
<!-- X_LZ_COPYRIGHT_BEGIN ************************************************
* Copyright 2007-2009 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.         *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                       *
* X_LZ_COPYRIGHT_END ************************************************** -->
    <include href="av/videoscreen.lzx"/>
    <include href="av/videoslider.lzx"/>
    <include href="utils/layouts/simplelayout.lzx"/>

    <!--- provides standard UI controls for video playback
    <class name="videoplayer">
        <!--- true for verbose debug logging -->
        <attribute name="debug" value="false"/>

        <!--- a reference to the stream to enable direct control,
              such as or -->
        <attribute name="stream" value="${}"/>
        <!--- type of stream: 'http' or 'rtmp', 
              see mediastream for details -->
        <attribute name="type" type="string" value="http"/>

        <!--- url of the stream to play
              see mediastream for details -->
        <attribute name="url" type="string" value=""/>

        <!--- when true, playback will start automatically
              without user action -->
        <attribute name="autoplay" value="false"/>

        <!--- Show the frame from this time (in seconds) whenever the url 
            is set for video playback.
            Use -1 to show no frame (which will leave the image as it
            was when switching videos) -->
        <attribute name="starttime" value="0" type="number"/>

        <!--- why would you want this? no test case, marking private 
              @access private -->    
        <attribute name="showscreen" value="true"/>

        <!--- why would you want this? no test case, marking private 
              @access private -->    
        <attribute name="showslider" value="true"/>

        <!--- the border around the video image.  Default: 5 -->
        <attribute name="border" value="5"/>

        <!--- the left border on the video image.  Default: this.border -->
        <attribute name="borderLeft" value="${this.border}"/>

        <!--- the right border on the video image.  Default: this.border -->
        <attribute name="borderRight" value="${this.border}"/>

        <!--- the top border on the video image.  Default: this.border -->
        <attribute name="borderTop" value="${this.border}"/>

        <!--- the bottom border on the video image.  Default: this.border -->
        <attribute name="borderBottom" value="${this.border}"/>

        <!--- if non-zero, then this will be used to maintain the
              aspect ratio based on the width of the videoscreen.
              Default: 4/3
        <attribute name="aspectRatio" value="$once{4/3}"/>

        <!--- the vertical space between the video image and the controls -->
        <attribute name="sliderGap" value="5"/>

        <!--- the controls stretch to this height, but I don't see a test
              for this and I can't imagine it looks good so I'm marking
              this private
          @access private
        <attribute name="sliderHeight" value="${             this.showslider ? this.sliderHeightVal : 0}"/>

        <!--- see note above 
          @access private
        <attribute name="sliderHeightVal" value="16"/>

        <!--- internal: derived from public attributes 
              @access private -->
        <attribute name="screenWidth" value="${             this.width - (this.borderLeft + this.borderRight)}"/>

        <!--- internal: derived from public attributes 
              @access private -->
        <attribute name="sliderTop" value="${             this.height - (this.borderBottom + this.sliderHeight)}"/>

        <!--- if true, display the current and total time -->
        <attribute name="showTimeDisplay" value="true"/>

        <!--- if true, display a volume control -->
        <attribute name="showVolumeControl" value="true"/>
        <!--- color of the progress bar -->
        <attribute name="progressColor" value="0x00ff00"/>
        <!--- starts playing audio/video from the given URL,
              which may be http or rtmp.  If you want to 
              play the current url, use -->
        <method name="playVideo" args="url, type">
            var ms = 

            ms.setAttribute("type", type);
            ms.setAttribute("url", url);


       <simplelayout axis="y" spacing="${parent.sliderGap}"/>  
       <videoscreen name="vscreen" debug="${parent.debug}" width="${parent.width}" height="${parent.height - parent.sliderGap - parent.sliderHeight}" visible="${parent.showscreen}" type="${classroot.type}" autoplay="${classroot.autoplay}" url="${classroot.url}" volume="${parent.vslider.volume}" starttime="${parent.starttime}" borderTop="${parent.borderTop}" borderLeft="${parent.borderLeft}" borderBottom="${parent.borderBottom}" borderRight="${parent.borderRight}" aspectRatio="${parent.aspectRatio}"/>
        <videoslider name="vslider" width="${parent.width}" height="${parent.sliderHeight}" visible="${parent.showslider}" ms="${}" time="${}" totaltime="${}" showTimeDisplay="${parent.showTimeDisplay}" showVolumeControl="${parent.showVolumeControl}" color="${parent.progressColor}"/>



Cross References

