
<!-- Example of using the form tag -->
<canvas bgcolor="0xeaeaea" width="640">

    <!-- An url that reads submitted form data -->
    <!-- and echoes it back in a response -->
    <dataset name="echoer" src="http:echo.jsp"/>

    <text id="tt" x="40" y="15" width="500" multiline="true" resize="false" height="40">
        Here are two examples forms.  Hitting the <b>submit</b>
        button will display the data that is received by the server.

    <!-- Tabs view with a few forms in it -->
    <tabs id="tb" x="40" y="$once{tt.y + tt.height}"> 
      <tabpane text="Example 1">
        <form id="ex1">
            <submit name="submitter" dataset="${echoer}"/>

            <statictext>What is your definition of fun?</statictext>
            <radiogroup x="30" name="definition">
                <radiobutton value="1">Playing video games</radiobutton>
                <radiobutton value="2">Chatting with friends</radiobutton>
                <radiobutton value="3">Eating french fries</radiobutton>

            <statictext>Where do you live?</statictext>
            <list name="home" x="30" shownitems="4"> 
                <textlistitem selected="true">city</textlistitem>
                <textlistitem>cubby hole</textlistitem>

            <checkbox name="email">Please send me email that is fun.</checkbox>

            <button isdefault="true" onclick="parent.submitter.submit()">Submit</button>

      <tabpane text="Example 2">
        <form height="${ex1.height}" layout="axis: y; spacing: 15">
            <submit name="submitter" dataset="${echoer}"/>

            <view layout="axis: x; spacing: 5">
                <text y="2">First name:</text>
                <edittext width="120" name="firstname">Wilma</edittext>
            <view layout="axis: x; spacing: 5">
                <text y="2">Last name:</text>
                <edittext width="120" name="lastname">Flintstone</edittext>

            <statictext>Things that aren't fun (select a few):</statictext>
            <list width="175" name="pain" x="20" multiselect="true" shownitems="5"> 
                <textlistitem selected="true">Kidney stones</textlistitem>
                <textlistitem selected="true">Blisters</textlistitem>
                <textlistitem>Brain freeze</textlistitem>
                <textlistitem>Parking in San Francisco</textlistitem>
                <textlistitem>Null pointer exceptions</textlistitem>

            <button isdefault="true" onclick="parent.submitter.submit()">Submit</button>
   <!-- Simple display of data echoed back by the server -->
   <tabs x="${tb.x+tb.width+30}" y="${tb.y}" width="220" height="${tb.height}" datapath="echoer:/response"> 
       <tabpane width="${parent.width}">Results
           <view layout="axis: y; spacing: 2">
               <view datapath="formcomponent" layout="axis:y">
                   <text width="100" datapath="@name" fontstyle="bold"/>
                   <text x="5" resize="true" multiline="true" width="${this.parent.parent.parent.width - this.x}" datapath="text()"/>
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Cross References

Named Instances