<canvas debug="true" height="530" width="100%">
<soap name="amazon" wsdl="http://soap.amazon.com/schemas3/AmazonWebServices.wsdl">
<attribute name="handlerDel" value="null
" type="expression"/>
<handler name="onload">
Debug.debug('Amazon soap service loaded.');
Debug.debug('Click keyword search button to get started.');
search.setAttribute('visible', true);
<handler name="onerror" args="error">
<method name="invokeKeywordSearchRequest" args="keyword">
// Instantiate proto.KeywordRequest prototype to pass into
// KeywordSearchRequest.
var keyReqParam = new this.proto.KeywordRequest();
keyReqParam.keyword = keyword;
keyReqParam.page = 1;
keyReqParam.mode = 'book';
keyReqParam.tag = 'webservices-20';
keyReqParam.type = 'lite';
keyReqParam.devtag = '12FRM39DPGD6QZRMTEG2';
keyReqParam.format = 'xml';
keyReqParam.version = '1.0';
if (this.handlerDel == null) {
this.handlerDel = new LzDelegate(this, 'handler');
// Array of parameters and a delegate for callback handler must
// be passed in when invoking raw stub function. For more
// information on proxy, see proxy section in RPC chapter
Debug.debug('Invoking Amazon KeywordSearchRequest...');
this.proxy.KeywordSearchRequest( [ keyReqParam ], this.handlerDel);
<method name="handler" args="response">
Debug.debug('Got response: %w', response);
<view id="search" x="10" y="10" layout="spacing: 5" visible="false">
<view layout="axis: x; spacing: 5">
<edittext id="s" text="services"/>
<button text="keyword search" onclick="amazon.invokeKeywordSearchRequest(s.text)"/>
Cross References
Named Instances