
    <!-- CLASS INDEX:

    <!--- The dataseries class handles the data for charting
        and graphing.  Multiple dataseries objects can be
        declared on a given chart, resulting in multiple
        sets of data displayed.  (Of beta quality.) -->
    <class name="dataseries" datapath="${parent.parent.datapath}">
        <!--- Public attributes -->
        <!--- The data to be linked to the x axis.  (Also used for piechart data.) -->
        <attribute name="xdatapath" type="string" value=""/>
        <!--- The data to be linked to the y axis. -->
        <attribute name="ydatapath" type="string" value=""/>
        <!--- Is this series of data enabled? -->
        <attribute name="dataenabled" value="true"/>
        <!--- The path of the label data. -->
        <attribute name="label" type="string" value=""/>
        <!--- Color of the line, bar or pie piece. -->
        <attribute name="datacolor" type="string" value=""/>
        <!--- Bar resource, if any. -->
        <attribute name="dataresource" type="string" value=""/>
        <!--- Opacity of the bar, line or pie piece. -->
        <attribute name="dataopacity" type="string" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- (To be developed:) Whether a tooltip is available onmouseover. -->
        <attribute name="tooltip" type="boolean" value="false"/>
        <!--- Whether a bar has animation.  Currently only works
            for bars, but may eventually be worked into other
            chart types. -->
        <attribute name="animationinit" type="string" value=""/>

        <!--- Size of a label's text. -->
        <attribute name="labeltextsize" type="string" value="10"/>
        <!--- Color of a label's text. -->
        <attribute name="labeltextcolor" type="color" value="#000000"/>
        <!--- Color of the label. -->
        <attribute name="labelcolor" type="color" value="#EEEEEE"/>
        <!--- Color of a label's border. -->
        <attribute name="labelborder" type="string" value="#000000"/>
        <!--- Width of a label's border.  (Set 0 for none.)-->
        <attribute name="labelborderwidth" type="string" value="1"/>

        <!--- Barchart-specific attributes -->
        <!--- Whether to draw labels at the bases of bars, and
            what data to use.  No labels are drawn if not specified. -->
        <attribute name="baselabels" type="string" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Angle of baselabels.  (Determines rotation of tick labels
            at the bases of bars.  Not compatible with DHTML.) -->
        <attribute name="baselabelangle" type="number" value="$once{null}"/>

        <!--- Linechart-specific attributes -->
        <!--- The size of the points. -->
        <attribute name="pointdiameter" type="string" value="5"/>
        <!--- Whether to draw points, and if so, which color. -->
        <attribute name="pointsvisible" type="string" value=""/>
        <!--- Whether to draw a line between points, and if so, which color.
            If using data for this attribute, this will determine whether
            to draw a line from the last point to the current point. -->
        <attribute name="linesvisible" type="string" value=""/>
        <!--- The thickness of the line from the last point to the current point.
            If using data for this attribute, this will determine the thickness
            of the line from the last point to the current point. -->
        <attribute name="linethickness" type="string" value="1"/>
        <!--- Whether to draw borders around points, and if so, which color. -->
        <attribute name="pointborder" type="string" value=""/>
        <!--- What shape to make the point. -->
        <attribute name="pointshape" type="string" value="square"/>
        <!--- The opacity of the points. -->
        <attribute name="pointopacity" type="string" value="1"/>
        <!--- The border around the points. -->
        <attribute name="pointborderwidth" type="string" value="1"/>
        <!--- Whether to fill beneath the line, and if so, which color. -->
        <attribute name="fillbelow" type="string" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- The opacity of the filled area below the line. -->
        <attribute name="fbopacity" type="string" value=".2"/>

