
<canvas height="200" width="200">

 <class name="loopingtimer" extends="view">

      <when property="$as3">
          import flash.utils.setTimeout;

    <!-- *** ATTRIBUTES *** -->

    <!-- Public Attributes -->

    @param numnber timer_resolution: number of milliseconds between timer
    firings (default: 40ms)

    Note: OpenLaszlo seems to typically have a lower limit of 47-78
    milliseconds between firings, so setting below this may be useless.
    <attribute name="timer_resolution" type="number" value="40"/>

    <!-- Private Attributes -->

    <!--- @keywords private -->
    @param number formertime: used internally to calculate the number of
    elapsed milliseconds since playback was started
    <attribute name="formertime" type="number" value="0"/>

    <!--- @keywords private -->
    Used internally for tracking virtual current time in milliseconds
    for pause functionality.
    <attribute name="currenttime" type="number" value="0"/>

    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <!--- @param string timer_state: 'PAUSED' | 'COUNTING' -->
    <attribute name="timer_state" type="string" value="PAUSED"/>

    <!-- *** METHODS *** -->

    <!-- Public Methods -->

    <!--- @keywords abstract -->
    ABSTRACT METHOD: overwrite to do something useful in your program

    @param number theTime: the time in milliseconds elapsed since playback
    was  started
    <method name="reactToTimeChange" args="theTime">
      if ($debug){
        Debug.write('WARNING: reactToTimeChange(): This is an abstract method that should be overridden to do something useful in your application');
        Debug.write('reactToTimeChange(): Time elapsed since last firing in milliseconds: '+theTime);

    <!--- Start Timer (Note: This will reset timer to 0) -->
    <method name="startTimer">
      this.setAttribute('timer_state', 'COUNTING');
      var now = new Date();
      var rawTime = now.getTime();
      this.setAttribute('formertime', rawTime);


    <!--- Pauses timer at current time -->
    <method name="pauseTimer">
      this.setAttribute('timer_state', 'PAUSED');

    <!--- Resumes timer from time it is paused at -->
    <method name="unpauseTimer">
      this.setAttribute('timer_state', 'COUNTING');
      var now = new Date();
      var rawTime = now.getTime();
      this.setAttribute('formertime', rawTime-this.currenttime);

    <!--- Stop Timer - stops timer and resets to 0  -->
    <method name="stopTimer">

    <!--- Resets Timer to 0 -->
    <method name="resetTimer">
      this.setAttribute('formertime', 0);
      this.setAttribute('currenttime', 0);

    Seeks to the given time in milliseconds.

    @param number(int) iTimeMs: the time to seek to
    <method name="seekToTime" args="iTimeMs">
      this.setAttribute('currenttime', Math.floor(iTimeMs));

    <!-- Private Methods -->

    <!--- @keywords private -->
    Called Internally By Timer

    @param number theTime: the actual time in milliseconds that has passed
    since the last timer firing (will usually be 16-100ms more than timer
    firing interval)
    <method name="doForTime">

      // Prevent Timer Incrementing When Paused
      if (this.timer_state == 'PAUSED')

      var now = new Date();

      var rawTime = now.getTime();

      if (this.formertime != 0)
        var currentTime = rawTime - this.formertime;

      this.setAttribute('currenttime', currentTime);

      // Call Abstract Method:



    <!--- @keywords private -->
    Used internally for timer looping.
    <method name="repeat">

      // This function uses an embedded JavaScript function which
      // can be called via the standard JavaScript setTimeout()
      // method which results in more accurate timer firing then the
      // standard OpenLaszlo LzTimer() class. LzTimer() fired up to
      // 256ms late, while setTimeout() usually fires from
      // only 47ms-78ms

      var f = function(){

      setTimeout(f, this.timer_resolution);



Cross References
