
class that provides all common features for the rectangular charts like line, bar and column


defaultmaxx (default: 0)
defaultmaxy (default: 0)
defaultminx (default: 0)
defaultminy (default: 0)
horizontalGridLines (default: false)

Determines if the horizontal grid lines are going to be used

maxx (default: 0)

The maximum virtual value to be rendered in the 'x' axis

maxy (default: 0)

The maximum virtual value to be rendered in the 'y' axis

minx (default: 0)

The minimum virtual value to be rendered in the 'x' axis

miny (default: 0)

The minimum virtual value to be rendered in the 'y' axis

verticalGridLines (default: false)

Determines if the vertical grid lines are going to be used



changeBound (newminx , newminy , newmaxx , newmaxy , animated , undoable)
change the virtual boundary of the rectangular chart
newminx (Number) - the new min x of the boundary
newminy (Number) - the new min y of the boundary
newmaxx (Number) - the new max x of the boundary
newmaxy (Number) - the new max y of the boundary
animated (Number) - the animation duration in milliseconds. 0 for no animation
undoable (Number) - deterimine if the action can be undo
customizeMinMax (pMinX , pMaxX , pMinY , pMaxY)
Allows to customize the minimum and maxium data value.
pMinX (Number) - the new minimum value in 'x' of the chart.
pMaxX (Number) - the new maximum value in 'x' of the chart.
pMinY (Number) - the new minimum value in 'y' of the chart.
pMaxY (Number) - the new maximum value in 'y' of the chart.
render ()
render the chart
renderHorizontalGridlines ()
renderValuePoint ()
renderVerticalGridlines ()
undo (duration)
undo the last chart zoom interaction to the one previous
duration -