
<canvas width="100%" height="500" debug="true"> 
  <debug x="30%" width="65%" y="5%" height="90%"/>
    /* default, should only be seen if things are broken */
    colorswatch { background-color: orange }

    /* Static for buttons */
    colorbutton[color=red] {background-color: red }
    /* `lime` is the HTML name for rgb(0,255,0) */
    colorbutton[color=green] {background-color: lime }
    colorbutton[color=blue] {background-color: blue }

    /* dynamic single selectors that apply to individual swatches */
    [red=off] colorswatch { background-color: cyan; opacity: 0.2 }
    [red=on] colorswatch { background-color: red; opacity: 0.95 }
    [green=off] colorswatch { background-color: magenta; opacity: 0.2 }
    [green=on] colorswatch { background-color: lime; opacity: 0.95 }
    [blue=off] colorswatch { background-color: yellow; opacity: 0.2 }
    [blue=on] colorswatch { background-color: blue; opacity: 0.95 }

    /* dynamic compound selectors that apply to mixer colorswatch */
    [red=off] [green=off] [blue=off] [name=mixer] colorswatch { background-color: black; opacity: 1 }
    [red=off] [green=off] [blue=on] [name=mixer] colorswatch { background-color: blue; opacity: 1 }
    [red=off] [green=on] [blue=off] [name=mixer] colorswatch { background-color: lime; opacity: 1 }
    [red=off] [green=on] [blue=on] [name=mixer] colorswatch { background-color: cyan; opacity: 1 }
    [red=on] [green=off] [blue=off] [name=mixer] colorswatch { background-color: red; opacity: 1 }
    [red=on] [green=off] [blue=on] [name=mixer] colorswatch { background-color: magenta; opacity: 1 }
    [red=on] [green=on] [blue=off] [name=mixer] colorswatch { background-color: yellow; opacity: 1 }
    [red=on] [green=on] [blue=on] [name=mixer] colorswatch { background-color: white; opacity: 1 }

 <!-- button to toggle an attribute which should trigger style change -->
  <class name="colorbutton" width="40" height="20" align="center">
    <attribute name="bgcolor" style="background-color"/>
    <attribute name="color" type="string"/>
    <text fgcolor="white" text="${this.parent.on}" align="center"/>
    <attribute name="on" type="string" value="off"/>
    <handler name="onclick">
      this.setAttribute('on', this.on === 'on' ? 'off' : 'on' );

  <!-- color swatch that is styled by background-color and opacity -->
  <class name="colorswatch" height="60" width="60" bgcolor="gray" align="center">
    <attribute name="swatchcolor" style="background-color" type="color"/>
    <attribute name="swatchopacity" style="opacity" value="1"/>
    <handler name="onclick">
    <view name="swatch" x="5" y="5" height="50" width="50">
      <attribute name="bgcolor" value="${parent.swatchcolor}"/>
      <attribute name="opacity" value="${parent.swatchopacity}"/>

  <!-- nested views with red, green, blue attributes that dynamically change
       to demonstrate the applicability of compound dynamic selectors  -->
  <view x="5%" y="5%" width="20%" height="80%" layout="axis: y; spacing: 5">
    <text width="100%" multiline="true">
      Toggle the red, green, and blue buttons on and off to
      dynamically update the applicable CSS selectors.  Click on a color
      swatch to explain the applicability of the CSS selectors.
    <attribute name="red" value="${this.toggle.on}" type="string"/>
    <colorbutton name="toggle" color="red"/>
    <view width="100%" layout="axis: y; spacing: 5">
      <attribute name="green" value="${this.toggle.on}" type="string"/>
      <colorbutton name="toggle" color="green"/>
      <view width="100%" layout="axis: y; spacing: 5">
        <attribute name="blue" value="${this.toggle.on}" type="string"/>
        <colorbutton name="toggle" color="blue"/>
        <view width="100%" name="mixer" layout="axis: y; spacing: 5">
          <text align="center">Mixer</text>
          <colorswatch id="mixer"/>
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Cross References


Named Instances