
    <include href="utils/layouts/layout.lzx"/>
    <class name="simpleboundslayout" extends="layout">
        <!--- The axis in which this layout operates, 'x' or 'y'. -->
        <attribute name="axis" value="y" setter="this.setAxis( axis )" type="string"/>
        <!--- A pixel amount to use between each view in the layout. -->
        <attribute name="spacing" value="0" setter="this.spacing = spacing;                          if( this.subviews.length ) this.update()"/>

        <!--- setter for the axis attribute. The default value is 'y' 
          @param string a: 'x' oy 'y' -->
        <method name="setAxis" args="a">
            this.axis = a;
            this.sizeAxis = a == "x" ? "width" : "height"

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="addSubview" args="newsub">
            this.updateDelegate.register( newsub,  "onx");
            this.updateDelegate.register( newsub,  "ony");
            this.updateDelegate.register( newsub,  "onrotation");
            this.updateDelegate.register( newsub,  "onwidth");
            this.updateDelegate.register( newsub,  "onheight");
            this.updateDelegate.register( newsub,  "onvisible");
            super.addSubview( newsub );


        <!--- This method is usually called automatically when any of the views
              controlled by the layout change their size in the layout axis, or
              their visibility. However it can be called directly to force the
              layout to update -->
        <method name="update" args="v=null">
            if ( this.locked ) return;
            var l = this.subviews.length;
            var c = 0;
            for(var i=0; i < l; i++) {
                var s = this.subviews[i]; 
                if ( !s.visible ) continue;
                var sb = s.getBounds();
                if ( s[ this.axis ] != c - sb[ this.axis + "offset"] ){
                    s.setAttribute( this.axis , c - sb[ this.axis + "offset"] );
                c += this.spacing + sb[ this.sizeAxis ] ;
        <tag name="shortdesc"><text>Arranges a set of views along an 'x' or 'y' axis with respect to the bounding rect of the views</text></tag>
              <para>Views have a bounding rectangle that can be different than the rectangle that is defined by their position, width and height. 
              <classname>simpleboundslayout</classname> uses that bounding rectangle to lay out a set of views along an x or y axis, similar to 
              <sgmltag class="element" role="lz.simplelayout"><simplelayout></sgmltag> that uses a views position and its width or height. 
              The example below shows the difference when using <classname>simpleboundslayout</classname> vs. a <classname>simplelayout</classname> 
              for a set of three views.</para>
            <example title="Example of simpleboundslayout">
<canvas height="100">
  <include href="utils/layouts/simpleboundslayout.lzx"/>
  <view bgcolor="0x8A8A8A" x="10" y="10">
    <view width="60" height="60" bgcolor="teal"/>       
    <view width="60" height="60" bgcolor="blue" rotation="45"/> 
    <view width="60" height="60" bgcolor="teal"/>           
    <simpleboundslayout axis="x"/> 
  </view >
  <view bgcolor="0x8A8A8A" x="250" y="10">
    <view width="60" height="60" bgcolor="teal"/>       
    <view width="60" height="60" bgcolor="blue" rotation="45"/> 
    <view width="60" height="60" bgcolor="teal"/>           
    <simplelayout axis="x"/> 
  </view >
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