
<canvas bgcolor="0xEAEAEA" height="600" width="800" oninit="closeme.setAttribute('haswindowfocus', true)">
    <include href="testmedia/frosty.lzx"/>
    <silverstyle isdefault="true" canvascolor="null"/>
    <bluestyle name="bluecolors" canvascolor="null"/>
    <goldstyle name="goldcolors" canvascolor="null"/>

    <window style="bluecolors" width="220" height="200" bgcolor="0xffffdd" title="close me" id="closeme" resizable="true" closeable="true" x="40" y="40">
          <text x="10" y="10" width="${immediateparent.width-40}" multiline="true" fgcolor="blue">
              The style of this window has blue colors.  The
              instance overrides bgcolor to be light yellow.
              The window is closeable and resizable.
              If you close it, you may click the "appear"
              button to open it again.</text>

    <window width="200" height="200" x="300" y="40" resizable="true" closeable="true" id="fw" title="Frosty">
        <scrollbar axis="x"/>

    <window id="w1" x="40" y="250" width="200" height="100" title="w1: 200x100" layout="axis:x; spacing:20; inset:20">
        <checkbox y="10">checkbox</checkbox>
        <button y="10">button</button>

    <window style="goldcolors" id="cherry" title="Cherry" x="300" y="240">
          <view resource="testmedia/cherry.png"/>

    <modaldialog id="md" title="Modal Dialog" width="240">
        <simplelayout spacing="10"/>
        <text width="${immediateparent.width}" multiline="true">
            Are you really sure you want to do something?</text>
        <checkbox align="right">Thursday Afternoon</checkbox>
        <view align="right" layout="axis:x; spacing:10">
            <button onclick="parent.parent.close()">Cancel</button>
            <button onclick="parent.parent.close()" isdefault="true">OK</button>

    <alert id="a1">Attention: this is an alert!</alert>

    <alert id="a2" title="Lunch Alert" button2="Whatever" button1="Pizza">
        Here is an alert that specifies the title and
        what text should go on the buttons.
        What would you like to eat?</alert>

    <alert id="a3" text_x="70" text_y="5">This alert has a child view to show the warning icon.
        <view resource="testmedia/warning.swf" stretches="both" width="60" height="60"/>

    <view y="40" x="550">
        <button text="appear" onclick=""/>
        <button text="new simple window" onclick="new lz.window(canvas,{title:'new', name:'anon',                     width:100, height:100, resizable:true, closeable:true})"/>
        <button text="open modal dialog" onclick=""/>
        <button text="simple alert" onclick=""/>
        <button text="alert with buttons" onclick=""/>
        <button text="alert with image" onclick=""/>
        <simplelayout spacing="20"/>

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* Copyright 2001-2008 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
* X_LZ_COPYRIGHT_END ****************************************************** -->
<!-- @LZX_VERSION@                                                         -->

Cross References


Named Instances