
<!--- An instance of this class will set its width relative to the
      progress of the given stream and its maxwidth attribute. It is
      green by default; however, to make it appear with a resource, you may
      set the bgcolor to null and provde a resource (and don't forget to set
      stretches attribute).
<class name="streamprogress">
    <!--- max width that this will grow to (defaults to parent's width -->
    <attribute name="maxwidth" value="${parent.width}" type="number"/>
    <!--- starting/current width (default: 0) -->
    <attribute name="width" value="0"/>
    <attribute name="height" value="10"/>
    <!--- stream for which to show the progress -->
    <attribute name="stream" value="null"/>
    <!--- read-only -->
    <attribute name="time" value="0"/>
    <!--- read-only -->
    <attribute name="totaltime" value="0"/>
    <!--- a value between 0 and 1 indicating how much of the stream has played
    <attribute name="progress" value="0"/>
    <attribute name="bgcolor" value="green"/>

    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <event name="onstream"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <event name="ontime"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <event name="ontotaltime"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <event name="onprogress"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <attribute name="_timedel" value="null"/>
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <setter name="stream" args="newStream">
        Debug.write('progress %w set stream %w', this, newStream); = newStream;
        if (!this._timedel) {
            this._timedel = new LzDelegate(this, "_updateTime");
        } else { 
        this._timedel.register(, "ontime");
        this._timedel.register(, "ontotaltime");
        if (this.onstream) this.onstream.sendEvent(this);
    <!--- @keywords private -->
    <method name="_updateTime" args="ignore=null"> 
        var newTime = false, newTotal = false;
        if (this.time != {
            newTime = true;
            this.time =;
        if (this.totaltime != {
            newTotal = true;
            this.totaltime =;
        this.progress = this.totaltime > 0 ?
            this.time / this.totaltime : 0;
        if (this.ontime && newTime) this.ontime.sendEvent(this);
        if (this.ontotaltime && newTotal) this.ontotaltime.sendEvent(this);
        if (this.onprogress) this.onprogress.sendEvent(this);
    <!--- called when progress is updated, subclass may provide
          alternate implementation
          @keywords protected -->
    <method name="_updateWidth">
        this.setAttribute('width',this.maxwidth * this.progress);

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* Copyright 2001-2009 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.              *
* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
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Cross References
