
    <class name="basetrackgroup">

        <!--- The view that will be used to define the bounding rect for tracking
              the mouse -->
        <attribute name="boundsref" value="${this}" setter="this.setBoundsRef( boundsref )"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <event name="onboundsref"/>

        <!--- The periodic rate in milliseconds to track the mouse-->
        <attribute name="trackingrate" value="150"/>

        <!--- Indicates if this trackgroup is currently tracking or not.
              It can bet set to turn tracking on or off, or use the methods
              activatetrackgroup and deactivatetrackgroup -->
        <attribute name="tracking" value="true" setter="setTracking( tracking )"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <event name="ontracking"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_trackgroup"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_boundstrackgroup"/>

        <!--- an array of events which will activate tracking. 
           To override, you must declare as once. For example:
           <programlisting>&lt;attribute name="activateevents" value="['onmouseover']" when="once"/&gt;</programlisting>
        <attribute name="activateevents" value="['onmousedown']"/>

        <!--- an array of events which will deactivate tracking. 
           To override, you must declare as once. For example:
           <programlisting>&lt;attribute name="deactivateevents" value="['onmouseover']" when="once"/&gt;</programlisting>
        <attribute name="deactivateevents" value="['onmouseup']"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_activateDL" value="null"/>
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_deactivateDL" value="null"/>
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_repeattrackDL" value="null"/>
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_destroyDL" value="null"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <event name="onmousetrackoutbottom"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <event name="onmousetrackouttop"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <event name="onmousetrackoutright"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <event name="onmousetrackoutleft"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="construct" args="parent, args">
            super.construct(parent, args);

            this._activateDL    = new LzDelegate(this,'activateTrackgroup');
            this._deactivateDL  = new LzDelegate(this,'deactivateTrackgroup');
            this._repeattrackDL = new LzDelegate(this,'trackingout');
            this._destroyDL = new LzDelegate(this,'destroyitem');
            this._trackgroup = "tg" + this.getUID();
            this._boundstrackgroup = "btg" + this.getUID();
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="init">
            lz.Track.register( this.boundsref, this._boundstrackgroup );
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="destroy">

            //lz.Track.unregisterAll(this._trackgroup);//LPP-4429: we would call this if it was implemented
            lz.Track.unregister(this.boundsref, this._boundstrackgroup);

            //so we won't run extra code in "onremovesubview"
            this.activateevents = null;
            this.deactivateevents = null;


        <!--- sets the view that will act as the bounds for this trackgroup -->
        <method name="setBoundsRef" args="ref">
            this.boundsref = ref;
            if ( this.onboundsref ) this.onboundsref.sendEvent();

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="setTracking" args="istracking">
            this.tracking = istracking;
            if ( this.isinited ) {
                if ( istracking ) {
                    // have global lz.Track service activate this group
                } else {
                    // have global lz.Track service deactivate this group
            if ( this.ontracking ) this.ontracking.sendEvent( istracking );

        <!--- activates the trackgroup for this view.
              It is called automatically when any subview gets an event
              from the activateevents set of events -->
        <method name="activateTrackgroup" args="v">
            this._destroyDL.register( v, "ondestroy" );

        <!--- deactivates the trackgroup for this view.
              It is called automatically when any subview gets an event
              from the deactivateevents set of events -->
        <method name="deactivateTrackgroup" args="ignore">

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="destroyitem" args="ignore">

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <handler name="onaddsubview" args="v">
            lz.Track.register( v, this._trackgroup );
            if (this.activateevents) {
                var actDel = this._activateDL;
                var actEvt = this.activateevents;
                for (var i = 0; i < actEvt.length; ++i) {
                    actDel.register( v, actEvt[i] );
            if (this.deactivateevents) {
                var deactDel = this._deactivateDL;
                var deactEvt = this.deactivateevents;
                for (var i = 0; i < deactEvt.length; ++i) {
                    deactDel.register( v, deactEvt[i] );

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <handler name="onremovesubview" args="v">
            lz.Track.unregister( v, this._trackgroup );
            if (this.activateevents) {
                var actDel = this._activateDL;
                var actEvt = this.activateevents;
                for (var i = 0; i < actEvt.length; ++i) {
                    actDel.unregisterFrom( v[actEvt[i]] );
            if (this.deactivateevents) {
                var deactDel = this._deactivateDL;
                var deactEvt = this.deactivateevents;
                for (var i = 0; i < deactEvt.length; ++i) {
                    deactDel.unregisterFrom( v[deactEvt[i]] );

        <handler name="onmousetrackout" reference="this.boundsref" method="trackingout"/>

        <!--- Called when the mouse is down and tracked
              outside the bounding rect defined by boundsref. this method
              generates the onmousetrackoutleft, onmousetrackoutright,
              onmousetrackouttop, onmousetrackoutbottom events -->
        <method name="trackingout" args="ignore">
            // the mouse has just exiting the bounding rect defined by
            // the bounds ref. Report these events to the bounds ref.
            if ( this.tracking ) {
                lz.Timer.addTimer( this._repeattrackDL,this.trackingrate );
            var mx = this.boundsref.getMouse('x');
            var my = this.boundsref.getMouse('y');

            if ( mx <= 0 ) {
                if ( this.boundsref.onmousetrackoutleft ) this.boundsref.onmousetrackoutleft.sendEvent( mx )
            } else if ( mx >= this.boundsref.width) {
                if ( this.boundsref.onmousetrackoutright ) this.boundsref.onmousetrackoutright.sendEvent( mx )

            if ( my <= 0 ) {
                if ( this.boundsref.onmousetrackouttop ) this.boundsref.onmousetrackouttop.sendEvent( my )
            } else if ( my >= this.boundsref.height ) {
                if ( this.boundsref.onmousetrackoutbottom ) this.boundsref.onmousetrackoutbottom.sendEvent( my - this.boundsref.height )

          <tag name="shortdesc"><text>used for grouping a set of views responding to mousetrack events.</text></tag>
            <p>A utility class which simplifies tracking of cursor movement across
            a set of views while in a mousedown state.  This involves creating a
            trackgroup with a unique ID and the registering of any views
            associated with that trackgroup.</p>
            <p><classname>basetrackgroup</classname> handles this
            automatically. It creates the unique trackgroup name and automatically
            registers its subviews to be tracked by the group. A developer needs
            to create the methods within the subviews to respond to the set of
            mousetrack events.</p>
            <p>The example below displays four colored rectangles within a
            <classname>basetrackgroup</classname> layed out vertically.  The
            rectangles respond to the various moustrack events by changing their
            background colors.  Try pressing the mouse down on one square, and
            dragging across the other squares.</p>
            <canvas height="200">
                <include href="/base/basetrackgroup.lzx"/>
                <class name="testview"  bgcolor="red" width="100%" height="30" clickable="true">
                <handler name="onmousetrackover">
                <handler name="onmousetrackout">
                <handler name="onmousetrackup">
                <method name="setHilite" args="ishilite">
                 if (ishilite ) this.setAttribute('bgcolor', 0x00FF00);
                 else this.setAttribute('bgcolor', 0xFF0000)
                <method name="setSelect" args="isSelect">
                  if (isSelect) this.setAttribute('bgcolor', 0x0000FF);
                  else this.setAttribute('bgcolor', 0xFF0000)
              <basetrackgroup x="20" y="20" width="100" height="200">
                <testview name="v1"/>
                <testview name="v2"/>
                <testview name="v3"/>
                <testview name="v4"/>
                <simplelayout axis="y" spacing="10"/>
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* Copyright 2001-2010 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
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Cross References
