allows applications to play video from HTTP servers.
" autoplay
" width
" height
Name (CSS property) | Type (tag) | Type (js) | Default | Category |
string | String | read/write | |
__media, autobuffer, autoplay, buffered, controls, currentTime, defaultPlaybackRate, duration, end, ended, error, loop, muted, networkState, paused, playbackRate, played, ready, readyState, src, startTime, volume
aaactive, aadescription, aaname, aasilent, aatabindex, align, backgroundrepeat, bgcolor, cachebitmap, capabilities, clickable, clickregion, clip, colortransform, context, contextmenu, cornerradius, cursor, fgcolor, focusable, focustrap, font, fontsize, fontstyle, frame, framesloadratio, hasdirectionallayout, hassetheight, hassetwidth, height, layout, loadratio, mask, opacity, pixellock, playing, proxyurl, resource, resourceheight, resourcewidth, rotation, shadowangle, shadowblurradius, shadowcolor, shadowdistance, showhandcursor, source, stretches, subviews, tintcolor, totalframes, unstretchedheight, unstretchedwidth, usegetbounds, valign, visibility, visible, width, x, xoffset, xscale, y, yoffset, yscale
classroot, cloneManager, data, datapath, defaultplacement, id, ignoreplacement, immediateparent, inited, initstage, name, nodeLevel, options, parent, placement, styleclass, subnodes, transition
_readyDelay, addSource, canPlayType, construct, getCurrentSrc, load, pause, play, removeSources, seekable, seeking
bringToFront, containsPt, getAttributeRelative, getBounds, getColor, getColorTransform, getCurrentTime, getDepthList, getDisplayObject, getID3, getMouse, getNextSelection, getPan, getPrevSelection, getProxyURL, getTotalTime, getVolume, init, isBehind, isInFrontOf, isMouseOver, measureHeight, measureWidth, play, proxyurl, searchSubviews, seek, sendAAEvent, sendBehind, sendInFrontOf, sendToBack, setAccessible, setAttributeRelative, setColor, setColorTransform, setPan, setProxyPolicy, setSource, setVolume, shouldYieldFocus, stop, unload, updateResourceSize
animate, applyConstraintMethod, applyData, childOf, completeInstantiation, construct, createChildren, dataBindAttribute, destroy, determinePlacement, getOption, getUID, init, lookupSourceLocator, releaseConstraint, releaseConstraintMethod, searchImmediateSubnodes, searchSubnodes, setOption, setSelected, updateData
Name | Description |
Sent when the video begins displaying as fullscreen |
Sent when the video stops displaying as fullscreen |
onabort, oncanplay, oncanplaythrough, onemptied, onended, onerror, onloadeddata, onloadedmetadata, onloadstart, onpause, onplay, onplaying, onprogress, onratechange, onreadystatechange, onseeked, onseeking, onstalled, onsuspend, ontimeupdate, onvolumechange, onwaiting
onaddsubview, onbackgroundrepeat, onblur, onclick, onclickable, onclip, oncontext, oncornerradius, ondblclick, onerror, onfocus, onframe, onframesloadratio, ongesture, onheight, onkeydown, onkeyup, onlastframe, onload, onloadratio, onmousedown, onmousedragin, onmousedragout, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmousetrackout, onmousetrackover, onmousetrackup, onmouseup, onmouseupoutside, onopacity, onplay, onplaying, onremovesubview, onshadowangle, onshadowblurradius, onshadowcolor, onshadowdistance, onstop, ontimeout, ontouch, onvisible, onwidth, onx, ony
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