        <!--- Piechart-specific attributes -->
        <!--- Whether the area behind the pie is colored, and if so,
            what color. -->
        <attribute name="piebgcolor" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- The color of each piece's border. -->
        <attribute name="bordercolor" type="string" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- The width of each piece's border. -->
        <attribute name="borderwidth" type="string" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Whether certain pieces should have radii different from the
            overall pie, and if so, how much shorter or longer, percentage-wise.
            (e.g. A value of 10 would mean 10% greater a radius.) -->
        <attribute name="radiusadjust" type="string" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Whether to draw the background circle, and if so, what color. -->
        <attribute name="drawbg" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Whether to draw an outline around the background circle's
            circumference, and if so, what color. -->
        <attribute name="drawbgborder" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- Thickness of the background circle's circumference outline. -->
        <attribute name="bgborderwidth" type="number" value="1"/>
        <!--- Whether the pieces should move away from the center on mouseover. -->
        <attribute name="explode" type="boolean" value="false"/>
        <!--- Whether or not there's a legend associated with this data.
            Values: top, bottom, left, right,
            manualtop, manualbottom, manualleft, manualright. -->
        <attribute name="legend" type="string" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- In a piechart, legends are generated dynamically, as there can be
            multiple charts, and we potentially need one for each pie in the
            chart.  Thus, for each dynamically-generated legend, we can specify
            the attributes on each dataset. -->
        <!--- The color of the legend border, if any. -->
        <attribute name="legendborder" type="color" value="#000000"/>
        <!--- The width of the legend border. -->
        <attribute name="legendborderwidth" type="number" value="1"/>
        <!--- Background color of the legend, if any. -->
        <attribute name="legendbg" type="color" value="#CCCCCC"/>
        <!--- The onmouseover highlight for legend elements. -->
        <attribute name="legendhl" type="color" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- The title of the legend.  If not null, appears at the top of
            the legend. -->
        <attribute name="legendtitle" type="string" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- The position of the title: left, right, center. -->
        <attribute name="legendtitleposition" type="string" value="left"/>
        <!--- The location of the data to be used in the legend.  If unspecified,
            the numerical values of the piechart will be used. -->
        <attribute name="legenddatapath" type="string" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- If legend is 'manual', this sets the x coordinate of the legend. -->
        <attribute name="legendx" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- If legend is 'manual', this sets the y coordinate of the legend. -->
        <attribute name="legendy" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- If legend is 'manual', this sets the width of the legend. -->
        <attribute name="legendwidth" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- If legend is 'manual', this sets the height of the legend. -->
        <attribute name="legendheight" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- Whether to show the legend when the chart is minimized, when
            there are multiple charts. (It is strongly recommended this
            be set to false for multiple pies.) -->
        <attribute name="showlegendminimized" type="boolean" value="true"/>

        <!--- Private attributes -->

        <!--- @keywords private
            An array of data, from an xpathQuery on xdatapath. -->
        <attribute name="xdata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            An array of data, from an xpathQuery on ydatapath. -->
        <attribute name="ydata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            An array of data, from an xpathQuery on label. -->
        <attribute name="labeldata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            An array of data, from an xpathQuery on dataresource. -->
        <attribute name="rscdata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            An array of opacity data, from an xpathQuery on dataopacity. -->
        <attribute name="opacdata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            An array of data, from an xpathQuery on datacolor. -->
        <attribute name="colordata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            If x or y data is strings, this will serialize it.
            Will only work for one direction of data.  How
            could you have strings in both directions? -->
        <attribute name="serializeddata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- Barchart-specific attributes. -->
        <!--- @keywords private
            The data for labels along the tick access that track
            the bases of bars. -->
        <attribute name="baselabeldata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- Linechart-specific attributes. -->
        <!--- @keywords private
            Data for point diameters, if a datapath is specified
            for point diameter. -->
        <attribute name="pointddata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            Data for whether points are visible, if a datapath is
            specified for point visibility. -->
        <attribute name="pvdata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            Data for whether a line is visible, if a datapath is
            specified for line visibility. -->
        <attribute name="lvdata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            Data for the thickness of the line, if a datapath is
            specified for line thickness. -->
        <attribute name="lthickdata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            Data for the color of the borders of points, if a datapath is
            specified for the point border color. -->
        <attribute name="pborderdata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            Data for the shapes of points, if a datapath is specified
            for the point shape. -->
        <attribute name="pshapedata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            Data for the opacity of points, if a datapath is specified
            for point opacity. -->
        <attribute name="popacdata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            Data for the widths of point borders, if a datapath is specified
            for point border width. -->
        <attribute name="pbwidthdata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- Piechart-specific attributes. -->
        <!--- @keywords private
            Data for the borders of pie pieces, if a datapath is specified
            for pie piece border width. -->
        <attribute name="borderdata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            Data for the widths of pie piece borders, if a datapath is specified
            for pie piece border width. -->
        <attribute name="borderwidthdata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            Data for what data is to be used for the legend.  (Piechart legends
            behave differently from other legends, due to multiple chart
            generation.) -->
        <attribute name="legenddata" value="$once{[]}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            Data for the offset for piece radii, if a datapath is specified
            for radius offset. -->
        <attribute name="raddata" value="$once{[]}"/>

