Part V. Data and Databinding

Table of Contents

36. Data, XML, and XPath
1. Data in LZX
2. What is XML?
3. XPath
37. Data Access and Binding
1. Preview of databinding
2. OpenLaszlo datasets and data nodes
3. Ways to include data
5. Datapointers
6. Accessing data
7. Simple binding
8. Manipulating datapointers
9. Data processing
38. Data Replication
1. Introduction
2. Implicit Replication
3. Explicit Replication
39. Data Provider
1. Introduction
2. DataProvider
3. DataRequest
4. Dataset
5. Data request sequence
40. Building Data-Driven Applications
1. Introduction
2. Retrieving Data
3. Updating Datasets
4. Working with Datapointers
5. Working with Classes
6. Working with a Database
7. Updating, Deleting, and Inserting Data