<canvas title="Components Hierarchy" width="630" height="540" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<debug x="160" y="380"/>
<include href="common.lzx"/>
<include href="base/basetree.lzx"/>
<include href="lz/tree.lzx"/>
<include href="hierarchyview.lzx"/>
<include href="formview.lzx"/>
<include href="listview.lzx"/>
<include href="menuview.lzx"/>
<include href="tabsview.lzx"/>
<include href="tabsliderview.lzx"/>
<include href="windowview.lzx"/>
<include href="scrollbarview.lzx"/>
<include href="treeview.lzx"/>
<view name="treehier" x="15" y="15" width="${canvas.width - 2*this.x}" height="${canvas.height - 2*this.y}">
<simplelayout spacing="10"/>
<text align="center"><b>Component Hierarchy</b></text>
<view layout="axis: x; spacing: 20">
<hierarchyview name="tv" height="${parent.parent.height - 60}"/>
<keyview width="${parent.parent.width - 40 - - this.boxsize}"/>
<button name="other" text="See Related Components">
<handler name="onclick">
canvas.treehier.setAttribute('visible', false);
canvas.related.setAttribute('visible', true);
<view name="related" width="${canvas.width - 2*this.x}" x="15" y="15" height="${canvas.height - 2*this.y}" visible="false" layout="spacing: 10">
<tabs width="100%" height="${parent.height - parent.back.height - 10}">
<tabpane text="Form">
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="10"/>
<text align="center"><b>Form Classes</b></text>
<nodeview width="${parent.width - 20}"/>
<text resize="true" width="${parent.width - 40}" multiline="true">
* multistatebutton extends basebutton: it is used in radiobutton
and checkbox, but is not subclassed by any of the higher level
<tabpane text="List">
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="10"/>
<text align="center"><b>List Classes</b></text>
<listview width="${parent.width - 20}"/>
<text resize="true" width="${parent.width - 40}" multiline="true">
In addition to radiogroup listed in "Form", there are many
kinds of lists (see "Tabs" and "Tabslider"). Each list
extends baselist and contains items that extend
<tabpane text="Tabslider">
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="10"/>
<text align="center"><b>Tabslider Classes</b></text>
<tabsliderview width="${parent.width - 20}"/>
<tabpane text="Tabs">
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="10"/>
<text align="center"><b>Tabs Classes</b></text>
<tabsview width="${parent.width - 20}"/>
<text resize="true" width="${parent.width - 40}" multiline="true">
Tabs automatically creates a tabsbar and tab
items. Typically you would use only tabs and tabpane
classes. When changing how the components looks and behave,
you might use or extend the base classes.
<tabpane text="Menu">
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="10"/>
<text align="center"><b>Menu Classes</b></text>
<menuview width="${parent.width - 20}"/>
<text resize="true" width="${parent.width - 40}" multiline="true">
Like combobox, menu does not subclass list, but has a
<tabpane text="Window">
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="10"/>
<text align="center"><b>Window Classes</b></text>
<windowview width="${parent.width - 20}"/>
<tabpane text="Scrollbar">
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="10"/>
<text align="center"><b>Scrollbar Classes</b></text>
<scrollbarview width="${parent.width - 20}"/>
<tabpane text="Tree">
<simplelayout axis="y" spacing="10"/>
<text align="center"><b>Tree Classes</b></text>
<treeview width="${parent.width - 20}"/>
<button name="back" text="See Components Hierarchy">
<handler name="onclick">
canvas.treehier.setAttribute('visible', true);
canvas.related.setAttribute('visible', false);
Cross References
Named Instances