
<!--- @copyright 2005-2009 Laszlo Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
                 Use is subject to license terms.
  <!---  This should be declared as a child of the thing for which you want to
        enable dragging.  You will need to define a view (an instance of a
        subclass of <xref linkend="lz.basedragimage"/>)
        to define the visual look of the thing while its being dragged.
        <example executable="false">
        &lt;class name="dragger" &gt;
            &lt;handler name="onmousedown"&gt;
                checkdrag.setAttribute('applied', true);
            &lt;handler name="onmouseup"&gt;
                checkdrag.setAttribute('applied', false);

            &lt;checkdragstate name="checkdrag" draggername="dragimage"/&gt;

        The object that you want to accept a drop action, needs to register with
        lz.Track using the same group as is declared in the dragimage.

        <example executable="false">
        &lt;class name="droptarget"&gt;
            &lt;method name="init"&gt;
                lz.Track.register(this, 'target');

            &lt;handler name="onmousetrackover"&gt;
               setAttribute('bgcolor', 0xffff00); // hilite
            &lt;handler name="onmousetrackout"&gt;
               setAttribute('bgcolor', null); // normal
            &lt;handler name="onmousetrackup"&gt;
               setAttribute('bgcolor', null); // normal
               Debug.write('dropped: '+dragimage.source.text);
        @access public
  <class name="checkdragstate" extends="state">
    <!--- an instance subclass of basedragimage that defines the
         visual representation of the item while it is being dragged
    <attribute name="draggername" value="dragimage" type="string"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="starty" value="$once{this.y}"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="startx" value="$once{this.x}"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="ydoffset" value="this.getMouse( 'y' )" when="once"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="xdoffset" value="this.getMouse( 'x' )" when="once"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="ydrag" value="${checkDragPos('y', this.immediateparent.getMouse( 'y' ))}"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="xdrag" value="${checkDragPos('x', this.immediateparent.getMouse( 'x' ))}"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="dragging" value="false"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="firsttime" value="true"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <method name="checkDragPos" args="xory, mousepos">
      if (this.firsttime) {
        xdrag = this.x; ydrag = this.y;
        this.firsttime = false;
      var newpos = mousepos - this[xory + 'doffset'];
      var diff = this[xory + 'drag'] - this['start' + xory];
      if (Math.abs(diff) > 5 && !this.dragging) {
        canvas[draggername].startdrag(this, xdoffset, ydoffset);
        this.dragging = true;
      return newpos;
  <!--- the visual representation of an object being dragged.
        See <xref linkend="lz.checkdragstate"/> for usage details 
        @access public
  <class name="basedragimage" options="ignorelayout" visible="false">
    <!--- the group that drop targets will register with -->
    <attribute name="dropgroup" value="droptarget" type="string"/>
    <!--- the view where the drag was initiated
          @keywords read-only -->
    <attribute name="source" value="null"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="startx" value="0" type="number"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="starty" value="0" type="number"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="dropped" value="false"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="xdoffset" value="null"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="ydoffset" value="null"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="_onstopdel" value="null"/>
    <!--- called to start the drag action, called by checkdrag -->
    <method name="startdrag" args="src, xoffset, yoffset">
      this.startx = src.getAttributeRelative('x', canvas);
      this.starty = src.getAttributeRelative('y', canvas);
      this.setAttribute('x', this.startx);
      this.setAttribute('y', this.starty);
      this.setAttribute('visible', true);
      this.source = src;
      this.dropped = false;
      // set up the offset from the source mouse offset
      if (this.xdoffset == null) this.xdoffset = xoffset;
      if (this.ydoffset == null) this.ydoffset = yoffset;
      ds.setAttribute('applied', true);
    <!--- called to stop the drag action, called by checkdrag.  If this is
        not over a drop target, it animates back to its origin (failed drop).
        Otherwise it disappears (successful drop).-->
    <method name="stopdrag" args="ignore=null">
      if (dropped) {
        this.setAttribute('visible', false);
      } else {
        var anm = this.animate('x', startx, 200);
        this.animate('y', starty, 200);
        if ( !this._onstopdel )  this._onstopdel = new lz.Delegate( this, 'hideme' );
        this._onstopdel.register( anm, 'onstop' );
      ds.setAttribute('applied', false);
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <method name="hideme" args="ignore=null">
      setAttribute('visible', false);
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <method name="dropcomplete" args="source">
      this.dropped = true;
    <state name="ds">
      <attribute name="y" value="${this.immediateparent.getMouse( 'y' ) - this.ydoffset}"/>
      <attribute name="x" value="${this.immediateparent.getMouse( 'x' ) - this.xdoffset}"/>

Cross References
