<canvas bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<font src="lztahoe8.ttf" name="tahoe"/>
<debug y="100"/>
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="20" inset="30"/>
<constantlayout axis="x" value="30"/>
<view height="250">
<simplelayout axis="x" spacing="20"/>
<view height="50" width="150">
<button onclick="">simple mode example</button>
<view y="-10" name="simple_mode" id="f" visible="false" clickable="true" width="180" height="${content.height+10}">
<view name="shadow" x="10" y="10" bgcolor="silver" width="${parent.width}" height="${parent.height}"/>
<view name="panel" bgcolor="0xffffaa" width="${parent.width}" height="${parent.height}"/>
<view x="5" name="content" width="${parent.width-10}">
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="10" inset="5"/>
<text align="center">Simple Mode Example</text>
<text x="5" width="${parent.width-5}" multiline="true">
This is a simple example of a "fragile" mode.
Clicking anywhere else will release the mode.
<text x="5" width="${parent.width-5}" multiline="true">
You can click on a button and the event
will be sent to that button. This is done by
returning true from passModeEvent.
<text onclick="parent.parent.close()" align="right" bgcolor="0xaaffaa">close</text>
<method name="passModeEvent" args="event_name, view">
//Debug.write("passModeEvent", event_name, view);
if (event_name == "onmousedown") {
return true;
<method name="open">
lz.ModeManager.makeModal( this );
this.setAttribute('visible', true);
<method name="close">
lz.ModeManager.release( this );
setAttribute('visible', false);
<view name="modal_dialog_example" height="50">
<button onclick="">show modal dialog</button>
<simplelayout spacing="2"/>
<text>complex mode example:</text>
<view name="complex_mode_example" clip="true">
<attribute name="isopen" value="false
<view name="tip" bgcolor="0xffffaa" height="50" width="210" visible="false">
<text x="6" multiline="true" y="20">this could be some helpful text<br/>to tell you how to
fill in this field</text>
<text y="30" align="right" bgcolor="0xaaffaa" name="more" clickable="true" onclick="parent.animate('height',100, 500); this.setAttribute('visible', false)" text="moreinfo"/>
<text x="6" y="52" multiline="true">more information about how to fill<br/>
out this field could go into this expanded area</text>
<handler name="onvisible" args="isvisible">
if (isvisible) {
more.setAttribute('visible', true);
this.setAttribute('height', 50);
<view name="framer" x="4" y="4" width="200" bgcolor="black" height="${input.height+2}">
<inputtext x="1" y="1" bgcolor="white" width="198" name="input">type something here</inputtext>
<handler name="onfocus" reference="framer.input">
//Debug.write('onfocus', this);;
<method name="open">
if (!this.isopen) {
tip.setAttribute('visible', true);
lz.ModeManager.makeModal( this );
if (typeof(this.tabDel) == "undefined") {
this.tabDel = new LzDelegate( this , "releaseMode" );
this.clickDel = new LzDelegate( this , "checkForClick" );
this.tabDel.register(lz.Keys, "onkeydown");
this.clickDel.register(lz.GlobalMouse, "onmouseup");
<method name="close">
if (this.isopen) {
this.isopen = false;
tip.setAttribute('visible', false);
lz.ModeManager.release( this );
<handler name="onblur" reference="framer.input">
<method name="checkForClick" args="v">
var xpos = this.getMouse('x');
var ypos = this.getMouse('y');
//Debug.write('checkForClick', xpos, ypos);
if (xpos > 0 && xpos < this.width && ypos > 0 && ypos < this.height) {;
<method name="passModeEvent" args="event_name, view">
//Debug.write("passModeEvent", event_name, view);
if (event_name == "onmousedown") {
return true;
<method name="releaseMode" args="kc">
//Debug.write('releaseMode', kc);
if (kc == 9) { // tab
<simplelayout spacing="10"/>
<text>Use these views to test key and mouse events</text>
<simplelayout spacing="10" axis="x"/>
<inputtext id="a" bgcolor="white">input text (A)</inputtext>
<inputtext id="b" bgcolor="white">input text (B)</inputtext>
<text id="c" selectable="true">selectable text (C)</text>
