<class name="calendar_event" height="22" bgcolor="${normalColor}" width="$once{canvas.width}" clickable="true">
<attribute name="category" value="$path{'category[1]/@value'}"/>
<attribute name="normalColor" type="color" value="${this.getEventColor( this.category )}"/>
<attribute name="hiColor" type="color" value="0xDDDDDD
<attribute name="bkgndColor" type="color" value="0x5D84CB
<method name="getEventColor" args="cat">
if (cat==undefined || cat=="") return (0xC6CEDC); //default
else var catColor = category_colors[cat];
return (gColorTable[catColor].dim);
<attribute name="pixelPerMin" type="number" value="22/60
<attribute name="mouseIsDown" value="false
<attribute name="selected" value="$path{'@selected'}" setter="this.setSel( selected )"/>
<method name="setSel" args="sel">
// When a event is current it's selected node attribute is 'true'
// This is the only way that an event becomes the current event,
// which in turn selects the event selector bar
this.selected = sel;
if (this.selected){
eventselector.setSelectedEvent( this ,this.mouseIsDown );
<attribute name="defaultTimes" value="{startHour: 0, startMin: 0, endHour: 0, endMin: 0}
<attribute name="startHour" value="$path{'start[1]/@hour'}"/>
<attribute name="startMin" value="$path{'start[1]/@minute'}"/>
<attribute name="startTime" value="${this.startHour * 60 + Number( this.startMin )}"/>
<attribute name="endHour" value="$path{'end[1]/@hour'}"/>
<attribute name="endMin" value="$path{'end[1]/@minute'}"/>
<attribute name="endTime" value="${this.endHour * 60 + Number( this.endMin )}"/>
<handler name="ondata">
var dts = this.defaultTimes;
for (var f in dts) {
if (! this[f]) {
this.setAttribute(f, dts[f]);
<view name="tl" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="${classroot.width}" height="1"/>
<view name="bl" bgcolor="#555555" width="${classroot.width}" height="1" y="${parent.height-1}"/>
<text name="timeArea" fgcolor="#4B5D6C" width="35" height="20" x="2" y="3" resize="true" visible="$once{!this.classroot.classroot.opened}">
<attribute name="text" value="${ classroot.startHour }" type="text"/>
<datapath xpath="start[1]">
<attribute name="datacontrolsvisibility" value="false
<setter name="text" args="h">
h = Number( h );
var ap = h < 12 ? 'a' : 'p';
if ( h > 12) h-=12;
else if ( h==0 ) h='12';
super.setAttribute('text', h + ap );
<text name="smalltitletext" fgcolor="#4B5D6C" width="$once{classroot.width}" height="20" x="${parent.timeArea.width + 5}" y="3" datapath="summary[1]/@value"/>
<method name="openToggle" args="o">
if ( o ){
this.timeArea.setAttribute('visible', false );
this.smalltitletext.setAttribute('x', 10 );
this.timekgnd.setAttribute('bgcolor', this.bkgndColor);
} else {
this.timeArea.setAttribute('visible', true );
this.smalltitletext.setAttribute('x', 25 );
this.setAttribute('x', 0 );
this.setAttribute('height', 22);
<state name="timeLayout" applied="${this.parent.classroot.opened}" onapply="parent.openToggle(true)" onremove="parent.openToggle(false)">
<attribute name="x" value="24
<attribute name="y" value="${this.startTime * this.pixelPerMin + (pixelPerMin * 30)}"/>
<attribute name="height" value="${Math.max( 22, ( this.endTime - this.startTime ) * this.pixelPerMin )}"/>
<view name="timekgnd" bgcolor="#5D84CB" opacity=".3" x="-29" width="29" height="${parent.height}">
<datapath xpath="end[1]"/>
<handler name="onmouseover">
this.setAttribute('bgcolor', this.hiColor );
<handler name="onmouseout">
this.setAttribute('bgcolor', this.normalColor );
<handler name="onmousedown">
this.mouseIsDown = true;
//The next line seems redundant. See: eventselector.lzx
eventselector.selectData( this );
<handler name="onmouseup">
this.mouseIsDown = false;
// define colors for event types
var gColorTable = {
dim: 0xCBD1C5,
bright: 0xD4DAC8,
bkgnd: 0x587457,
trans: {ra:85, ga:100, ba:85}
dim: 0xBBC6D1,
bright: 0xC6CEDC,
bkgnd: 0x4C5E7E,
trans: {ra:75, ga:85, ba:100},
bvl_bkgnd: 0xCDD4E0,
bvl_hilite: 0xDFE4EB,
bvl_shdw: 0x606369
dim: 0xC5C3D5,
bright: 0xCDC6DC,
bkgnd: 0x4C5E7E,
trans: {ra:85, ga:75, ba:100}
dim: 0xC6CEDC,
bright: 0xDDDDDD,
bkgnd: 0x9F9F9F,
trans: {ra:80, ga:80, ba:80}
var category_colors = {
holiday: 'green',
astro: 'purple',
milestone: 'blue'