An abstract class to represent backend data sources.

JavaScript: lz.DataProvider
extends lz.Eventable »

lz.Dataprovider is an abstract class that can be extended to create new kinds of dataproviders, such as lz.HTTPDataProvider. These dataproviders are the client's representation of a backend entity. There is no tag that corresponds to this class.

Dataproviders represent queryable server-side data sources, capable of creating or changing Datasets. Dataproviders are type-specific, i.e. http, jdbc or soap. Dataproviders manage connections to the server, and process requests which are submitted via the doRequest method. The request is generated in an instance of lz.DataRequest. A Dataprovider updates the lz.DataRequest with loading and status information via the onstatus event of the lz.DataRequest.


lz.DataProvider.abortLoadForRequest(dreq : lz.DataRequest);
Interrupts any load in progress.
Parameter Name Type Description
dreq lz.DataRequest The data request for which to interrupt the load.

lz.DataProvider.doRequest(dreq : lz.DataRequest);
Executes the given DataRequest
Parameter Name Type Description
dreq lz.DataRequest The data request to run


Methods inherited from lz.Eventable

destroy, setAttribute


Events inherited from lz.Eventable
