value="20"/>

        <!--- The width of the edit text box. -->
        <attribute name="width" value="106"/>

        <!--- Font size of the text. -->
        <attribute name="fontsize" value="13"/>

        <!--- Sent when the value of the text changes. -->
        <event name="onvalue"/>

        <!--- Setting the fgcolor of text has the unfortunate effect of setting
              the hilite color as well, so it is disabled here.
              @keywords private-->
        <attribute name="fgcolor" setter=""/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_fgcolor" value="0"/>

        <!--- This should be null if not set during early init.
              @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_initialtext" value="" type="string"/>

        <!--- Boolean to see if baseedittext needs to place y position for text
              during init.
              @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_initialtexty" value="false"/>

        <!--- Reference to _internalinputtext. This is set by the
              _internalinputtext during its initialization. _internalinputtext
              is not defined by baseeditext and should be declared by subclasses
              for proper visual placement.
              @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_field" value="null"/>

        <!--- Set baseedittext height and correctly place text for
              internalinputfield using _placeTextY().
              @keywords private -->
        <setter name="height" args="h">
            super.setAttribute('height', h);
            this._initialtexty = (!this._initcomplete);
            if (this._initcomplete) this._placeTextY()

        <!--- Set edittext's and _field's multiline attributes. Will affect text
              placement if multiline attribute changes.
              @keywords private -->
        <setter name="multiline" args="newMultiline">
            this.multiline = newMultiline;
            if (this._initcomplete) {
                this._field.setAttribute('multiline', newMultiline);

        <!--- If multiline, places text two pixels from top, else it calculates
              the middle point for the textbox. 
              @keywords private -->
        <method name="_placeTextY">
            if (this._field) {
                if (this.multiline) {
                    this._field.setAttribute('y', 2);
                } else {
                    this._field.setAttribute('y', (this.height - this._field.fontsize) / 2 - 3);

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="init">

            // Make sure the initial rollback value is "", not "null"
            this.rollbackvalue = "";
            // Check to see if we have to set text during init.
            if ( this['_initialtext'] != null ){
                this.doSetValue( this._initialtext, true, false );
            // Make sure value and text are in sync
            this.value = this.text;

            // Check to see if we have to place text during init.
            if (this[ '_initialtexty' ] ) {

            if (this._field) {  // if you instantiate a baseedittext, 
                                // it will not have an _field
                if (this.multiline != this._field.multiline) {
                    this._field.setAttribute("multiline", this.multiline);
                if (this.maxlength != null) {
                    this._field.setAttribute('maxlength', this.maxlength);
                if (this.pattern != null) {
                    this._field.setAttribute('pattern', this.pattern);

        <!--- Set text. Wraps doSetValue().
              @param String t: text to set.
              @param Boolean isinitvalue: if the text to set is an
              initvalue. -->
        <method name="setText" args="t,isinitvalue=false">
            if (! isinitvalue) {
              if ($debug) {
                Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
            this.doSetValue(t,isinitvalue, false);

        <!--- Override acceptValue to pass the magic second argument
             to doSetValue so the new value is an initializer

            @access private -->
        <method name="acceptValue" args="data, type=null">
          if (type == null) type = this.type;
          this.doSetValue(lz.Type.acceptTypeValue(type, data, this, 'value'), true, false);

        <!--- Set the value (text) of baseedittext.
              @param String value: the string to set.
              @param Boolean isinitvalue: if the string is an initvalue. -->
        <method name="doSetValue" args="value,isinitvalue,_ignorecalldown">
              // @param Boolean _ignorecalldown: if true, means that setValue
              // should not call internal inputtext since that's what called
              // setValue. This is a private parameter that should only be used
              // by internalinputtext.

            if (this._initcomplete) {

                if (! _ignorecalldown) {
                    if (this._field) {
                        // Have to set internal inputtext's nocallback attr. It
                        // can't be passed into _field.setAttribute('text', ) since it's not an
                        // laszlo method. Nocallback means that setValue called
                        // internal inputtext and inputtext should not call setValue
                        // back.
                        this._field.ignorecallup = true;

                        // _internalinputtext's ontext will trigger an ontext and
                        // onvalue event so we don't send those events here.
                        this._field.setAttribute('text', value);
                this.text = value;

                // It's important to call super.setValue *after* setting text to value,
                // because super.setValue may send an event that other components listen
                // to, and so the invariant that text = value must hold here.

                if (this['ontext']) this.ontext.sendEvent(value);

            } else {
                if (this._initialtext == '' || this._initialtext == null) {
                    this._initialtext = value;

        <!--- Clears the text field. 
              @param Boolean isinitvalue: if true, clear and set empty string as
              initial value.. -->
        <method name="clearText" args="isinitvalue">
            this.doSetValue('', isinitvalue, false);

        <!-- Sets the maxmimum number of characters which can be entered.
             @param Number n: max length for edittext. -->
        <method name="setMaxlength" args="n">
            this.setAttribute('maxlength', n);

        <!--- Positions the text selection within the text field. If this object
              does not already have the focus, this has the ancillary effect of
              giving it the focus.
              @param Number start: The beginning of the text selection, or the
              position for the text cursor if no end is given. The index is 0
              @param Number end: (optional) The end of the text selection. If
              not given, then the text cursor is positioned at the start point,
              but no text is selected. -->
        <method name="setSelection" args="start,end=null">
            this._field.setSelection(start, end);

        <!--- Get the current selection position.
              @return position of current selection. -->
        <method name="getSelectionPosition">
            return this._field.getSelectionPosition();

        <!--- Get the current selection size.
              @return size of current selection. -->
        <method name="getSelectionSize">
            return this._field.getSelectionSize();

        <!-- @private -->
        <method name="setPattern" args="r">
          if ($debug) {
            Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute);
          this.setAttribute('pattern', r);

        <!--- @private -->
        <event name="onpattern"/>
        <!-- Set the characters which can be entered into a text field. -->
        <setter name="pattern" args="r">
            this.pattern = r;
            if (this.onpattern.ready) { this.onpattern.sendEvent(r); }
            if (this._initcomplete) {
              this._field.setAttribute('pattern', r);

        <!--- Returns string displayed in this component. Also see getText().
              @return String: the text string in input box. -->
        <method name="getValue">
            if (this._initcomplete) {
                return (this._field ? this._field.text : "");
            } else {
                return this._initialtext;

        <!--- Returns the text displayed in this component. The same as calling
              @return String: the string displayed. -->
        <method name="getText">
            if (this._initcomplete) {
                return  (this._field ? this._field.text : "");
            } else {
                return this._initialtext;

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="_showEnabled">
            this._field.setAttribute('enabled', this._enabled);

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="_applystyle" args="s">
            if ( != null) {
                if (this.bgcolor) {
                if (this['_face']) {

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* Copyright 2006-2011 Laszlo Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.               *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
* X_LZ_COPYRIGHT_END ****************************************************** -->
<!-- @LZX_VERSION@                                                          -->

Cross References

