
<include href="utils/layouts/layout.lzx"/>
<class name="stableborderlayout" extends="layout">
    <!--- The axis in which this layout operates. One of 'x' or 'y'. -->
    <attribute name="axis" setter="this.setAxis( axis )" type="string"/>

    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <method name="reset" args="e=null">
        if ( this.locked || (this.subviews && this.subviews.length < 2 )) { return; }
        this.subviews[ 1 ].setAttribute(this.axis ,
                            this.subviews[ 0 ][(this.sizeAxis )] );
    <!--- This method is usually only called when the size of the parent 
          changes. This means that stableborderlayout is not really designed
          for use in situations where the size of the views controlled by the
          layout changes after init time. However, this method may be called
          directly to force the layout to update. 
          @param Number newsize: size to use to update-->
    <method name="update" args="newsize=null">
        if ( this.locked || this.subviews.length < 3 ) { 
        if (newsize == null) {
            var parent = this.immediateparent;
            if (parent.usegetbounds) {
                parent = parent.getBounds();
            newsize = parent[this.sizeAxis];
        var middleview = this.subviews[1];
        var lastview = this.subviews[2];
        // use computed bounds when necessary
        var lastviewbounds = lastview.usegetbounds ? lastview.getBounds() : lastview;
        var middleviewbounds = middleview.usegetbounds ? middleview.getBounds() : middleview;
        // add/subtract .1 pixel fudge factor to prevent gaps - see LPP-6681
        lastview.setAttribute( this.axis , newsize - lastviewbounds[this.sizeAxis] - .1);
        middleview.setAttribute( this.sizeAxis , newsize - lastviewbounds[this.sizeAxis] -
                                    middleviewbounds[ this.axis ]  + .1);
        this.locked = false;

    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <method name="addSubview" args="sd">
        super.addSubview( sd );
        if (this.subviews.length == 2 ){
            // this is the second subview
            var firstsubview = this.subviews[0];
            if (firstsubview.usegetbounds) {
                firstsubview = firstsubview.getBounds();
            this.subviews[ 1 ].setAttribute(this.axis, firstsubview[this.sizeAxis] );
            // sd['hasset'+this.sizeAxis] = true;
        }else if ( this.subviews.length > 2 ){

    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <method name="setAxis" args="a">
        this.axis = a;
        this.sizeAxis = a == "x" ? "width" : "height"
        if (this.updateDelegate) this.updateDelegate.register( this.immediateparent, 
                                      "on" + this.sizeAxis ); 
        <tag name="shortdesc"><text>Keeps the width of two outer sibling views constant, while stretching the innermost one.</text></tag>
              <para><classname>stableborderlayout</classname> extends <sgmltag class="element" role="LzLayout"><layout></sgmltag>, and is therefore 
              responsible for arranging a set of views. Unlike like most layouts, <classname>stableborderlayout</classname> only manipulates the first three 
              subviews. All of the other subviews are ignored. <classname>stableborderlayout</classname> is very similar to 
              <sgmltag class="element" role="lz.simplelayout"><simplelayout></sgmltag> in that it arranges views vertically or horizontally depending 
              on the axis specified. The difference is that <classname>stableborderlayout</classname> stretches the second view so that the total combined width 
              (or height) of these three subviews matches the width (or height) of their parent.</para>
              <para>The following example demonstrates the differences between <classname>simplelayout</classname> and <classname>stableborderlayout.</classname></para>
              <example title="simplelayout vs. stableborderlayout">
<canvas height="100">
  <view bgcolor="yellow" width="200">
    <view bgcolor="blue" height="30" width="50"/>
    <view bgcolor="red" height="30" width="50"/>
    <view bgcolor="blue" height="30" width="50"/>
    <simplelayout axis="x" spacing="10"/>
  <view y="40" bgcolor="yellow" width="200">
    <view bgcolor="blue" height="30" width="50"/>
    <view bgcolor="red" height="30"/>
    <view bgcolor="blue" height="30" width="50"/>
    <stableborderlayout axis="x"/>
              <para>Note that there is no spacing parameter allowed in <classname>stableborderlayout</classname>. Also, notice that each parent 
              view has a width of 200. In the top view this information is preserved, which is why yellow can be seen extending past the last subview. 
              In the bottom view no yellow can be seen because it is covered up by the blue and red views. Finally, take note that the second red 
              view has no width assigned to it, because <classname>stableborderlayout</classname> controls that value directly.</para>

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