Arranges a set of views to a constant 'x' or 'y' value.

JavaScript: lz.constantlayout
extends <layout> » <node> » lz.Eventable »

constantlayout extends <LzLayout>, and therefore it is responsible for arranging all of the subviews for the view that it is attached to. The attributes of a view that constantlayout effects are the x and y values, and as its name implies constantlayout sets all of the subviews to the same value.

Example 69. Using constantlayout

<canvas height="100">
        <view bgcolor="red">
            <view width="80" height="80" bgcolor="teal"/>       
            <view width="60" height="60" bgcolor="silver"/> 
            <view width="40" height="40" bgcolor="green"/>           
            <constantlayout axis="x" value="10"/>

In this example the teal, silver and green views are aligned on the horizontal (x) axis; the layout element's value attribute (10) causes the subviews to be shifted ten pixels to the right.

Example 70. Aligning on the horizontal axis.

<canvas height="100">
            <view bgcolor="red">
                <view width="80" height="80" bgcolor="teal"/>       
                <view width="60" height="60" bgcolor="silver"/> 
                <view width="40" height="40" bgcolor="green"/>           
                <constantlayout axis="y" value="10"/>


Name (CSS property) Type (tag) Type (js) Default Category
axis string String y read/write
  The axis in which this layout operates either 'x' or 'y'.
value expression any   read/write
  The constant value that is applied to the attribute ( defined in 'axis' as 'x' or 'y' ) of each subview in the layout.

Attributes inherited from <layout>

locked, subviews, updateDelegate


This method is called automatically by the layout. However it can be called directly to force the layout to update
Parameter Name Type Description

Methods inherited from lz.Eventable

destroy, setAttribute


Events inherited from <node>

onconstruct, ondata, oninit

Events inherited from lz.Eventable