<view bgcolor="white">
<attribute name="focusable" value="true
<text>focusable view</text>
<text>yellow=has focus</text>
<handler name="onfocus">
<handler name="onblur">
<view name="event_tester" align="center" clickable="true" bgcolor="#CCCCFF" width="120" height="40" pixellock="true" onmouseover="report( 'onmouseover' ); " onmouseout="report( 'Mouse Event Tester' ); " onmousedown="report( 'onmousedown' ); " onmouseup="report( 'onmouseup' ); ">
<text y="15" width="100" name="mytext">Mouse Event Tester</text>
<method name="report" args="t">
this.mytext.setAttribute('text', t );
<view name="global_mouse_tester" align="center" height="120" width="250" pixellock="true" bgcolor="silver">
<simplelayout spacing="3" inset="5"/>
<text align="center">-- global mouse event tester --</text>
<text width="240" bgcolor="white" oninit="createDelegates();">
<method name="createDelegates">
new LzDelegate( this , "globalMouseUp" , lz.GlobalMouse ,
"onmouseup" );
new LzDelegate( this , "globalMouseDown" , lz.GlobalMouse,
"onmousedown" );
new LzDelegate( this , "globalMouseRollover" , lz.GlobalMouse ,
"onmouseover" );
this.cleard = new LzDelegate( this , "cleartext" )
<method name="globalMouseUp" args="vc">
this.setAttribute('text', "mouseup from " + vc );
lz.Timer.resetTimer( this.cleard , 3000 );
<method name="globalMouseDown" args="vc">
this.setAttribute('text', "mousedown from " + vc );
<method name="globalMouseRollover" args="vc">
this.setAttribute('text', "mouse over " + vc );
lz.Timer.resetTimer( this.cleard , 3000 );
<method name="cleartext">
this.setAttribute('text', "" );
<text width="${parent.width-5}" multiline="true">
note: the lz.GlobalMouse service continues to send events
even when someone has the mode, but only the view which
has the mode receives view events</text>
<class name="simpledialog" focustrap="true" defaultplacement="content" options="ignorelayout" visible="false" width="${framer.content.width+20}" height="${framer.content.height+30}">
<attribute name="title" value="a dialog
" type="string"/>
<attribute name="bgcolor" value="black
<view x="1" y="1" name="framer" bgcolor="white" width="${parent.width-2}" height="${parent.height-2}">
<simplelayout spacing="2"/>
<text name="mytitle" text="${classroot.title}" align="center" resize="true"/>
<view x="10" width="${parent.width-20}" height="1" bgcolor="black"/>
<view x="10" name="content">
<method name="open">
lz.ModeManager.makeModal( this );
this.setAttribute('visible', true );
<method name="close">
this.setAttribute('visible', false );
lz.ModeManager.release( this );
<method name="passModeEvent" args="event_name, view">
//Debug.write("passModeEvent", event_name, view);
return false;
<simpledialog title="modal dialog example" name="dialog_example1" align="center" y="60" pixellock="true">
<view width="400">
<simplelayout spacing="10"/>
<text width="380" multiline="true">
Mouse events only go to the dialog view and its
children, because it returns false from passModeEvents.
The dialog also sets focustrap="true" so that focus is kept
within this view.
<text width="380" multiline="true">
This simple dialog is declared on the canvas so that
it will float above all other views. Alternately, a class
can be created from script with its parent as the canvas.
<view x="50" width="250" height="50" bgcolor="silver">
<text x="20">test tabbing here:</text>
<view x="20" y="20">
<simplelayout axis="x" spacing="20"/>
<inputtext bgcolor="white">input text one</inputtext>
<inputtext bgcolor="white">input text two</inputtext>
<text selectable="true">selectable text</text>
<button onclick="" align="center">show another dialog</button>
<button x="320" onclick="parent.parent.close()">Close</button>
<simpledialog name="simplemodaldialog" width="120" height="100" align="center" y="100" pixellock="true">
<simplelayout spacing="3"/>
<text width="100" multiline="true">
simple example to show that modes may be nested
<button x="60" onclick="parent.close()">OK</button>
Cross References
Named Instances