
    @copyright Copyright 2001-2011 Laszlo Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
               Use is subject to license terms.

    @access public
    @topic Extensions
    @subtopic Audio-Video

<include href="mediaview.lzx"/>
<script when="immediate">
// requires "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/swfobject/2.2/swfobject.js" to be loaded in HEAD of wrapper HTML
         /* example:
           <script type="text/javascript" src="includes/swfobject.js"></script>

function onCurrentTimeChange(time, playerId)

    //    Debug.info('onCurrentTimeChange', time, playerId);

function onDurationChange(time, playerId)
    //    Debug.info('onDurationChange', time, playerId);

function onMediaPlayerStateChange (value, playerId)
        Debug.info('onMediaPlayerStateChange', value, playerId);

function onJavaScriptBridgeCreated(playerId)
    //    Debug.info("onJavaScriptBridgeCreated", playerId);
    if (!lz.html5fallbackmediaview.__playersinited) {
        lz.html5fallbackmediaview.__playersinited = true;
        var plist = lz.html5fallbackmediaview.__players;
        for (var k = 0; k < plist.length; k++) {
            var player = plist[k];
            player.setAttribute('src', this.src);
    var player = lz.html5fallbackmediaview.findPlayerById(playerId);
    if (player != null) {
        var state = player.__media.getState();
        if (state == "paused")
        } else if (state == "playing") {

    // Add event listeners that will update the 
    //player.addEventListener("currentTimeChange", "onCurrentTimeChange");
    //    player.addEventListener("durationChange", "onDurationChange");
    //    player.addEventListener("onMediaPlayerStateChange", "onMediaPlayerStateChange");

    // For some reason this callback fn keeps getting called every second when the
    // movie is playing. I cant' figure out how to disable that callback, except by deleting
    // this function..

    //onJavaScriptBridgeCreated = null;



<class name="html5fallbackmediaview" extends="html5mediaview">
        <tag name="shortdesc"><text>Abstract base class to support SWF fallback player for HTML5 video and audio playback.</text></tag>
        <p>See <sgmltag class="element" role="LzView"><html5videoview></sgmltag> and  <sgmltag class="element" role="LzView"><html5audioview></sgmltag></p>

    <attribute name="__players" allocation="class" value="[]"/>
    <attribute name="__playersinited" allocation="class" type="boolean" value="false"/>

    <method name="findPlayerById" args="pid" allocation="class">
        var plist = lz.html5fallbackmediaview.__players;
        for (var k = 0; k < plist.length; k++) {
           if (plist[k]._fpid == pid) {return plist[k]; }
        return null;

  <!--- @keywords private -->
  <method name="_addlisteners">
    // override parent, so it doesn't do anything at all. Subclass will install it's own listeners
  <!--- @keywords private -->
  <method name="_updateDuration" args="val">
  <!--- Returns whether the media element supports the specified MIME type. 
      DOMString canPlayType (in DOMString type);
      Return Value
      The possible string values are: “no”, “probably” and “maybe”.

  <setter name="autobuffer" args="val">
          Debug.info("autobuffer setter NYI");

  <setter name="autoplay" args="val">
    this.autoplay = val;
    if (this.__media) this.__media.autoplay = val;
    if (this.onautoplay) this.onautoplay.sendEvent(val);

  <setter name="currentTime" args="val"> 
        if (this.__media && this.__media.seek) this.__media.seek( val );
        if (this.onCurrentTimeChange) this.onCurrentTimeChange.sendEvent(val);
        if (this.onCurrentTime) this.onCurrentTime.sendEvent(val);

  <setter name="controls" args="val"> 
    if (this.oncontrols) this.oncontrols.sendEvent(val);

  <!--- Starts loading the media resource. -->
  <method name="load">

  <!--- Pauses the media playback if in progress. -->
  <method name="pause">

  <!--- Begins playing the media resource. -->
  <method name="play">
    Debug.warn("play() not yet implemented", this);

<class name="html5fallbackvideoview" extends="html5fallbackmediaview">
            <p><tagname>html5fallbackvideoview</tagname> allows applications to play video from HTTP servers.</p> 

            <example><programlisting class="code">
            <html5videoview src="http://www.archive.org/download/SoundieF/SoundieF_512kb.mp4" autoplay="true" width="320" height="240"/>

  <!--- @keywords private  id of the flowplayer div-->
  <attribute name="_fpid" value="null"/>

  <!--- @keywords private pointer to flowplayer object -->
  <attribute name="fp" value="null"/>

  <method name="makeNativePlayer" args="args">
    var vid = document.createElement('div');
    this._fpid = "strobeMediaPlayback"; // ++LzNode.__UIDs;
    vid.id = this._fpid;


  <method name="init">


    // Create a StrobeMediaPlayback configuration 
    var parameters =
    {   autoPlay: this.autoplay
    ,   controlBarAutoHide: false
    ,   javascriptCallbackFunction: "onJavaScriptBridgeCreated"

    // Embed the player SWF:            
    ( "StrobeMediaPlayback.swf"
    , "strobeMediaPlayback"
    , 640
    , 480
    , "10.1.0"
    , {}
    , parameters
    , { allowFullScreen: "true"}
    , { name: "strobeMediaPlayback" }

    this.__media = document.getElementById(this._fpid);


  <!--- @keywords private -->
  <method name="_addlisteners">

  <setter name="src" args="val"> 
             Debug.info('set src', val);
    this.src = val;
    if (this.__media && this.__media.setMediaResourceURL) this.__media.setMediaResourceURL(val);
    if (this.onsrc) { this.onsrc.sendEvent(val); }

   <method name="addSource" args="url,mimetype=null,codecs=null">
         this.setAttribute('src', url);
   <method name="removeSources" args="">
         this.setAttribute('src', null);

  <!--- Begins playing the media resource. -->
  <method name="play">
    Debug.info(this, "play()");
    try {
        // TODO we should only send this event when the swf player tells us it is actually playing
    } catch (e) {

  <method name="load">

  <method name="pause">
  <!--- Sent when the video begins displaying as fullscreen -->
  <event name="onbeginfullscreen"/>
  <!--- Sent when the video stops displaying as fullscreen -->
  <event name="onendfullscreen"/>
  <attribute name="poster" type="string"/>
  <!--- The native width of the video in CSS pixels. (read-only) -->
  <method name="getVideoWidth">
    return flowplayer(this._fpid).getClip().width;
  <!--- The native height of the video in CSS pixels. (read-only) -->
  <method name="getVideoHeight">
    return flowplayer(this._fpid).getClip().height;
  <!--- Is video element displaying fullscreen mode? -->
  <method name="getDisplayingFullscreen">
  <!--- Does video element support fullscreen mode? -->
  <method name="getSupportsFullscreen">
  <!--- Enters fullscreen mode. -->
  <method name="enterFullscreen">
  <!--- Exits fullscreen mode. -->
  <method name="exitFullscreen">
  <setter name="volume" args="val">
    this.volume = val;
    if (this.ready && this.__media) {
    if (this.onvolumechange) { this.onvolumechange.sendEvent(val); }
    if (this.onvolume) { this.onvolume.sendEvent(val); }

  <setter name="muted" args="val">
     this.muted = val;
     if (this.ready && this.__media) {
     if (this.onmuted) this.onmuted.sendEvent(val);



Cross References

