
    <include href="lz/button.lzx"/>
    <include href="lz/windowpanel.lzx"/>
    <include href="utils/layouts/simplelayout.lzx"/>
    <include href="utils/layouts/resizelayout.lzx"/>

   <!-- A modal dialog window. -->
    <class name="modaldialog" extends="windowpanel" x="${(immediateparent.width - this.width)/2}" y="${(immediateparent.height - this.height)/3}" focustrap="true" visible="false">

        <!--- The left inset for the dialog contents from the edge of the
              window inner frame. -->
        <attribute name="content_inset_left" value="14"/>
        <!--- The top inset for the dialog contents from the edge of the window
              inner frame. -->
        <attribute name="content_inset_top" value="10"/>
        <!--- The right inset for the dialog contents from the edge of the
              window inner frame -->
        <attribute name="content_inset_right" value="14"/>
        <!--- The bottom inset for the dialog contents from the edge of the
              window inner frame. -->
        <attribute name="content_inset_bottom" value="10"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="defaultplacement" value="mdcontent" type="string"/>
        <view name="mdpadding" width="${mdcontent.width + parent.content_inset_left + parent.content_inset_right}" height="${mdcontent.height + parent.content_inset_top + parent.content_inset_bottom}">
            <view x="${classroot.content_inset_left}" y="${classroot.content_inset_top}" name="mdcontent">
            <state applied="${!classroot._usecontentwidth}">
                <attribute name="width" value="${parent.immediateparent.width                      - classroot.content_inset_left- classroot.content_inset_right }"/>
            <state applied="${!classroot._usecontentheight}">
                <attribute name="height" value="${parent.immediateparent.height                             - classroot.content_inset_top- classroot.content_inset_bottom}"/>
            <!-- this is the "defaultplacement" view -->

        <!--- Opens the dialog (use this method, not setVisible). While the
              dialog is open, the user will not be able to interact with other
              windows or UI elements in the application. -->
        <method name="open">
            //need to show this before taking the mode, so that any default
            //buttons contained by the this window will get hasdefault=true
            this.setAttribute('visible',  true );
            lz.ModeManager.makeModal( this );

        <!--- Closes the dialog. -->
        <method name="close" args="...ignore">
            this.setAttribute('visible',  false );
            lz.ModeManager.release( this );

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="passModeEvent" args="event_name, view">
            return false;

            <tag name="shortdesc"><text>
                A modal dialog
                    The <tagname>modaldialog</tagname> tag creates a moveable 
                    floating view. When opened, the user cannot interact with 
                    any other part of the application until the dialog is 
                    closed. A modal dialog is typically declared on the canvas. 
                    It is automatically centered horizontally and appears 
                    vertically at the top third of the screen. The position can 
                    be altered by setting an explicit x and y position in the tag.
<canvas height="300">
  <modaldialog name="mydialog" width="300" height="200">
    <text>Are you really sure you want to do something?</text>
    <view align="right" layout="axis:x; spacing:20">
      <button onclick="parent.parent.close()">Cancel</button>
      <button onclick="parent.parent.close()" isdefault="true">OK</button>
    <simplelayout spacing="5"/>

  <button onclick="">Open Dialog</button>
            <p><b>See Also:</b></p>

                     <literal>modaldialog</literal> and <sgmltag class="element" role="lz.alert"><alert></sgmltag>


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* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
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