
    <!--- A bar, used in barchart.  (Of beta quality.) -->
    <class name="databar" visible="${this.datalink.dataenabled}">
        <!--- @keywords private
            The dataset to which this bar is linked. -->
        <attribute name="datalink" value="$once{null}"/>
        <!--- If true, will display additional information about data
            in a popup when the cursor is placed over a bar.
            (Tooltip to be developed in a future version.) -->
        <attribute name="tooltip" type="boolean" value="false"/>
        <!--- Animation style for when bars appear. -->
        <attribute name="animationinit" type="string" value=""/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The real height of the bar, to be used for animations. -->
        <attribute name="realheight" type="number" value="$once{this.height}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The real width of the bar, to be used for animations. -->
        <attribute name="realwidth" type="number" value="$once{this.width}"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The real y coordinate of the bar, to be used for animations. -->
        <attribute name="realy" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- @keywords private
            The real x coordinate of the bar, to be used for animations. -->
        <attribute name="realx" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- The image to be loaded over the bar, if any. -->
        <attribute name="dataresource" type="string" value=""/>
        <!--- The chart's direction.  (Set here as well for easier reference.) -->
        <attribute name="drawaxis" type="string" value="x"/>
        <!--- The number of sibling bars. -->
        <attribute name="siblingbars" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- The space between bars. -->
        <attribute name="barspace" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- This bar's number in its series. -->
        <attribute name="barnumber" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- This bar's group's set number. -->
        <attribute name="barset" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- Total number of bar sets. -->
        <attribute name="totalsets" type="number" value="0"/>
        <!--- Numerical value of bar. -->
        <attribute name="bvalue" type="number" value="0"/>

        <handler name="onmouseover">
        <handler name="oninit" method="initBar"/>
        <!--- Sets constraints, positioning, animation, et cetera. -->
        <method name="initBar" args="ignore">
            // Constrains width and positioning to the size and scale of
            // the bar view.
            if(this.drawaxis == 'x'){
                var d = [parent, "width"];
                this.applyConstraintMethod("__constraintAxisX_width", d);

                var dd = [this, "width"];
                this.applyConstraintMethod("__constraintAxisX_x", dd);

                var ddd = [parent.classroot, "scaler"];
                this.applyConstraintMethod("__constraintAxisX_height",  ddd);

                var h = [parent, "height"];
                this.applyConstraintMethod("__constraintAxisX_y", h);
            } else {
                var d = [parent, "height"];
                this.applyConstraintMethod("__constraintAxisY_height", d);

                var dd = [this, "height"];
                this.applyConstraintMethod("__constraintAxisY_y", dd);

                var ddd = [parent.classroot, "altscaler"];
                this.applyConstraintMethod("__constraintAxisY_width", ddd);

                var h = [parent, "width"];
                this.applyConstraintMethod("__constraintAxisY_x", h);
            // Sends bars behind labels.
            this.setAttribute('realx', this.x);
            this.setAttribute('realy', this.y);
            // Performs animation if set.
            if(this.animationinit && !parent.anicomplete){
                if(animationinit == "fadein"){
                if(animationinit == "growdown"){
                if(animationinit == "unblink"){
                if(animationinit == "rain"){
                if(animationinit == "slideover"){
        <method name="__constraintAxisX_x" args="ignore">
            this.setAttribute("x", ((this.barnumber * this.totalsets) *
                (this.width + this.barspace)) + ((this.width + this.barspace) *
        <method name="__constraintAxisX_y" args="ignore">
            if(this.bvalue < 0){
                this.setAttribute("y", parent.height - (Math.abs(parent.classroot.minimum) * parent.classroot.scaler));
            } else {
                this.setAttribute("y", parent.height - (Math.abs(parent.classroot.minimum) * parent.classroot.scaler) -
                    this.height - (parent.classroot.zerowidth / 2));
        <method name="__constraintAxisX_width" args="ignore">
                (parent.width / this.siblingbars) - this.barspace);
        <method name="__constraintAxisX_height" args="ignore">
            this.setAttribute("height", Math.abs(this.bvalue) * parent.classroot.scaler);
        <method name="__constraintAxisY_x" args="ignore">
            this.setAttribute("x", (Math.abs(parent.classroot.minimum) * parent.classroot.altscaler) -
                (parent.classroot.zerowidth / 2) - (this.bvalue < 0 ? this.width : 0));
        <method name="__constraintAxisY_y" args="ignore">
            this.setAttribute("y", ((this.barnumber * this.totalsets) *
                (this.height + this.barspace)) + ((this.height + this.barspace) *
        <method name="__constraintAxisY_width" args="ignore">
            this.setAttribute("width", Math.abs(this.bvalue) * parent.classroot.altscaler);
        <method name="__constraintAxisY_height" args="ignore">
                (parent.height / this.siblingbars) - this.barspace);

        <!--- Animations for bars.  Can easily be extended in the future to include
            different animations for a greater range of visual awesomeness. -->
        <!--- Fades the bars in. -->
        <animator name="fadein" attribute="opacity" from="0" to="1" duration="5000" start="false"/>
        <!--- Starts at the top of the bar and grows down to zero. -->
        <animator name="growdown" attribute="${parent.drawaxis == 'x' ? 'height' :             'width'}" from="0" to="${parent.drawaxis == 'x' ? parent.realheight :             parent.realwidth}" duration="5000" start="false"/>
        <!--- Width of the bar starts at zero and expands to full width. -->
        <animator name="unblink" attribute="${parent.drawaxis == 'x' ? 'width' :             'height'}" from="0" to="${parent.drawaxis == 'x' ? parent.realwidth :             parent.realheight}" duration="5000" start="false"/>
        <!--- Bars rain down from random heights, landing at zero. -->
        <animator name="rain" attribute="${parent.drawaxis == 'x' ? 'y' : 'x'}" from="${Math.random(1, 10) * 100}" to="${parent.drawaxis == 'x' ? parent.realy : parent.realx}" duration="${Math.random(1, 10) * 10000}" start="false"/>
        <!--- Bars slide into the plot area from the left of the screen if drawaxis
            is x, or from the top of the screen if drawaxis is y. -->
        <animator name="slideover" attribute="${parent.drawaxis == 'x' ? 'x' : 'y'}" from="-100" to="${parent.drawaxis == 'x' ? parent.realx : parent.realy}" duration="5000" start="false"/>
            <tag name="shortdesc">
                    (See barchart for an example.)
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* Copyright 2001-2008 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
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<!-- @LZX_VERSION@                                                         -->

Cross References
