
    <class name="basegridcolumn" extends="basecomponent">

        <!--- By default, the text of this element is the column's datapath.-->
        <attribute name="text" type="text" value="$once{ this.datapath? this.datapath.xpath : '' }"/>

        <!--- The minimum width for this column. This is relevant if the column
              can be resized. -->
        <attribute name="minwidth" value="10" type="number"/>
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_contentsPackage" value="null"/>
        <!--- The current width of the column. -->
        <attribute name="colwidth" value="${this.width}"/>
        <!--- If true, the next sort will be ascending, otherwise it will
              be descending.-->
        <attribute name="ascendsort" value="true"/>

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="defaultplacement" type="string" value="content"/>
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="placement" value="hcontent"/>

        <!--- An xpath expression to use to determine the sort key for this
              column. By default, this is the column's datapath's xpath. -->
        <attribute name="sortpath" value="" type="string"/>

        <!--- Either "number" or "string". If "string", then dictionary sort
              is used. If "number", then types are coerced to a number before
              sorting. -->
        <attribute name="datatype" value="string" type="string"/>

        <!--- An optional method. If defined, this method will be used when 
              the column is sorted when ascendsort is set to true. This method
              should have the comparator signature. It should accept to string
              argument and return 1, 0 , or -1, indicating that the two
              arguments are in order, equivalent, or out of order,
              respectively. -->
        <attribute name="ascendComparator" value="null"/>

        <!--- An optional method. If defined, this method will be used when 
              the column is sorted when ascendsort is set to false. This method
              should have the comparator signature. It should accept to string
              argument and return 1, 0 , or -1, indicating that the two
              arguments are in order, equivalent, or out of order,
              respectively. -->
        <attribute name="descendComparator" value="null"/>

        <!--- Set by <code>doSort()</code> method. If true, then this is the current
              sort column.
              @keywords readonly -->
        <attribute name="hasSort" value="false" type="boolean"/>
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="focusable" value="false"/>
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <attribute name="_lineColor" value="black" type="color"/>
        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="_applystyle" args="s">
            this.setAttribute( '_lineColor' , s.bordercolor );

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="determinePlacement" args="v, p, args">
            if ( p == "content" ){
                if ( !_contentsPackage ){
                    this._contentsPackage = [];

                var a = {};
                //need to make a new object here, to make sure that we're not
                //(later) assigning to the class attribute
                for ( var k in v._instanceAttrs ){
                    a[ k ] = v._instanceAttrs[ k ];

                var o = { 'class':  v.constructor, attrs: a };

                if ( typeof( v._instanceChildren ) != "undefined" ){
                    o.children = v._instanceChildren;
                this._contentsPackage.push( o );
                //sadly, we really don't need this
                return this;
            } else if ( p == "header" ){
                return this;
            } else if ( p == "gridcontent" ){
                return parent.content;
            } else {
                return super.determinePlacement(v, p, args);

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="_getCellForColumn">
            if ( !this._contentsPackage ) return null;
            var fupdCellBounds = function(ignore=null) {
                //'this' points to the grid cell
                this.setAttribute('x', this.ownerColumn.x );
                this.setAttribute('width', this.ownerColumn.colwidth );
            var contentspkg = this._contentsPackage;
            if ( contentspkg.length == 1 ) {
                var o = contentspkg[ 0 ];
                var cellargs = o.attrs;
                cellargs.ownerColumn = this;
                cellargs._updateCellBounds = fupdCellBounds;
                return o;
            } else {
                //there's more than one subview, so we need to pack them up
                return { 'class':  lz.view,
                         attrs:    {ownerColumn: this, _updateCellBounds: fupdCellBounds},
                         children: contentspkg };

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="_inferSortpath">
            if ( !_contentsPackage ) return "";

            for ( var i = 0; i < _contentsPackage.length; i++ ){
                var attrs = _contentsPackage[ i ].attrs; 
                if ( attrs[ 'datapath' ]  != null ){
                    return attrs.datapath;
            return "";


        <!--- Sorts the grid on the current column using the column's sortpath
              and ascendsort arguments. -->
        <method name="doSort">
            if ( this.sortpath == "" ) return;
            var repl = this.parent._getReplicator();
            if (repl != null && repl is LzReplicationManager) {
                repl.setOrder( this.sortpath , this._getSortorderArg() );
            this.setAttribute( "ascendsort" , !this.ascendsort );
            this.parent._setSortCol( this );

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="init">
            if ( this.sortpath == "" ){
                this.setAttribute( 'sortpath' , this._inferSortpath() );

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="_getSortorderArg">
            if ( this.ascendsort ){
                if ( this.ascendComparator ){
                    // Debug.write( this.ascendComparator);
                    return this.ascendComparator;
                } else if ( this.datatype == "number" ){
                    return this._numericAscendingSort;
                } else {
                    return "ascending";
            } else {
                if ( this.descendComparator ){
                    return this.descendComparator;
                } else if ( this.datatype == "number" ){
                    return this._numericDescendingSort;
                } else {
                    return "descending";

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="_numericAscendingSort" args="a,b">
            var x = Number( a );
            var y = Number( b );

            //if a variable is NaN, then it won't equal itself
            var xisnum = x == x;
            var yisnum = y == y;

            if ( xisnum == yisnum ){
                if ( !xisnum ){
                    x = a;
                    y = b;
                if ( x < y ){
                    return 1;
                } else if ( x == y ){
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    return -1;
            } else if ( xisnum ){
                return 1;
            } else {
                return -1;

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <method name="_numericDescendingSort" args="a,b">
            var x = Number( a );
            var y = Number( b );

            //if a variable is NaN, then it won't equal itself
            var xisnum = x == x;
            var yisnum = y == y;

            if ( xisnum == yisnum ){
                if ( !xisnum ){
                    x = a;
                    y = b;
                if ( x > y ){
                    return 1;
                } else if ( x == y ){
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    return -1;
            } else if ( yisnum ){
                return 1;
            } else {
                return -1;

        <!--- @keywords private -->
        <state applied="${parent.parent.showvlines}">
            <view bgcolor="${parent._lineColor}" width="1" x="${parent.x + parent.colwidth + parent.immediateparent.x}" height="${immediateparent.height}" placement="gridcontent" oninit="this.sendInFrontOf( immediateparent.rowparent )" options="ignorelayout"/>

          <tag name="shortdesc"><text>An abstract column in a grid.</text></tag>
            <p><classname>basegridcolumn</classname> can be used in
            <classname>basegrid</classname>s or <classname>grid</classname>s to
            customize the look of both the column header and the row contents for
            that column. In cases where a standard column header look is desired,
            but the contents may vary, use <classname>gridcolumn</classname>.</p>
            <p>The placement of "header" can be used to place nodes in the header
            of the grid, and the default placement for the class will place things
            in the row. See the example in <classname>basegrid</classname>.</p>
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