        <handler name="ondata" method="sortData"/>
        <!--- Processes all the data, reading xpathQueries on locations
            specified in attributes into different arrays, to be used in
            the chart. -->
        <method name="sortData" args="ignore">
            var dp = this.datapath;

            this.setAttribute('xdata', dp.xpathQuery(this.xdatapath));
            this.setAttribute('ydata', dp.xpathQuery(this.ydatapath));
            if(this.legenddatapath != null){
                this.setAttribute('legenddata', dp.xpathQuery(this.legenddatapath));
            if(this.dataresource != '' && this.dataresource != null){
                this.setAttribute('rscdata', dp.xpathQuery(this.dataresource));
            if(this.dataopacity != '' && this.dataopacity != null){
                this.setAttribute('opacdata', dp.xpathQuery(this.dataopacity));
            } else {
                this.setAttribute('dataopacity', 1);
            if(this.label != '' && this.label != null){
                this.setAttribute('labeldata', dp.xpathQuery(this.label));
            if(this.datacolor != '' && this.datacolor != null){
                if(this.linesvisible.indexOf('#') != 0){
                    this.setAttribute('colordata', dp.xpathQuery(this.datacolor));
            if(this.baselabels != '' && this.baselabels != null){
                this.setAttribute('baselabeldata', dp.xpathQuery(this.baselabels));
            if(this.pointdiameter != ''&& this.pointdiameter != null){
                this.setAttribute('pointddata', dp.xpathQuery(this.pointdiameter));
            if(this.pointsvisible != '' && this.pointsvisible != null){
                if(this.pointsvisible.indexOf('#') != 0){
                    this.setAttribute('pvdata', dp.xpathQuery(this.pointsvisible));
            if(this.linesvisible != '' && this.linesvisible != null){
                if(this.linesvisible.indexOf('#') != 0){
                    this.setAttribute('lvdata', dp.xpathQuery(this.linesvisible));
            if(this.linethickness != '' && this.linethickness != null){
                this.setAttribute('lthickdata', dp.xpathQuery(this.linethickness));
            if(this.pointborder != '' && this.pointborder != null){
                this.setAttribute('pborderdata', dp.xpathQuery(this.pointborder));
            if(this.pointshape != '' && this.pointshape != null){
                this.setAttribute('pshapedata', dp.xpathQuery(this.pointshape));
            if(this.pointopacity != '' && this.pointopacity != null){
                this.setAttribute('popacdata', dp.xpathQuery(this.pointopacity));
            if(this.pointborderwidth != '' && this.pointborderwidth != null){
                this.setAttribute('pbwidthdata', dp.xpathQuery(this.pointborderwidth));
            if(this.bordercolor != '' && this.bordercolor != null){
                this.setAttribute('borderdata', dp.xpathQuery(this.bordercolor));
            if(this.borderwidth != '' && this.borderwidth != null){
                this.setAttribute('borderwidthdata', dp.xpathQuery(this.borderwidth));
            if(this.radiusadjust != '' && this.radiusadjust != null){
                this.setAttribute('raddata', dp.xpathQuery(this.radiusadjust));
        <!--- @keywords private
            Counts how many dataseries instances there are. -->
        <method name="countSiblingDataseries">
            var siblength = parent.subnodes.length;
            var sibnum = 0;
            for(var i = 0; i <= siblength; i++){
                if(parent.subnodes[i] instanceof lz.dataseries){
            return sibnum;
        <!--- @keywords private
            To be developed: In the event of string data, converts
            to numbers.  Not entirely sure this is necessary.  After
            all, how do you comparatively quantize strings? -->
        <method name="serializeStringData">
            <tag name="shortdesc">
                    (See barchart, linechart, or piechart for an example.)
    <!--- A container class for dataseries instances.  Helps organize and
        locate the data. All dataseries tags in a chart must be children
        of this class. -->
    <class name="chartdata" datapath="${parent.datapath}"/>

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